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How to Create a Home Office That Inspires Healthy Living. Let’s face it.

How to Create a Home Office That Inspires Healthy Living

Growing a business takes time, energy and a strong commitment from yourself and those you are closest to. The hours you pour into your business pay off over time, but while you’re at it all else seems to be pushed aside. You no longer see your friends as often as you used to and weekends become something of a foreign concept. Worse yet, you put yourself aside. That gym membership expired months ago and since then you have felt like a recluse in your home office slaving away at your dream.

Fortunately, there is a “kill two birds with one stone” solution. In recent years, the attention to and advancements in ergonomic furniture has created a solution for young entrepreneurs. 10 Energy-Saving Tips for Your Office. 10 Ways to Organize Your Home Office by Monday" Investing in a filing cabinet is a great way to free up space in your home office.

10 Ways to Organize Your Home Office by Monday"

Buying a fireproof cabinet that also locks helps ensure that your important documents won't get stolen or destroyed. A locked, fireproof container is essential for really important documents, like birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports and car titles. You could also keep them in your bank's safety deposit box. 8 Tips to Create An Organized & Productive Home Office. One of the greatest benefits of a home office is the freedom to decorate and design your home office as you wish, but without letting either space lose their distinct identity.

8 Tips to Create An Organized & Productive Home Office

In other words, we shouldn’t blend the workplace with the rest of our personal space, aka home. Whether you call your ‘home office’ a blessing or a curse, one thing’s for sure, your mood and your productivity will be affected by how it is set up. Just as a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind, a disorganized home office may be the source of unnecessary mind-blocks to new ideas and solutions. Think your home office is a mess and is ruining your productivity? Not to worry, because today we’ll be covering 10 great tips to improve the organization of your home office meant to turn you more productive, keep the working mood positive and get back that focus you need to produce top-quality work. Recommended Reading: Inspirational Workspace: 60 Awesome Setups 1.

(Image source: Fotolia) What to do: 2. (Image source: Fotolia) Top 10 Office Decluttering Tricks. @MaxellDVD1: I dislike people using technological terms to describe non-technical actions.

Top 10 Office Decluttering Tricks

Reboot should be Clean-up! Reboot should, as your tip suggests, mean to restart a computer. @MaxellDVD1: I think that 7 is the most important. Every day when I leave work, my desk contains: -Computer (monitor, keyboard, & mouse) -Telephone. 8 Tech Etiquette Tips to Enforce in Your Office. The modern workplace is full of potential pitfalls, meaning you have to be on your toes to make, and maintain, the right impression with your co-workers and colleagues.

8 Tech Etiquette Tips to Enforce in Your Office

It's not just for the sake of politeness — more than three-quarters of HR managers recently polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects. We've taken a look at tech etiquette in a contemporary company setting for some useful advice offering up-to-date "do's and don'ts" for the digital age. Have a read through our guidelines below. In the comments, share your tips for staying on the right side of polite in the workplace — and do share any bad manners horror stories you've experienced. 1. It may sometimes be a scramble to find a socket to juice up your dying gadgetry, but the "first come, first served" rule stands fast in this area. 2. Does your company allows its employees to work with headphones on?

3. 4. Be a good neighbor when it comes to office equipment. 5. 6. 21 Tips to Organize Your Office and Get More Done. You may think that you don’t have time to organize your office, but if you really knew how much time that disorganization cost you, you’d reconsider.

21 Tips to Organize Your Office and Get More Done

Rearranging and moving piles occasionally doesn’t count. Neither does clearing off your desk, if you swipe the mess into a bin, or a desk drawer. A relatively neat and orderly office space clears the way for higher productivity and less wasted time. 7 Home office organization tips. Create office zones Every item in your home office should have a designated 'home' so it can be put back, instead of into a pile to be dealt with later.

7 Home office organization tips

Use vertical space, cabinets and shelving to create zones for your files, office supplies, mail/bill-paying (envelopes, stamps, checkbook) and resources (books, research). An L-shaped desk will give you maximum space in your main work zone for computing and planning. And as long as you're creating boundaries, establish work hours for the home office, post them and abide by them. Keep things convenient If you have to walk across the room (or worse, into another room) to retrieve a file, new file folder or office supply, you are that much less likely to do it. Use a tickler Transition papers — those papers that come into the home that don't warrant either a new file or an immediate response — are piles waiting to happen. 20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don't Get.