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Leah Gordon

Teachr of MFL and year 12 form tutor

UK’s Most Popular Online Voting Guide. 50 Positive Thinking Quotes For More Inner Strength & Growth. PositiveThoughts[1] PositiveThoughts.pdf. The fall of the Berlin Wall: what it meant to be there. We throw chocolates up to the putty-faced East German frontier troops, as they stand guard – against whom?

The fall of the Berlin Wall: what it meant to be there

Defending what? – atop a Wall that since yesterday has become useless. They push the chocs away with their boots. Our addiction to criminalising human behaviour makes a mockery of private responsibility. If poisoning your foetus with alcohol is a crime, why is it not a crime to abort it?

Our addiction to criminalising human behaviour makes a mockery of private responsibility

If alcoholism in pregnancy is “attempted manslaughter”, as a QC told the court of appeal this week, surely abortion is murder. Indeed if alcoholism before birth criminally harms a baby’s life, what about alcoholism and a dozen other cruelties after birth? How many are the misdeeds we inflict on our children to which Britain’s “cult of criminality” should now turn its attention? We need a philosopher – as Raymond Chandler would say – and we need one fast.

All we get are bloody lawyers. Lord Falconer Giles Fraser assisted dying bill clash video. Emotional Intelligence Quiz. RSA Shorts - The Power of Empathy. A radical experiment in empathy: Sam Richards at TEDxPSU. The Secret To Dealing With Passive-Aggressive People. Ah, passive aggression.

The Secret To Dealing With Passive-Aggressive People

The best way to handle conflict. Not. There’s a reason why passive-aggressive behavior gets such a bad rap. Not only is it supremely frustrating for both parties involved, but it’s also incredibly unproductive to the passive-aggressive person — because his or her needs aren’t actually ever acknowledged or addressed. And for the target of the passive aggression, experiencing this kind of behavior can “make you feel like a crazy person,” explains Scott Wetzler, Ph.D., vice chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Montefiore Medical Center and author of Living With the Passive-Aggressive Man.

At its heart, the behavior “really is a sugar-coated hostility,” Wetzler tells HuffPost. Passive-aggressive behavior, while expressed in many different ways, has the same roots: There is an underlying fear and avoidance of direct conflict, yet a feeling of powerlessness and helplessness. Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes. How much more could you get done if you completed all of your required reading in 1/3 or 1/5 the time?

Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes

Increasing reading speed is a process of controlling fine motor movement—period. This post is a condensed overview of principles I taught to undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998 at a seminar called the “PX Project”. The below was written several years ago, so it’s worded like Ivy-Leaguer pompous-ass prose, but the results are substantial. Here’s how it works… The PX Project The PX Project, a single 3-hour cognitive experiment, produced an average increase in reading speed of 386%. Why Do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White? By Guest Blogger Julian Abagond, Aug 30, 2010, at 10:01 am Why do the Japanese draw themselves as white?

Why Do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?

You see that especially in manga and anime. As it turns out, that is an American opinion, not a Japanese one. The Japanese see anime characters as being Japanese. The Lost Art of Eye Contact. We’ve stopped seeing each other.

The Lost Art of Eye Contact

You and me. Secrets of Body Language. 15 Grammatical Errors that Make You Look Silly. How to Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations. Have Common Courtesy and Manners Declined in the 21st Century? Everyday Courtesy - 1948 Good Manners & Social Guidance / Educational Documentary - Val73TV. Celebrating Britain's rich black history: Paul Reid at TEDxBrixton. What kind of Asian are you? Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story. Michael Smith - Mi Cyaan Believe It. Linton Kwesi Johnson - Sonny's Lettah (Anti-sus Poem) Robots of Brixton. Leading Edge and Learning Lessons. As a Leading Edge school KEGS is a partner in a national network of high performing schools dedicated to improving understanding and implementation of outstanding learning and progress in schools through the concept of “teacher-learner”.

Leading Edge and Learning Lessons

Ten years ago KEGS was one of only 104 schools nationally to be awarded this accolade from the SSAT and in 2013 works as a collaborative partner sharing expertise with a national group exceeding 1600 schools. At the heart of a Leading Edge school are teachers who are passionate about teaching, and leadership committed to research evidenced innovation to raise achievement and improve learning outcomes. Passion reflects the thrill, as well as the frustrations, of learning; it can be infectious, it can taught, it can be modelled, and it can be learnt. It requires more than content knowledge, acts of skilled teaching, or engaged students to make the difference (although these help). Learning Lessons Volume 3 Volume 2 Volume 1. What it means to be a critical student. Reading at 16 linked to better job prospects. Policy 08 Apr 11 Reading books is the only out-of-school activity for 16-year-olds that is linked to getting a managerial or professional job in later life, says an Oxford study.

Reading at 16 linked to better job prospects

Researcher Mark Taylor, from the Department of Sociology, analysed 17,200 questionnaire responses from people born in 1970, which gave details of extra-curricular activities at the age of 16 and their careers at the age of 33. The findings, to be presented at the British Sociological Association today, show that girls who had read books at 16 had a 39 per cent probability of a professional or managerial post at 33, but only a 25 per cent chance if they had not. For boys who read regularly, the figure went up from 48 per cent to 58 per cent.

None of the other activities, such as taking part in sports or activities, socialising, going to museums or galleries or to the cinema or concerts, or practical activities like cooking or sewing, were found to have a significant effect on their careers. Shh! Silence Helps Homophobia - LGBT Youth Scotland. The Crisis of Credit Visualized - HD. A College Guide to Eating Healthy. This is a guest post from Thomas Frank.

A College Guide to Eating Healthy

Have you said any of these things recently? “I’ve got eight tests this week, so I’ve decided to only sleep every other night.” “We can totally get all of our meals free if we just join every club.” “It’s 3:00 a.m. – let’s take the mattresses off of our beds and mattress joust out in the hallway.” “YOLO” If so, you probably fall into the same group of Nerd Fitness readers that I’m in: college students. Yoruba Richen: What the gay rights movement learned from the civil rights movement. The launch of our whole school Real Beauty E-Magazine Project. The launch of our whole school Real Beauty E-Magazine Project This is a video to launch a form time activity that is scheduled to take place next term.

The launch of our whole school Real Beauty E-Magazine Project

It borrows from Dove’s real beauty campaign and adds some personal touches particular to our school. Pupils are split into age groups and given a choice of topic they wish to focus on e.g. women in the music industry or self-harm. (dependent on the age group). Year 12 Study Skills. Study Skills. Home > Study skills > Writing > Essay writing: research Research is the foundation of any essay – if you have nothing to say, how can you write an essay?! Research is a process though, with many components. Brainstorming is a great way to kick off this process. However, your reading skills are just as important to how well you research, as are your note-taking skills and an effective retrieval system .

Brainstorming. The Assignment Calculator. SIxth Form study skills.pdf. 9781903776698.pdf. Fun ideas for form time. We've scoured the TES forums to bring you some of the best form time activities, tried and tested by experienced teachers. 1 Blockbusters and Countdown games Lots of our forum users recommend Countdown or Blockbusters style games for those with IWBs. You can download a Blockbusters game with added countdown numbers from TES Resources. You can also download a blank Blockbusters template uploaded by the cryptically named mflx9jaa, who suggests the following way to play: 'split the class into two teams (boys v girls perhaps). Should I go to university? Presentation Bad/Good Examples. Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? Why we procrastinate by Vik Nithy @ TEDxYouth@TheScotsCollege. Channel 4 - University. Sport, Leisure and Tourism If you’re going to study a course for at least three years, it needs to be something that you’re passionate about.

If you spend every spare moment playing or watching sport and you want to understand more about the leisure and tourism industries, this might suit you down to the ground. Further down the line, you could think about a career in travel, sports coaching or hospitality. Medical Technology You’re one of those people who likes to know how things work and your interest in science would put you in good stead for a degree in the medical field.

Advertising / Media Studies Don’t expect this to be the easy option; the worlds of media and advertising are highly competitive. Sound Engineering / Music Technology You’re probably already pretty useful with the machinery and programs used for recording and mixing, and the ever-expanding world of recording technology really excites you. Environmental Sciences. The Student Room. Helping You Into University & College In The UK. Latest Sky News Headlines. UK Education News.