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Here's What It Would Look Like If Romeo And Juliet Had Instagram. S Interactive Dating Series “Relationshipped" Returns To Facebook Watch For Season Two. INMA: 6 key training points for a digital, data-savvy newsroom. The generation now retiring from newsrooms can remember the days when a university degree was not required to become a reporter and thrive in journalism.

INMA: 6 key training points for a digital, data-savvy newsroom

They remember typewriters and telecopiers and page composition that relied on X-Acto knives and tubs of wax. In the old days, newcomers to newsrooms learned by doing. The biggest tech trends of 2019. Open journalism - a different kind of newsroom. By 2019, 80% of the World's Internet Traffic Will Be Video. Video content accounted for an impressive 64% of all the world’s internet traffic in 2014, but even with all the ALS challenges, and cat videos that year brought us, we are due an explosion in consumption over the next 4 years.

By 2019, 80% of the World's Internet Traffic Will Be Video

According to a new report from Cisco, by 2019, online video will be responsible for four-fifths of global Internet traffic. The stats for the U.S. are even more impressive, coming in at 85%. Cisco states that the dramatic increase will not only be driven by the increased popularity of OTT video streaming services, but also by the sheer number of us that will be connected by 2019. Over half the planet (around 3.9 billion people) will have access to the Internet by that time, but the number of devices able to access the web will be three times as high as the global population!

10 essential media stats from September 2018. This is the second in our new monthly series offering the most important data and research about the media and communications industries.

10 essential media stats from September 2018

Here’s 10 key numbers from the past month which caught our eye: 1. U.S. adults spend over 11 hours a day connected to media The Nielsen Total Audience Report for Q1 2018 provided a detailed insight into US media habits across digital as well as linear (television and radio) platforms. 9 Social Media Trends to Pay Attention to in 2018 – The Startup. From new features, consumer preferences to different brand opportunities, there are a lot to look forward this year that will help every marketer develop a unicorn (solid) strategy to refine their marketing plans.

9 Social Media Trends to Pay Attention to in 2018 – The Startup

Let’s take a deep-dive into these social media trends for 2018, according to Filmora, to see how you can get a leg up and use them to your business’ advantage. 1. Videos. S Use of Your Data. How Reuters made a free personalised 'news wire' with app based on 5,000 niche topics. Reuters has switched its consumer strategy away from general news audiences to target professionals with a highly personalised news app designed to inform rapid business decision-making.

How Reuters made a free personalised 'news wire' with app based on 5,000 niche topics

The new service, which went live this week, aims to replicate the scrolling experience of timelines on Facebook and Twitter, while allowing users to customise their diet of Reuters content from 5,000 hyper-niche news “feeds” on specialist topics, industry sectors, companies and individuals. “We are allowing people to curate their own news wire,” says Isaac Showman, managing director of Reuters Consumer, in an interview with The Drum. Innovación periodística: Investigación sobre 54 salas de redacción, 9 países y 9 ideas. * Por Per Westergaard y Søren Schultz Jørgensen Los medios de comunicación más exitosos en crear y mantener lazos con sus lectores, usuarios, oyentes y televidentes serán aquellos que se atrevan a desafiar algunos de los dogmas periodísticos del último siglo: el dogma de la independencia; el dogma de la neutralidad; el dogma de la objetividad; la creencia de que los periodistas tienen una habilidad especial de encontrar y elegir lo que es importante para los ciudadanos.

Innovación periodística: Investigación sobre 54 salas de redacción, 9 países y 9 ideas

Y finalmente, pero no menos importante: la idea básica de que la función primordial del periodismo es transportar noticias e información de un sujeto a otro. MPA: Asian content spend grows 8% across seven markets – Digital TV Europe. TV, movie and online video content spend in seven major Asian markets grew by 8% in 2017 to reach US$10.2 billion, according to independent consulting and research firm Media Partners Asia (MPA).

MPA: Asian content spend grows 8% across seven markets – Digital TV Europe

The 2018 edition of MPA’s Asia Video Content Dynamics looked at content spend across India, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam and found that aggregate incremental growth in video content spend for pay TV was 38% and for online video was 30%. The biggest increases came from India where video content budgets climbed by 14% to top US$4.2 billion in 2017. This was driven by pay TV, but MPA noted that content investment in India’s online video market is also “growing rapidly,” with this trend expected to continue in the coming years. In South Korea, investment in video content increased by 7% during 2017 to approach US$3.0 billion. “In general, content investment dynamics are favourable with content investment growing,” said MPA vice president, Stephen Laslocky.

Mary Meeker’s 2018 internet trends report: All the slides, plus analysis. POLITICO acquires technology from startup company Statehill Inc. to fuel next generation Pro Intelligence platform. POLITICO acquires technology from startup company Statehill Inc. to fuel next generation Pro Intelligence platform July 3, 2018 – POLITICO Europe, a joint venture of POLITICO and Axel Springer, today announced the acquisition of technology from startup company Statehill Inc. The newly acquired technology will fuel the launch of an innovative new information platform: Pro Intelligence. The acquisition is part of POLITICO’s growing European expansion and continuing investment in their range of premium policy services – POLITICO Pro. POLITICO Europe will integrate the newly acquired monitoring technology into its professional news service, POLITICO Pro. The new platform, Pro intelligence, will combine journalistic, political and policy expertise with innovative technology and data analysis, providing the first fully comprehensive platform for organizations tracking EU and national legislative and political developments.

Friend and Foe: The Platform Press at the Heart of Journalism. Quartz sold by Atlantic Media to Uzabase of Japan. Quartz is being bought by a Tokyo-based media company seeking to expand its global footprint.

Quartz sold by Atlantic Media to Uzabase of Japan

Uzabase, founded by two former UBS investment bankers and a technology consultant, will pay between $75 million and $110 million, depending on Quartz’s financial performance for the remainder of 2018, according to Quartz parent Atlantic Media. The deal is expected to close in the next 30 days. It's a Connected World, and That's a Boon for TV Viewers. Over the past 15+ years, the number of consumer devices and services consumers have access to and ultimately use has grown exponentially, with some becoming a must have while others falling out of favor, replaced by nascent technology.

It's a Connected World, and That's a Boon for TV Viewers

But just how fast can the hot tech of the moment become obsolete and fodder for the virtual scrap heap? A Nielsen analysis shows that in December 2001, nine out of 10 U.S. households had access to a VCR. Fast forward 16 years and the penetration has fallen to 0.2%. In contrast, video game consoles and DVD players have either grown or maintained their household penetration levels since Nielsen began reporting them in the early 2000s. Meanwhile, other consumer devices and services introduced within the last decade have quickly gained wide acceptance by consumers: smartphones (89%), personal computers (79%), tablets (63%) and subscription video on-demand (SVOD) 62%.

Washington Post, Breaking News, Is Also Breaking New Ground. Axios Media Trends - March 27, 2018. Digital News Innovation Fund Report 2018. Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018. YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat are the most popular online platforms among teens.

Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018

Fully 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% say they are online 'almost constantly' Until recently, Facebook had dominated the social media landscape among America’s youth – but it is no longer the most popular online platform among teens, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Today, roughly half (51%) of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 say they use Facebook, notably lower than the shares who use YouTube, Instagram or Snapchat. Internet Trends Report 2018.

La no ficción más innovadora no es necesariamente tecnológica – Español. Will newspapers disappear in the future? By Douglas McLennan and Jack Miles By Douglas McLennan and Jack Miles The WorldPost Opinion Opinion A column or article in the Opinions section (in print, this is known as the Editorial Pages). March 21. SXSW 2018: news, films, panels, and activations from Austin, Texas’ multimedia festival.

JA García-Avilés, M Carvajal Prieto, F Arias Robles (2018): “Implantación de la innovación en los cibermedios españoles: análisis de las percepciones de los periodistas”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 73, pp. 369 a 384. Fjord Trends 2018. Bienvenidos al futuro postexto – Español. Code Media 2018. The Mainstreaming of Political Memes Online. Welcome to the Post-Text Future. Your phone buzzes. A message, an Instagram post, a tweet — some bit of digital effluvia has come in, and it’s right there, promising a brief but necessary hit of connection.

Predicciones TMT. Evercom presenta las top trends para capitalizar oportunidades y el reto digital del Dircom en 2018 – Evercom. Behance. Digital in 2018 Global Overview. From Amazon, Apple, Comcast and AT&T: This is who owns the media today. The media landscape used to be straightforward: Content companies — studios — made stuff — TV shows and movies — and sold it to pay TV distributors, who sold it to consumers. Now things are up for grabs: Netflix buys stuff from the studios, but it’s making its own stuff, too, and it’s selling it directly to consumers. That’s one of the reasons older media companies are trying to compete by consolidating. And new distributors like Verizon and AT&T are getting in on the action. Las diez tendencias tecnológicas que marcarán 2018 (infografía) - Nobbot. Arena Media analiza tendencias de consumo en Tech&Trends. Fjord Trends 2018. Entertainment and Media Outlook 2017 - 2021. España. El formato digital se convertirá en 2020 en el principal soporte publicitario en España.

IAB Digital Video Advertising Guide. Advanced Linear TV Planning and Targeting Strategies There’s a lot of talk about audience-based buying, selling, and targeting. Advertisers are looking for the right audiences, and audiences are considerably more complex than merely accounting for demographics and age. Audiences are comprised of people with specific interests and passions, behaviors and preferences. To target these more specific attributes, enhanced audience data such as MRI Fusion data, Nielsen Catalina data, are used as well as other data types (including client first-party CRM data).

While there’s no perfect dataset that can be used to identify and target audiences, everyone wants to move beyond age and gender in media buying. IAB Digital Video Advertising Guide. Inside X, Google’s Moonshot Factory - The Atlantic. I. The Question A snake-robot designer, a balloon scientist, a liquid-crystals technologist, an extradimensional physicist, a psychology geek, an electronic-materials wrangler, and a journalist walk into a room. The journalist turns to the assembled crowd and asks: Should we build houses on the ocean? To hear more feature stories, see our full list or get the Audm iPhone app.

The setting is X, the so-called moonshot factory at Alphabet, the parent company of Google. Fixing the news by rating stories – Global Editors Network – Medium. The solution: News Quality Scoring. The News Quality Scoring Project: Surfacing Great Journalism From The Web. La pirámide de Bezos: así funciona la estructura laboral en Amazon. People are watching a lot less TV news (especially local TV) as they get more news online. Thank you, readers—Quartz turns five years old this month. Here's what's coming next. — Quartz. This is the first in The Vanishing University, a four-part series exploring the tech-driven future of higher education in America. Right now, this very morning, thousands of young adults in the United States are scrambling through the same minor hell.

Mapping Online News Discovery for Computer Users in the UK - Reuters Institute Digital News Report. This report explores how online news content was discovered (and consumed) by computer users in the UK between mid-March and mid-April 2017. Arenatechandtrends - Estudios de tendencias 2016. 16 ideas sobre la transformación de los medios y una tienda bio. Nuevos perfiles profesionales para REDacciones conectadas. Helping journalists deepen their digital skills on their own time. The News Quality Scoring Project: Surfacing Great Journalism From The Web. Steven King: “Las empresas periodísticas no pueden depender de la publicidad” PlayGround: "No estamos en la época de la información: esta es la era de la Emoción"

PlayGround: “Era of information? This is the era of emotion.” The scariest chart in Mary Meeker’s slide deck for newspapers has gotten even a smidge scarier. Why The Times? International Symposium of Online Journalism 2017 (with images, tweets) · dialalluna. Product management is the new journalism. Usar el benchmarking para fortalecer la imagen corporativa. A Boston Globe memo puts the spotlight on an emerging consensus on how to transform metro papers. VidCon Europe 2017: 15 Takeaways for the Online Video Industry. Attach?broker=mediatel&token=54d4dbb27b008afe488be081de022cb5a031da87&checksum=30edda9c1beac9fc754bb40daf240e67804255bc&redirect= 10 cualidades de un director de comunicación con futuro. Log In - New York Times. Reinventing the way stories are told. A lookback at 2016 in the world of Video Streaming. - Muvi. This is The New York Times’ digital path forward. Journalism That Stands Apart - The New York Times. Log In - New York Times.

Another survey finds users aren’t that engaged with online video. VideoIQ: Programmatic Video Platform. Welcome. Forbes Welcome. Video-Neutral: How Brands Can Blur the Lines Between TV and Online Video. Video-Neutral: How Brands Can Blur the Lines Between TV and Online Video. The best journalism of 2016. Tendencias ‘techies’ para 2017. Next In Tech. Uk.businessinsider. Changes in the Audiovisual Ecosystem. White paper: Cisco VNI Forecast and Methodology, 2015-2020. Turner CEO John Martin on the future of television. How eSports are pioneering new media models. What 1200+ of the World’s Best Marketers Think About the Future of Social Media. Cory Haik on Mic, Millennials and maturing with your audience. Informe Barlovento Millennials Año2016. El 28% de los millennials muticulturales hace "detox tecnológico" una vez al mes.

Ericsson. 'Local face, global soul': How BuzzFeed goes worldwide. How e-newsletter theSkimm Acquired 3.5 Million Subscribers. BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti talks Facebook Live and Ivanka Trump. Parks Associates Announces 2016 Update to Top 10 U.S. Subscription OTT Video Services. Daily chart: Celebrities’ endorsement earnings on social media. Daily chart: Celebrities’ endorsement earnings on social media. Younger adults prefer to get their news in text, not video, according to new data from Pew Research.

THINK Marketing. Revenge of the 'legacy' sector- POLITICO Media.