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The fault in our stars

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Choice Award Book Club - Archive - Award Winners: May 2013 - The Fault In Our Stars (showing 1-50 of 104) The Fault in Our Stars: Chapters 2–3. Summary: Chapter 2 En route to Augustus’s house to watch “V for Vendetta,” Hazel comments on the jolting quality of Augustus’s driving.

The Fault in Our Stars: Chapters 2–3

Augustus admits having failed the driving test three times, revealing that he is an amputee, having lost a leg to cancer. He speculates he only passed the test as a “cancer perk,” or the special favors cancer kids get, like famous autographs or free passes on homework. When the subject of school comes up, Augustus lets on about being a sophomore in high school, having only missed one year from cancer. Hazel recounts the details of her own cancer saga. When Hazel meets Augustus’s parents she distinctly notes they refer to him as Gus, not Augustus.

Hazel and Augustus agree to read one another’s favorite books. Summary: Chapter 3 Hazel wakes to her mother jubilantly announcing that it's Hazel’s thirty-third half birthday. While reading, Hazel is approached by a young child who asks about the tube in her nose. Analysis. The Fault in Our Stars: Quiz. Scroll through the page to review your answers.

The Fault in Our Stars: Quiz

The correct answer is highlighted in green. Your incorrect answers (if any) are highlighted in red. If you'd like to take the test over again, click the reset button at the end of the test. 1At the beginning of the novel what television show would Hazel rather watch than attend Support Group? 2What is the name of the experimental drug that successfully shrinks Hazel’s lung tumors? 3Who does Augustus Waters claim is Hazel’s mid-2000’s filmic doppelganger? 4What is the name of the main character in Augustus’s favorite novel, The Price of Dawn? 5What explosive object does Hazel repeatedly call herself when considering the pain her death will cause her loved ones? 6What does Augustus say he fears at the support group meeting where he first meets Hazel? 7Which of these is a side effect of dying that is not mentioned in The Fault in Our Stars? 10What is the name of Augustus’s ex-girlfriend who passed away from brain cancer?

The Fault in Our Stars: Study Questions & Essay Topics. 'The Fault in Our Stars' - Book Club Discussion. The Fault in Our Stars Chapter 1 Summary. The Fault in Our Stars - Discussion Questions. Discussion QuestionsUse our LitLovers Book Club Resources; they can help with discussions for any book: • How to Discuss a Book (helpful discussion tips)• Generic Discussion Questions—Fiction and Nonfiction• Read-Think-Talk (a guided reading chart) Also, consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Fault in Our Stars: 1.

The Fault in Our Stars - Discussion Questions

John Green derives his book's title from a famous line in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings. " (I,ii,139-140). 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. (Questions by LitLovers. Top of page (summary)