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21 Ways to Help Yourself Heal. 1.

21 Ways to Help Yourself Heal

Give yourself the emotional break you need. The Reward. 25 Ways To Make Your Life Better Immediately. 1.

25 Ways To Make Your Life Better Immediately

Listen to “The Circle Of Life.” Seriously, it’s like a musical version of caffeine. Once that naaaaaaaaaaaa sevenyaaa hits, you’re awake, you’re refreshed, you’re alive. This song makes a great alarm if you want to wake up feeling amazing every morning – just be prepared to have the “pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom” part stuck in your head all day. Discourse of a Rogue Nerd: The Power of Self-Respect. By AJ Focht SPOILER ALERT! : First and foremost I warn all who have not seen Scott Pilgrim VS.

The World or read its comic counter parts, I will be using spoilers to get my point across; if you haven’t seen the movie (or read the comics) perhaps you should wait to read this. An interesting change from the comic to the film adaption of Scott Pilgrim VS. The World was the use of the “Power of Self-Respect” sword at the end of the film. While the movie risked fan-boy rage to make the change, I think they made the right decision. Most geeks don’t have much trouble with supplying the romance portion of the relationship. Truth of the matter is, most all geeks have large self-respect issues, often going back to high school.

Emily Smith crafts a beautifully inspired illustrated short. How to be a 20-Something & Thought Catalog. Be really attractive.

How to be a 20-Something & Thought Catalog

Your acne is gone, your face has matured without having wrinkles and everything on your body is lifted naturally. Eat bagels seven days a week, binge-drink and do drugs: you’ll still look like a babe. When you turn thirty, it’ll become a different story but that’s, like, not for a really long time. Reestablish a relationship with your parents. You don’t live with them anymore (hopefully) so start to appreciate them as human beings with thoughts, flaws and feelings rather than soulless life ruiners who won’t let you borrow their car. Go from eating delicious food at your parents’ house to eating Ragu tomato sauce over Barilla noodles. A Guide To Being Alone Without Being Lonely.

There is a notable difference between being alone and being lonely that is too often overlooked in our fast-paced, well-connected, western world.

A Guide To Being Alone Without Being Lonely

Being alone does not always correspond to being lonely, just like having company doesn’t always correspond to being happy and fulfilled. The very same activities that we participate in solo and are often perceived by the outside world as “depressing” can also turn out to be some of the most self-fulfilling and meaningful experiences we have. For, who better to share a good time with than ourselves? I thought about this while drifting off to bed one night (alone) and got to wondering: in common situations, how can we be alone without being lonely? Sleeping. I’ll begin with the topic of sleeping.

Eating. Have you ever seen Last Holiday starring Queen Latifah? Awesome Dads. Neil Gaiman - Inspirational Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts 2012. The 6 Strangest Previous Careers of Famous Musicians. #3.

The 6 Strangest Previous Careers of Famous Musicians

Johnny Cash Was a Military Code Breaker Getty There are only two things that people from all walks of life will agree on. One is that no one should buy hair from a kiosk in the mall. Two is that Johnny Cash was the shit. Gibillmagazine.comTo answer your question, yes, he always looked old. But here's where things get awesome in a crazy Man in Black kind of way. Oh, and he was pretty freaking good at it. Wiki"I stroked a man in Moscow, just to watch him die.

" But when Johnny's time was up, he bolted. . #2. Tom Araya is the singer-bassist of speed metal behemoth Slayer, best known for singing catchy little tunes such as "Raining Blood," "Angel of Death" and "Dead Skin Mask. " GettyHe's legally required to wield an axe or guitar at all times. Sure, you sort of know that a guy like that may have a childhood, and a home, and a family, maybe even a cat or two.

But this is Tom Araya, an idealistic young man on his way to train as a respiratory therapist: #1. Hannah Brencher: The world needs more love letters. 47 Ways to Love Yourself Better Than You Do Right Now. How to Start a Personal Revolution. By Goldy Marx We are up against a vast commercial system that preys on our insecurities.

How to Start a Personal Revolution

Breaking the cycle is hard, but we have to start somewhere... We live in a competitive society that bullies and distorts our perceptions of ourselves. Subsequently, we are subtly coerced to find ways of correcting our insecurities. Where does a girl start her self-destructive journey? What We're Up Against Airbrushing model shots has been around since the 1960s. Our crushing lack of self-esteem can be briefly raised by the promise of so-called 'treatments' for spots, skin lightening creams, tanning products, depilatory creams, hot wax to eradicate any trace of being you.

21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity.