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Goal Setting

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Motivation & Goal Setting.


Tony Robins Youtube. Template: Goal Setting Toolkit. Many of you may set couple of goals at the beginning of the year.

Template: Goal Setting Toolkit

How do you keep track and remind yourself to stay on track? Try to keep them in your wallet. Success Being Today offers a set of wallet size template for keeping your goals near you. Take them anywhere, read them and keep it in mind. It has 9 different type of templates for different needs. The Daily Goal Card: Once you have the other goal cards completed the daily goal card is an easy reminder of what needs to be done TODAY. The design is pretty simple, but clean and effective. Thanks David for the tips! 9 Steps to Define your Goal Destination and Devise a Plan to Get There. Where do you want to be 5 years from now, 10 years from now, or even this time next year?

9 Steps to Define your Goal Destination and Devise a Plan to Get There

These places are your goal destinations and although you might know that you don’t want to be standing still in the same place as you are now, it’s not always easy to identify what your real goals are. Many people think that setting a goal destination is having a dream that is there in the far distant future, but will never be attained. This proves to be a self-fulfilling prophesy because of two things. Firstly, that the goal isn’t specifically defined enough in the first place, and secondly, it remains a remote dream waiting for action which is never taken. Defining your goal destination is something that you need to take some time to think carefully about. Make a list of your goal destinations. Now comes the more intense part of the goal destination setting – devising the planning of your journey towards arriving at each of your goal destinations. Goal Setting - The WHY behind the WHAT. Our Real Goals In Personal Development-speak we are always talking about goals, outcomes, success, desires and dreams.

Goal Setting - The WHY behind the WHAT

In other words, all the stuff we want to do, achieve and create in our world. And while it’s important for us to know what we want to achieve (our goal), it’s also important for us to understand why we want to achieve it; the reason behind the goal or some would say, our real goal. Exploring the WHY Sometimes when we explore our “why”, (why we want to achieve a certain thing) we realise that our “what” (our goal) might not actually deliver us the thing (feeling, emotion, internal state) we’re really seeking. 10 Ways to Achieve your Goals Quicker. Found through Be Excellent Blog, recently announced the results of 2005 Goals Study.

10 Ways to Achieve your Goals Quicker

They considered 10 important key actions that once taken will make you closer to the goal. They also compiled how often and well people take these action items. The key actions are pretty neat. The results are shocking: In their sample size of 32,896 users who took the survey, the results are not promising. Important New Study Reveals Where Americans Fail at Setting, Achieving New Year’s Goals. The Goal Setting Process. 1.

The Goal Setting Process

Write down the goals. Begin by generating a list of potential goals. In the end, what is it that you want to achieve? Writing down goals makes them tangible and gives them more force. However, it is important that the goals are well thought out. M - Measurable A - Achievable (yet challenging!) S - Specific T - Time-based. Goal Setting from the Inside Out. It’s so curious how we spend the last weeks of the year in a sugar-plum-induced family frenzy of parties and holiday sweaters, and expect to walk into our lives on January 1 ready to drill down and get things done.

Goal Setting from the Inside Out

To get our minds focused back on what the year holds in store for us we make these shoulds-posing-as-resolutions and order all kinds of shiny productivity tools and smile at the future coming toward us. Then February rolls around and we glance sideways at our list and hope nobody’s looking over our shoulders. Straight out, resolutions are dangerous little dragons because we humans need meaning. We need a resonant, compelling context for any goal, wish, or dream to have a shot at making it into our everyday schedule. Wait, Come a Little Closer… So let’s say we’ve teased out a few New Year’s Resolutions by now, and ordered some shiny new gadgets and calendars for 2009. Those perfectly reasonable sources of frustration provide cover for something deeper. The Lesson of the Monkeys. I was first told of this experiment* by a former work colleague, and later discovered this illustration of it.

The Lesson of the Monkeys

It’s both illuminating and disturbing. There is a clunky word that describes this phenomenon: filiopietism, or the reverence of forebears or tradition carried to excess. But I prefer another term for it: the tragic circle. I believe many of these tragic circles exist, mostly unseen, in across all cultures and societites, causing untold harm. When discovered, they should be terminated. The lesson is as obvious as it is important: question everything. . * Stephenson, G.