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Essas 25 ilusões pintadas por Rob Gonsalves vão dar um nó em seu cérebro. Device Free Dinner. Www.adweek. Lego makes some of the most delightful advertising around, and this series of print ads from Ogilvy Bangkok are just about perfect, from concept to execution.


The work, which won three silver Lions (in Print & Publishing and Outdoor) and a bronze (in Design) at the Cannes festival last month, shows kids literally envisioning their future careers by building them from the inside with Legos. The tagline: “Build the future.” See the ads below, and our chat with Ogilvy Bangkok below that. “Lego’s ultimate purpose is to inspire and develop children to think creatively, reason systematically and release their potential to shape their own future. The brand believes that play is a key element in children’s growth and development. “To communicate the brand belief, we created this ad series to visualize the idea to consumers.

The agency called on Illusion in Bangkok to create the pieces using 3-D illustration. One-by-One Teachers Interrupt Back-to-School Speech with Les Misérables Parody. L'arrogance de l'ignorance. Apple Confidential - Steve Jobs on "Think Different" - Internal Meeting Sept. 23, 1997. 23 Photos That Will Make Anyone Who Works In IT Satisfied. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. The One Formula To Find Your Passion In Life. Talks to watch when you don't know what to do with your life.

About The Time I Forced Her. After I Saw This, I Put Down My Phone And Didn't Pick It Up For The Rest Of The Day. Creating Abundance: Living and Working in An Open World. Un créateur (13 ans) d'une imprimante braille en Lego sera le plus jeune bénéficiaire de capital-risque de l'histoire - ICT actualité - Data News Mobile. Maggie, 7 ans, fait plier un supermarché qu'elle accuse de sexisme. En une photo publiée sur Twitter, la fillette a réussi à convaincre la chaîne de supermarchés Tesco de retirer des panneaux genrés de ses magasins.

Maggie, 7 ans, fait plier un supermarché qu'elle accuse de sexisme

Elle est haute comme trois pommes mais Maggie est déjà une militante féministe. Quand cette petite fille de 7 ans a repéré un panneau à Tesco expliquant que les superhéros étaient réservés aux garçons, son sang n’a fait qu’un tour. Karen Cole, sa maman, a pris une photo de l’enfant faisant la grimace. ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS! "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.


" -- Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Epidemic Paid advertising at What Really Happened may not represent the views and opinions of this website and its contributors. No endorsement of products and services advertised is either expressed or implied. By Michael Rivero "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. I know many people have a great deal of difficulty comprehending just how many wars are started for no other purpose than to force private central banks onto nations, so let me share a few examples, so that you understand why the US Government is mired in so many wars against so many foreign nations. The United States fought the American Revolution primarily over King George III's Currency act, which forced the colonists to conduct their business only using printed bank notes borrowed from the Bank of England at interest.

Andrea Bocelli- Con te Partiro. Folk singer, activist Pete Seeger dies in NY. ALBANY, N.Y.

Folk singer, activist Pete Seeger dies in NY

(AP) — Unable to carry his beloved banjo, Pete Seeger used a different but equally formidable instrument, his mere presence, to instruct yet another generation of young people how to effect change through song and determination two years ago. A surging crowd, two canes and seven decades as a history-sifting singer and rabble-rouser buoyed him as he led an Occupy Wall Street protest through Manhattan in 2011. "Be wary of great leaders," he told The Associated Press two days after the march. "Hope that there are many, many small leaders. " The banjo-picking troubadour who sang for migrant workers, college students and star-struck presidents in a career that introduced generations of Americans to their folk music heritage died Monday at age 94.

"He was chopping wood 10 days ago," Cahill-Jackson recalled. View gallery File-This Sept. 21, 2013, file photo shows Pete Seeger performing on stage during the Farm Aid 2013 … That was a message Seeger spread his entire life. Seven Signs You're Wasting Your Talent. Les propagandes de l’innovation – 2. Watch Excavators Play A Massive Game Of Jenga. Math graduate student Diana Davis among “Dance your Ph.D.” winners. What if the Ph.D. research becomes too complex for words?

Math graduate student Diana Davis among “Dance your Ph.D.” winners

Dozens of candidates turned to the language of dance in the fifth annual national contest sponsored by Science Magazine. Diana Davis, a graduate student in mathematics, won the first-ever “Dance Your Ph.D.” prize in pure mathematics. All about Bouw-Möller surfaces“Most people have some idea of what biology or chemistry research would mean,” says Diana Davis, “but they don’t have any idea what math research is.”Math graduate student Diana Davis studies the symbolic dynamics that arise from cutting sequences on Veech surfaces and Bouw-Möller surfaces. No idea what that means? It’s OK. Davis is one of the winners of the fifth annual “Dance Your Ph.D.” contest sponsored by Science Magazine.

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Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 high definition.flv. J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement. You Are Not Special Commencement Speech from Wellesley High School. Creative. Process Excellence Network. Who Mentored You? Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 - Saturday 11th April. Opera duo Charlotte & Jonathan - Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition - UK version. Giles Duley: When a reporter becomes the story. Amazing Japanese Precision (posted by Sanitaryum.