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校长带领全校跳鬼步舞!边唱边跳嗨的不行!别人家校长,实在厉害! 鄞州中学广播操&校操 正式视频 [Official] China’s Tiger Parents Find a New Obsession: Cambridge English. SHANGHAI — On a chilly Saturday morning in mid-December, a big crowd has formed outside the gates of a downtown primary school.

China’s Tiger Parents Find a New Obsession: Cambridge English

Children stream into the building, while teachers try to keep order and parents jostle to say goodbye. Only one girl, dressed in a thick red padded jacket, hangs back. She clings to her mother’s arm, weeping as she watches the other students pass through the gates. Her mother tries to console her. “If we can’t make it on time, we’ll just take the exam next time,” she says. The daughter, however, appears to take little comfort from these assurances — and it’s easy to understand why.

The third-grader has come to the school to sit the KET — an English language exam run by the British organization Cambridge English that has become wildly popular in China, with parents considering a good test score to be key to getting their child into a top school. Xi’s China Crafts Campaign to Boost Youth Patriotism. In the era of Mao Zedong, China used propaganda posters to urge young people to create a great socialist nation.

Xi’s China Crafts Campaign to Boost Youth Patriotism

After the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, the Communist Party rewrote textbooks to deliver its version of history and to steer its young away from Western ideas. Today, China is embarked on another campaign to re-educate its young people. The message is more blatantly nationalistic than anything in recent decades, with President Xi Jinping’s image often at the center.

And it is far more sophisticated than anything Beijing has attempted in the past. In Rural China, Schools Tackle a New Subject: Sex Ed. Secondary school English teacher Bao Tiantian recalls feeling baffled when her principal asked her to attend a sex education training course.

In Rural China, Schools Tackle a New Subject: Sex Ed

“I’d never heard that sex required education,” the 37-year-old tells Sixth Tone. Bao is from Kang County — a rural region in China’s northwestern Gansu province, where talk about sex remains firmly taboo. When Bao attended school, sex ed consisted of a single biology class in which the instructor was supposed to explain menstruation and some basic anatomy. Even then, her teacher opted not to speak at all during the lesson, she says. China’s Dickensian Boarding Schools.

Photographer: Natalie Behring/Bloomberg In the U.S. the words “boarding school” conjure images of children attending class in ivy-covered buildings, eating in oak-paneled dining halls, and exercising on well-manicured sports fields.

China’s Dickensian Boarding Schools

An increasing number of these fortunate students come from wealthy families all over the globe—many from China. One-Third of Child Sex Abuse Happens at School, Report Suggests. Girls’ Protection, a Beijing-based nonprofit, has released three reports on sexual abuse cases involving minors, compiled from media reports from 2019 as well as two surveys on sexual health issues.

One-Third of Child Sex Abuse Happens at School, Report Suggests

The reports were released at a press conference Monday, in the presence of several delegates from the National People’s Congress. The delegates are likely to raise some of the issues touched on in the reports during the “two sessions” — high-profile meetings of China’s top legislative and political advisory bodies — in the coming week. Here are some key takeaways from the documents: Report on sexual abuse From analyzing 301 media reports about the sexual abuse of minors in 2019, Girls’ Protection found that 70% of the accused perpetrators were known to the victim and included teachers, family members, and neighbors.

Sexual abuse involving minors has recently drawn wide attention on Chinese social media. National Survey Lays Bare the Sex Lives of Chinese Students. Female students are less satisfied in relationships.

National Survey Lays Bare the Sex Lives of Chinese Students

Men are more comfortable with live-in partners. China’s ‘OK Boomer’: Generations Clash Over the Nation’s Future. China’s version of the “OK boomer” clash began when a famous middle-age actor praised the younger generation as if the country’s teenagers and 20-somethings were heaven-sent gifts.

China’s ‘OK Boomer’: Generations Clash Over the Nation’s Future

“All those people who complain that each generation is worse than the last should look at you the way I’m looking at you — full of admiration,” said He Bing, a film and television star with a baritone voice, in a commercial for a Chinese online video service. China’s young people benefit from education, travel and all the world’s knowledge, said Mr. He, over images of young people scuba diving, skydiving, kayaking, racing sports cars, playing professional online games and touring Japan, France, Antarctica and other exotic destinations. Precious Children: Article: Early Childhood Education in China. By JoAn Vaughan Teacher, Child Study & Teacher Education Dept.

Precious Children: Article: Early Childhood Education in China

Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri Traditional early childhood education in China currently faces both internal and external challenges changing family structures and increased influence of foreign ideas and values. The one child policy in the People's Republic of China is altering family roles and child-rearing practices, raising concerns about the possible harmful effects of too much attention and pampering. Colleges Must Make Moral Compromises in Dealing with China.

Julian Chang, the former Schwarzman Scholars associate dean of student life who joined the program in its inaugural year from the Harvard Kennedy School, also in 2015 became a nonresident senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization, a Beijing-based think tank that was founded by the Western Returned Scholars Association—itself officially directed by the United Front.

Colleges Must Make Moral Compromises in Dealing with China

CCG’s founder, Wang Huiyao, describes himself in an online biography as a “member of the expert advisory group of the United Front Work Department.” Schwarzman himself met with Sun Chunlan, the former national head of the United Front, in April 2018 at Zhongnanhai, the party and government headquarters in Beijing. In July 2018, Schwarzman Scholars co-hosted a conference on Chinese philanthropy with Tsinghua University and the CCG. One of the highlighted speakers was Tan Tianxing, deputy minister of the United Front. Discipline and Punish? Rules Alone Won’t Calm China’s Classrooms. Last week, China’s Ministry of Education published a draft of new rules meant to guide elementary, middle, and high school teachers in enforcing classroom discipline, and they included a request for public feedback.

Discipline and Punish? Rules Alone Won’t Calm China’s Classrooms

The public required little prodding. On popular microblogging platform Weibo, a related hashtag attracted over 100 million views in just two days as users carried out a lively debate on the rules’ merits. “A student at our school broke open a security guard’s head, but the teachers only reprimanded him — they could not hit him or implement corporal punishment,” wrote one user. “His parents pretended to criticize him at school, but they continued to spoil him at home, and he was only in third grade.

Head-Scratching Rules at Chinese Universities: A Recent History. There are regular rules, and then there are ridiculous rules. Some Chinese universities have found themselves in the latter category, as educational institutions enforce guidelines that leave students scratching their heads — or perhaps even banging them against the wall. From policies prohibiting campus cuddling to discouraging long hair, such rules have been slammed as arbitrary and draconian, though some schools still defend them as vital disciplinary measures.

Here are some of the unconventional university rules that have made headlines in just the past few weeks. No Daytime Dorm Access Dormitories at the Henan Institute of Economics and Trade are off-limits to students during the day, even when they’re between classes. Sun Zhihong, who is in charge of student life at the vocational school, said the rule has been enforced for over a decade and has proved to be “advantageous” for janitors, who find it easier to clean during the student-free hours. Professors, Beware. In China, Student Spies Might Be Watching. CHENGDU, China — With a neon-red backpack and white Adidas shoes, he looks like any other undergraduate on the campus of Sichuan University in southwestern China. But Peng Wei, a 21-year-old chemistry major, has a special mission: He is both student and spy.

Mr. 【小欢喜姊妹篇】小别离 01丨A Love For Separation 01 (主演:黄磊 海清 张子枫 汪俊 TFBOYS) A Little Reunion 01(黃磊、海清、陶虹等主演) Why’s Beijing So Worried About Western Values Infecting China’s Youth? In early December, Chinese President Xi Jinping ordered the country’s universities to “adhere to the correct political orientation.” Speaking at a conference on ideology and politics in China’s colleges, he stressed that schools must uphold the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership and “guide the broad masses of teachers and students to be strong believers” in Marxist theories and socialist core values. The conference had the highest profile attendee roster of any education event in recent memory: top university officials, representatives from the country’s military and propaganda apparatuses, and four of the seven members of the all powerful Politburo Standing Committee. ‘A Little Reunion’ Dives Headlong Into China’s Thorniest Themes. A Chinese drama that has sparked a storm of discussion on contemporary social issues since its premiere just over a month ago aired its final episode Tuesday.

“A Little Reunion” tells the story of three Beijing high schoolers as they and their families prepare for the gaokao, China’s notoriously difficult and hugely important college entrance examinations. The gaokao is often a family affair in China, with parents going to great and sometimes absurd lengths to ensure that their children are well-prepared to excel on the tests and secure coveted spots at top universities. The series has been widely praised for its acting, pacing, and dialogue, earning an 8.3 average rating on the often unforgiving review website Douban. But the aspect of the show that has attracted the most attention is the Pandora’s box of topics it touches on. China’s Newest Cram School Craze: Sex Ed Camps. SHANDONG, East China — “What are the differences between men’s and women’s bodies?” Asks Jiang Lingling. The 11 young children huddled around her look thoughtful for a moment.

“Girls’ chests are bigger than boys’,” says one boy. “But Captain America’s chest is also big,” counters another. At the back of the room, the children’s parents start to giggle. The 38-year-old is one of a small group of specialists bringing a new, franker style of sex education to families across China who are tired of the conservative approach taken by most Chinese schools. 教育部等五部门关于完善安全事故处理机制维护学校教育教学秩序的意见 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站. Guideline Clamps Down on ‘Xiaonao’ at Chinese Schools. Chinese authorities issued a guideline Tuesday aiming to crack down on acts they say cause illegal disturbances at schools. The guideline — jointly issued by five national agencies, including the Ministry of Education, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Ministry of Public Security — lists seven forms of xiaonao, or violence against school staff, that sometimes surface when there are safety issues or accidents on campus. The rules appear to be directed at aggrieved parents who feel they or their child has suffered an injustice, and so take their case to campus in an effort to gain visibility and increase their chances of receiving favorable compensation.

According to the new guideline, behaviors such as assaulting educators, damaging school property, and bringing flammable items on campus will now be punishable offences under the Public Security Administration Punishment Law. SCHOOL LIFE IN CHINA: RULES, REPORT CARDS, FILES, CLASSES AND TEACHERS. China’s Education Authority Calls for More Electives, Choice. 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《加快推进教育现代化实施方案(2018-2022年)》_滚动新闻_中国政府网. 新华社北京2月23日电 近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《加快推进教育现代化实施方案(2018-2022年)》(以下简称《实施方案》),并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。 《实施方案》指出,今后5年加快推进教育现代化的指导思想是:以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,以培养社会主义建设者和接班人为根本任务,以全面加强党对教育工作的领导为根本保证,以促进公平和提高质量为时代主题,围绕加快推进教育现代化这一主线,聚焦教育发展的战略性问题、紧迫性问题和人民群众关心的问题,统筹实施各类工程项目和行动计划,着力深化改革、激发活力,着力补齐短板、优化结构,更好发挥教育服务国计民生的作用,确保完成决胜全面建成小康社会教育目标任务,为推动高质量发展、实现2035年奋斗目标夯实基础。

《实施方案》提出了加快推进教育现代化的实施原则:立足当前,着眼长远;聚焦重点,带动全局;问题导向,改革创新;分区规划,分类推进。 总体目标是:经过5年努力,全面实现各级各类教育普及目标,全面构建现代化教育制度体系,教育总体实力和国际影响力大幅提升。 实现更高水平、更有质量的普及,教育改革发展成果更公平地惠及全体人民,教育服务经济社会发展的能力显著提高,社会关注的教育热点难点问题得到有效缓解,多样化可选择的优质教育资源更加丰富,人民群众受教育机会进一步扩大,学习大国建设取得重要进展。 《实施方案》提出了推进教育现代化的十项重点任务: 一是实施新时代立德树人工程。 二是推进基础教育巩固提高。 三是深化职业教育产教融合。 China issues plans to modernize education. People’s Daily: Stay away from the opium of demotivational culture. HomeNewsletterPeople’s Daily: Stay away from the opium of demotivational culture Part of the daily SupChina newsletter. Subscribe for free. Chinese millennials also hate being blamed for everything. Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning.

Early Childhood

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