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Spicy Sesame Carrot Soup with Red Lentils. Recette vegan #59 : Soupe de poisson (sans poisson !) Avec ou sans poisson ? - Une bouillabaisse - Lutsubo. Je vous propose aujourd’hui de faire une bouillabaisse.

Avec ou sans poisson ? - Une bouillabaisse - Lutsubo

Ma soupe express à la vapeur : orties, chanvre et petits-pois. Vegan French Onion Noodle Soup. Vegan Creamy Spinach and Artichoke Soup. Roasted Tomato & Sourdough Soup. There are two things we have in spades right now - ripe tomatoes and sourdough bread.

Roasted Tomato & Sourdough Soup

Inevitably, this time of year the variations on tomato soups and sauces coming out of the kitchen are many. Velouté de courge au miel & à la chicorée et son croustitopping express aux noix & sarrasin. Split Pea Soup with Cheesy Sage Dumplings - Planted Purpose. Cozy up with a bowl of Split Pea Soup with Cheesy Sage Dumplings.

Split Pea Soup with Cheesy Sage Dumplings - Planted Purpose

This hearty soup features yellow split peas, red potatoes, carrots, and celery, served with delicious, fluffy dumplings. While we may be teetering between winter and spring, I have a feeling that the cold weather will be lingering around for just a little while longer. In the meantime, this hearty split pea soup is the perfect meal for keeping cozy until those warmer spring days hit. Vegan Savory Tang Yuan Recipe (湯圓, Glutinous Rice Dumplings) This savory tang yuan recipe (glutinous rice dumplings) is a vegan version of a classic Chinese dish often prepared for winter solstice.

Vegan Savory Tang Yuan Recipe (湯圓, Glutinous Rice Dumplings)

The delicious broth is made with shallots, garlic, lemongrass, shiitake mushrooms, and kombu (dried kelp). When we think about major holidays in December, Christmas often comes to mind. However, in Chinese culture, winter solstice is a very important festival. Dongzhi (冬至), which literally translates to “the extreme of winter,” has its theoretical underpinning in the concept of yinyang (陰陽 / 阴阳); it is both a celebration of the shortest day of the year and the return of longer daylight in the weeks ahead. In southern China, families gather together to make and eat tang yuan (湯圓 / 汤圆) for dongzhi. Tartines de Noël à la courge caramélisée et velouté de pois cassés. En cette période, nous sommes tous à la recherche d'idées de recettes pour des fêtes parfaites!

Tartines de Noël à la courge caramélisée et velouté de pois cassés

J'aurais envie de vous dire de ne pas trop vous compliquer la vie, on peut faire des choses simples, vite préparées et sans se ruiner! Jouez sur le mariage des couleurs et des saveurs pour faire de belles assiettes originales, mais toujours avec des ingrédients faciles et de saison. QUICK SMOKY RED LENTIL STEW FROM “PRETTY SIMPLE COOKING” Pin it!


Pin it! I can’t believe I’m sharing a pantry-friendly stew recipe here with you in April, but springtime in Ontario is a bit of a cruel joke, so here we are. Cozy stews and bakes are still necessary with these single digit temps. Chorizo-Spiced Lentil Stew. Turmeric Carrot Apple Soup — dolly and oatmeal. Happy 2017!

Turmeric Carrot Apple Soup — dolly and oatmeal

I hope you all had a wonderful beginning to the new year :) frank and i made our yearly tradition of mole sauce, except this year we kinda cheated by using a starter! Basically it had all the spices, chiles, and nuts/seeds all ground up and made into a paste so that all we had to do was add sautéed tomatoes, some stock, and salt! Somehow it still took 2 hours to make in between soothing our babe, playing with him, stopping to feed and change him, all that good stuff ;) i also took some time to reflect a bit on the past year. it was grand in so many ways. having my cookbook published, being pregnant and having a baby! In many ways it was the most fulfilling year, but also super rough as well. there were quite a few personal hurdles, the emotional suck of the presidential election and its outcome, and the curious world of hormones post-baby. it's been an interesting year to say the least. Turmeric roasted carrot soup + carrot top harissa. This past weekend was our photography + styling workshop in NYC.

turmeric roasted carrot soup + carrot top harissa

Just like when any other workshop is over, I am left feeling recharged and re-inspired by the students and the experience. This was the first time we hosted a workshop in my home city, and it was also the first time where I cooked most of the food we were eating. Both made me so happy. Feeding people + NYC are two of my favorite things and I loved sharing them both with our eager students. For lunch on Saturday, we indulged on LOTS of veggies. We lucked out with the weather last weekend, but last week was the first week the temperature change was noticeable. ► "Houmous soup" express ! Je ne sais pas quels sont vos rapports d'amitié avec le houmous "maison", mais pour ma part, je crois que je me damnerai pour lui !

► "Houmous soup" express !

Alors s'il m'arrive d'avoir un reste de pois chiches cuits (ou une conserve de pois chiche) à utiliser, pour varier les plaisirs et changer un peu, je le transforme parfois en "houmous soup" express... une délicieux velouté de pois chiche au sésame. Bien sûr, vous pouvez également réaliser cette recette avec des pois chiches secs (préalablement trempés la veille et cuits directement dans la soupe). Le temps de cuisson sera simplement un peu plus long mais le résultat tout aussi gourmand ;) Coté atouts nutritionnels, cette soupe de légumineuses est à la fois riche en protéines végétales et en calcium + bien rassasiante ;)

Un menu écossais pour Burns Night #1 - Cullen Skink vegan. Connaissez-vous la tradition de la Burns Night en Écosse ?

Un menu écossais pour Burns Night #1 - Cullen Skink vegan

Chai-Spiced Apple Sweet Potato Soup. Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503) Reason: Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons Important note for site admins: If you are the administrator of this website note that your access has been limited because you broke one of the Wordfence firewall rules. The reason you access was limited is: "Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons". If this is a false positive, meaning that your access to your own site has been limited incorrectly, then you will need to regain access to your site, go to the Wordfence "options" page, go to the section for Firewall Rules and disable the rule that caused you to be blocked.

If you're still having trouble, then simply disable the Wordfence firewall and you will still benefit from the other security features that Wordfence provides. Butternut Squash & Vanilla Bean Soup. I love playing around with different flavor combinations in the kitchen and boy am I glad I played around with the ingredients in this soup. I was originally going to make a butternut squash puree with a vanilla infused brown butter sauce (don’t worry that’s coming up next!) But I was craving soup so I decided to try the same concept here. This is a unique soup (with only 5 ingredients!) That had both Taylor and me quietly contemplating each spoonful. Soupe crue aux carottes, noix de cajou, coriandre et gingembre. Asparagus, Fennel & Spinach Soup + Topping! In our house, soup is rarely served without some kind of topping. It’s almost like a yin and yang thing, we start talking about soup and the conversation automatically moves on to topping suggestions. I guess it’s a pretty natural thing since we eat a lot of soup and prefer it to be a more complete meal, instead of just a starter.

The toppings does not only add a different texture and flavor to the soup, but also some more stomach filling proteins. Velouté de fenouil, citron vert et crème de cajou Recette. Imaginez-vous que ce velouté de fenouil au citron vert est entré dans ma vie parce que j’ai un jour gagné une cure de jus de trois jours à un concours. (Certains d’entre se demandent sans doute pourquoi j’ai participé à une telle opération, mais voilà : je suis curieuse, et j’aime les jus pressés à froid.)

J’avais le choix entre une cure 100% jus, ce dont j’avais déjà fait l’expérience et que je n’avais pas adoré, ou une formule un peu plus accessible à base de jus et de soupes. C’est celle-ci que j’ai choisie. Finalement, je n’ai pas fait la cure comme elle était prescrite — j’avais trop faim — mais j’ai intégré les jus et les soupes à mes repas en les partageant avec ma famille, et en appréciant le petit boost nutritionnel.

Barszcz – Polish beetroot broth - Lazy Cat Kitchen. Maryland-style Old Bay Vegetable Soup with Shiitake, Celery and Kabocha Squash - Will Frolic for Food. I’m just gonna keep todays post brief because I’m about to head off to Seattle to visit my friend Sasha from Tending the Table! We’ve been planning this get together for months and I can’t wait to squeeze her. I’m also pretty stoked to soak in those cloudy, rainy, coffee-infused Seattle vibes. This Old Bay vegetable soup has to be one of my favorite dinners of the season. Delicate shiitake mushrooms and creamy roasted kabocha squash swim in a celery-infused tomato broth, spiced generously with Old Bay seasoning — with a heaping of cilantro stirred in right at the end.

The Easiest Vegan Tomato Soup Recipe. This Vegan Tomato Soup Recipe helps you make a creamy soup with tons of umami using just four ingredients and 15 minutes. Pair it with a toasted sandwich for a simple and super comforting meal. Vegan Minestrone Soup - Connoisseurus Veg. Chickenless Tofu Noodle Soup. White Chard Stew Recipe. Before we talk about today's soup, I just want to mention that I'll be in Seattle this week for an event at Book Larder - Wednesday evening, October 14, from 6:30-8pm. There will be food/drinks, I'll be signing books, and I hope to meet some of you there! Here's a link to more details, come say hi! Pictured above - my Sunday soup ritual this week. A riff on a ribolitta, using anything and everything on hand before I start hopping flights to Seattle, and then New York. I used all the chard in the crisper (white stemmed), plump white beans, potatoes, celery, the last of the flat of tomatoes from Nadine's Bird Song Farm, and the heels of loaves from both Manresa Bread and Companion Bakeshop.

OSG GIVE-A-WAY & GOLDEN FRENCH LENTIL STEW - Wholehearted Eats. Soupe de lentilles, blettes, kibbeh et citron "adass bel-hamud" Velouté de pois cassés, carotte, gingembre et miso blanc. Ombres et lumière d'hiver. Chickpea & Sweet Potato Noodle Soup - My New RootsMy New Roots. It’s pretty clear how I’m handling winter this year: lots of big, bold, spicy food. Chili, saffron, ginger, and paprika are on heavy rotation these days, and I’m surviving cold days with hot meals infused with far-away flavours. The inspiration for this dish came from harira, a spicy Moroccan and Algerian soup that is traditionally eaten during Ramadan.

I made it a lot when I first went vegetarian, about 16 years ago, but after adding several more recipes to my repertoire, kind of forgot about it. In the interest of internally thawing out my bod, I thought I would dust off this old favourite and give it a couple updates. Herbed Split Pea & Basmati Rice Soup with Caramelized Onions - Connoisseurus Veg.

Garlic pepper soba with chili-roasted tofu + my vegetable stock method. Pin it! Lemongrass Miso Soup Recipe. One thing I've most enjoyed experimenting with over the past year is broth. Ginger Miso Soup with Tokyo Turnips – Recipe by Love and Lemons. Galangal Tofu with Lemongrass-Scented Broth. Delicious Detox: A 20-Minute Turmeric-Miso Soup: Gardenista. Easy 30 Minute Pho - Beard + Bonnet. Vegan Laksa - Malaysian Curry Laksa Soup Recipe.