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Bruce McFarland Live Interview at Boardroom Surfboard Show. The next big thing in surfing is artificial waves you can ride anywhere, any time - Quartz. American Wave Machines opens wave pool in New Hampshire. Recently, the Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA) and the International Surfing Association (ISA) have been vocal in their push for artificial waves, seeing it as a tool to either grow the surf market or get the sport into the Olympics.

American Wave Machines opens wave pool in New Hampshire

Thanks to a recent surge in wave pool construction around the world, including one in Nashua, N.H., some believe the pool is the future of surfing. Now, Nashua isn't necessarily Surf City, U.S.A., but that's part of the point. According to SIMA, wave pools have the potential to grow the industry in areas not anywhere close to a beach break. Soon after the first-ever Surf Park Summit last fall in Laguna Beach, Calif., where wave pools were discussed at length, I headed to New Hampshire to check out American Wave Machines' newest pool.

On the brink of winter, it was cold, dark and not exactly bubbling over with aloha.

Dynamique des fluides

Déferlante. Récif artificiel. Vague tubulaire. Vague déferlante. Vague personnalisable. Structures immergées. Terrassement. Piste de ski d'intérieur. Parc à neige. Ski dôme. Neige de culture. Neige instantanée. Glace synthétique. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Glace synthétique

On appelle Glace synthétique (« synthetic ice » pour les anglo-saxons) tout matériau synthétique assez glissant pour se substituer à la glace comme une surface de patinage… alors que l’expression « glace artificielle » désigne généralement un mélange d’eau et d’antigel durci par le froid via un groupe de froid (unité de réfrigération) Les patinoires classiques étant couteuses et très énergivores, divers matériaux synthétiques ont été testés.

Les chimistes ont produit et testé différents matériaux blancs, à la fois légers, résistants et durables, aux surfaces dures et à faible frottement. Ces matériaux doivent être résistants à l’usure induite par l’utilisation de patins à glace standards, à semelle métallique, tout en restant glissants des années durant, si possible avec peu d’entretien. Ce sont toujours des polymères (matières plastiques denses) qui ont été retenus. Principe constructif[modifier | modifier le code] Patinoire synthétique - Patinoires Artificielles - Patinoire Mobile. Ice Skating, Dry Ski Slopes and Snow Tubing Coming to I-Drive? Artificial cold for ski slopes. Trash Incinerator Roof Will Double as Ski Slope. Snow Mountain, Texas: Indoor Skiing in Houston.

It’s difficult to imagine anything more perfect for 21st-century coastal Texas than this: A 2.7-million-sq.

Snow Mountain, Texas: Indoor Skiing in Houston

-ft. self-contained year-round indoor ski resort on a 21-acre site . . . on the “outskirts” of Houston. Some details on this proposed development are available on the website of S333, an architecture firm based in the Netherlands. The firm’s London office has worked hard to pack hotels, indoor water parks, “extensive recreation areas,” a parking garage, retail space, timeshare apartments, and five separate ski slopes into what appears in the company’s drawings to be an 18-story terrace-roofed megastructure. References « Ideab Project. SNEJ.KOM – Year-round Indoor Ski Slope with artificial snow.

References « Ideab Project

Slope area is 24,000 m2. (Moscow, Russia) Services provided: - Engineering design. - In depth development of the freezing system specification and assembly diagrams. The job was done after winning the open international tender competition among European engineering companies. View topic - An Artificial Wave?? I designed this about 5 years ago. its a "Kidney" wave pool.

View topic - An Artificial Wave??

Its not to scale, so illistrations are not technical design, there only to give a simple understanding of the design, i redrew them for here. The tanks empty into the pool one by one, about 1.5 seconds apart, the water travells down the tank shaft, through the "S" bend, over the hump (to give the swell extra lift) then travells through deep water (about 15 feet) till it hits the out side section of the reef (swell raiser) which acts like an outside reef, (that grades from about 12 feet deep to 9.5 feet deep) such as phantoms at shark island, which magnifies the swell and makes it bigger again, so it feathers for a few meters, then hits the inside reef, which steps abruptly into about 2 foot of water making the waves lip throw atleast twice as wide as it is tall. The tanks start to refill immediately as to shorten time between waves and to help create the current flow against the wave flow. Aerial view Cross section. The State of Artificial Waves. Are artificial waves the future of surfing?

The State of Artificial Waves

Visitors ro flock to world's first artificial surfing machine. Webber Wave Pools Introduces Crescent Wave Pool Design. Webber Wave Pools has recently introduced a new wave pool design to the world of surf parks and artificial wave technology.

Webber Wave Pools Introduces Crescent Wave Pool Design

Their latest design is a crescent shaped wave pool that is capable of producing world class waves at a fraction of the cost of the full size circular wave pools. The quality of the waves will be the same as any of the other Webber Wave Pool designs and will provide surfers with rides lasting up to 30 seconds. This length of ride is comparable to the maximum ride length of Wavegarden’s pool designs. Pictured: The artificial reef that will act like a huge wave machine for south coast surfers. By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 10:06 GMT, 5 June 2009.

Pictured: The artificial reef that will act like a huge wave machine for south coast surfers