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TED Ed: Derek Muller - The Founder of Veritasium. Ck12. Did You Know? – 20 Ways of Reusing Silica Gel Packets. This annoying little packet has a multitude of household uses.

Did You Know? – 20 Ways of Reusing Silica Gel Packets

Silica gel is a desiccant, a substance that absorbs moisture. Despite its misleading name, the silicate is actually a very porous mineral with a natural attraction to water molecules. Manufacturers utilize the gel to keep goods from spoiling, molding or degrading due to humidity. The gel itself is nontoxic, but can have a moisture indicator added (cobalt chloride) which is a known toxin that turns pink when hydrated and is otherwise blue in its dry form. Most silica found in our food and household purchases looks like tapioca beads and is benign unless combined with certain chemicals.

Put packs in your ammo cans and gun cases/safes to keep dry.Protect personal papers and important documents by putting some gel in a baggie wherever these are stored.Keep with photos to spare them from humidity. Dear 16-year-old Me. How to Walk on Eggs: Fun Physics for Kids. Do you ever feel like your kids are “walking on eggshells”?

How to Walk on Eggs: Fun Physics for Kids

Now you can show your kids how to literally walk on raw eggshells and do something that seems impossible. That’s right, eggs—those delicate things you have to check at the supermarket to make sure they’re not broken. In this article, I’ll show you a fun way to find out whether eggs are truly fragile or are actually incredibly architected pieces of nature, built for both strength and weakness.

Why Take the Eggshells Challenge? In our house, we aren’t concerned about walking on eggshells or treading lightly around sensitive topics. 'Just a Theory': 7 Misused Science Words. Hypothesis.

'Just a Theory': 7 Misused Science Words

Theory. Law. These scientific words get bandied about regularly, yet the general public usually gets their meaning wrong. Now, one scientist is arguing that people should do away with these misunderstood words altogether and replace them with the word "model. " But those aren't the only science words that cause trouble, and simply replacing the words with others will just lead to new, widely misunderstood terms, several other scientists said. "A word like 'theory' is a technical scientific term," said Michael Fayer, a chemist at Stanford University. From "theory" to "significant," here are seven scientific words that are often misused. 1. The general public so widely misuses the words hypothesis, theory and law that scientists should stop using these terms, writes physicist Rhett Allain of Southeastern Louisiana University, in a blog post on Wired Science.

SBS: Documentary - Pain, Pus and Poison. The first wide-spectrum optical invisibility cloak - metamaterials. To make a Harry Potter-style invisibility cloak requires the use of materials that have what's known as a negative refractive index over all optical wavelengths, from red to violet.

The first wide-spectrum optical invisibility cloak - metamaterials

However, the artificially-structured optical materials from which cloaks are made thus far have been restricted to a very narrow range of optical wavelengths, limiting their ability to cloak over a range of colors. That obstacle to progress looks to be at an end, as a group of optical engineers at Stanford has succeeded in designing a broadband metamaterial that exhibits a negative refractive index over nearly the entire rainbow. View all The first invisibility cloaks, made at Duke University, worked by bending light around an object to be cloaked, as illustrated below. However, it is not quite this simple. To make an effective cloak over all optical wavelengths requires a remarkable level of control over the optical properties of the materials which make up the cloak.

Source: Stanford University. Six myths about vaccination – and why they’re wrong (ScienceAlert) A pear has 600 times more formaldehyde in it than a vaccine does, writes Rachael Dunlop.

Six myths about vaccination – and why they’re wrong (ScienceAlert)

Image: Oksana Kuzmina/Shutterstock Recently released government figures show levels of childhood vaccination have fallen to dangerously low levels in some areas of Australia, resulting in some corners of the media claiming re-ignition of “the vaccine debate”. You can check how your postcode rates here. Well, scientifically, there’s no debate. In combination with clean water and sanitation, vaccines are one of the most effective public health measures ever introduced, saving millions of lives every year. How It's Made. Teaching Resources, Classroom Resources & Lesson Plans - TES Resources. On politics, media, business, the environment and life.

History of Science

Describing and supporting effective science teaching and learning in Australian schools - validation issues. What is PBL? To help teachers do PBL well, we created a comprehensive, research-based model for PBL — a "gold standard" to help teachers, schools, and organizations to measure, calibrate, and improve their practice.

What is PBL?

In Gold Standard PBL, projects are focused on student learning goals and include Essential Project Design Elements:

Nature of Science

Science on the Simpsons. A Private Universe Project. What causes the phases of the Moon?

A Private Universe Project

What are the reasons for the seasons? If you ask any number of people questions like these, almost every one of them will have some ideas that make sense to them. But how do people get their ideas? Are their ideas scientifically accurate? And if not, how could you help them understand a more scientific view? It turns out that many people share the same inaccurate ideas. What do your students think? In this Lab you investigate questions and answers that will help you elicit student ideas about the distance between Earth, the Sun, and the Moon and about the phases of the Moon. Visit the Lab "A Private Universe" was created and produced by Matthew H.