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This 15-Minute Activity Will Make You More Successful At Work

This 15-Minute Activity Will Make You More Successful At Work

Time Management Tips: How to Find the Right Mindset to Succeed With Time Management | The Best Time Management Tips For the past several years I have worked with time management techniques such as lists, prioritization, planning and so on. But it wasn’t until I adopted a Quadrant 2 mindset that I really started seeing results. The phrase “Quadrant 2” comes from Stephen Coveys book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . 1. How to tackle the different tasks Each task needs to be tackled in a specific way, at a specific time and handled right. them the repercussions could be bad. tasks as you do when working in Quadrant 1 but without all the stress and pressure of the first quadrant. working on time management I want you to remember this mindset, use all the exercises we discuss to further increase the time you spend in Quadrant 2 and decrease the time you spend in the other Quadrants. on how to become efficient you should join The Time Management Expert Course. system that can save you over 2000 hours/year, time that can be put to better things, like living life! Need More Time In Your Life? Comments

Faking Cultural Literacy Photo LOS ANGELES — I CAN’T help it. Every few weeks, my wife mentions the latest book her book club is reading, and no matter what it is, whether I’ve read it or not, I offer an opinion of the work, based entirely on ... what, exactly? Often, these are books I’ve not even read a review or essay about, yet I freely hold forth on the grandiosity of Cheryl Strayed or the restrained sentimentality of Edwidge Danticat. These data motes are gleaned, apparently, from the ether — or, more realistically, from various social media feeds. What was Solange Knowles’s elevator attack on Jay-Z about? It’s never been so easy to pretend to know so much without actually knowing anything. In his 1987 book “Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know,” E. What we all feel now is the constant pressure to know enough, at all times, lest we be revealed as culturally illiterate. NPR’s April Fools’ Day web story “Why Doesn’t America Read Anymore?”

How To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done - 5 Expert Tips Before we commence with the festivities, I wanted to thank everyone for helping my first book become a Wall Street Journal bestseller. To check it out, click here. Some days the to-do list seems bottomless. We all want to know how to stop being lazy and get more done. So I decided to call a friend who manages to do this — and more. Cal Newport impresses the heck out of me. He has a full-time job as a professor at Georgetown University, teaching classes and meeting with students.He writes 6 (or more) peer-reviewed academic journal papers per year.He’s the author of 4 books including the wonderful “So Good They Can’t Ignore You.” And yet he finishes work at 5:30PM every day and rarely works weekends. No, he does not have superpowers or a staff of 15. Below you’ll get Cal’s secrets on how you can better manage your time, stop being lazy, get more done — and be finished by 5:30. 1) To-Do Lists Are Evil. To-do lists by themselves are useless. Here’s Cal: Great — build that into your schedule.

The Pomodoro Technique® What is The Pomodoro Technique? EASY for anyone to use! Improves productivity IMMEDIATELY! FUN to do! Why Pomodoro? The Pomodoro Technique isn’t like any other time-management method on the market today. For many people, time is an enemy. Essential to the Pomodoro Technique is the notion that taking short, scheduled breaks while working eliminates the “running on fumes” feeling you get when you’ve pushed yourself too hard. Whether it’s a call, a Facebook message, or suddenly realizing you need to change the oil in your car, many distracting thoughts and events come up when you’re at work. Most of us are intimately acquainted with the guilt that comes from procrastinating. Who does the technique work for? These are all ways real folks use the Pomodoro Technique: Motivate yourself to write.Limit distractions.Keep track of how long you’re spending brainstorming / writing / revising.Reduce back and neck pain by walking around during Pomodoro breaks.Draft a book in three weeks. How It works

Six Lazy Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Being Productive La Réalité de l'Univers : une gigantesque illusion - Le Blog de THIAKAM Et le plus intéressant avec ce principe de l’hologramme est que tout ce qui se passe dans cette univers holographique n’est qu’une projection. (jetez un coup d’œil sur le schéma : dés qu’on change par exemple la face du dé7 l’hologramme change aussi systématiquement c’est logique) c’est comme si vous vous regardez dans un miroir, chacun de vos mouvements est répété sur le miroir. Il est obligatoire dans le dogme islamique de croire en la prédestination (Al Qada wal Qadar) c’est à dire que tout dans l’univers est déjà écrit et préservé dans une table bien gardée. Le principe de l’hologramme nous le prouve ici. En d’autres termes tout événement qui survient dans notre univers physique, l’est du fait qu’il survient d’abord dans la vraie dimension. Dans quel état selon vous, se trouvera une telle personne qui quitte ce monde pour aller dans l'au-delà en étant aveugle toute sa vie de ce qu'elle est, de ses propres capacités, de qui est son Seigneur. Choisissez de croire.... inShare

Mâyâ : l’illusion Au départ Depuis des temps immémoriaux, diverses philosophies et idéologies véhiculent l’enseignement selon lequel le monde où nous vivons n’est qu’illusion, que le tissu de notre réalité n’est en fait qu’un mirage issu de notre imagination. Dans la philosophie védique, la Mâyâ est l’illusion d’un monde physique que notre conscience considère comme la réalité. De nombreuses philosophies et recherches spirituelles cherchent à « lever le voile » afin d’apercevoir la vérité transcendante. Dans le sikhisme, la Mâyâ – le monde tel qu’on le perçoit normalement – n’est pas plus tangible qu’un rêve. Les Enseignements de la Tradition abondent aussi en ce sens, stipulant que la race humaine vit dans un profond sommeil, dans une sorte de transe hypnotique qui lui fait croire qu’elle est éveillée alors qu’il n’en est rien. P.D. En règle générale, l’homme peut connaître quatre états de conscience. Rêve, illusion, Mâyâ, conscience relative, sommeil… d’accord. Nos sens Télécharger au format MP3

Zeppole di San Giuseppe della Pasticceria Leopoldo: la ricetta che fa impazzire i napoletani - Luciano Pignataro Wineblog Si avvicina il 19 marzo, festa di San Giuseppe e di tutti i papà. A Napoli c’è la tradizione della zeppola fritta che prende il nome proprio dal santo. Questa è la ricetta che proviene da una delle pasticcerie più storiche di Napoli, Leopoldo. Le zeppole della pasticceria Leopoldo potrete trovarle in questi indirizzi: Piazza degli Artisti 6/7 Via Chiaia 258/259 Via Scarlatti 82 Via dei Tribunali 49 Via Toledo 371 Ingredienti per 25-30 persone PER LE ZEPPOLE: 1/2 l di acqua 200 gr burro fresco di latteria 10 gr sale 2 kg farina (debole) 800 gr di uova fresche PER LA CREMA PASTICCERA: 1/2 l di latte fresco 250 gr di zucchero 100 gr di tuorlo d’uovo 75 gr di amido di riso 1/2 bacca di vaniglia 1/2 scorza di limone Preparazione PER LE ZEPPOLE: In una pentola mettere acqua, burro e sale e far bollire.

An Ingenious Cookbook Uses Infographics Instead Of Words How do you make lasagna? Even though it’s not that complex of a dish, to spell out the methodology--the specific ingredients and the many small, easy steps of prep work--it would take me half a page of type or more. But for designer/illustrator Katie Shelly, writer of Picture Cook: See. Make. Eat., the recipe for lasagna looks a lot different. Of course, illustration isn’t a new idea in cookbooks--drawings that show finder details of technique like dicing onions are mainstays in classic food tomes. “She started by saying ‘well first you get out three bowls …’ and so it was natural to just draw the three bowls in that moment, and then I stuck with drawing the rest of the recipe on this little scrap of paper,” Shelly tells Co.Design. From there, she pushed the idea further, drawing on a background in UX testing to create recipes and spot where her testers (friends) may may potentially go wrong. Picture Cook won’t be released until October. Buy it here.
