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Shampoo Recipes. Homemade Shampoo Recipes Making your own completely natural shampoo couldn't be easier or more fun.

Shampoo Recipes

There are many benefits to making shampoo yourself, it costs less, you can customize each shampoo to your specific hair needs, and most importantly, you will have a product that does not contain the laundry list of toxins that store bought brands include. Making shampoo that is chemical and toxin free is not only beneficial for us, but for the planet as well. As is the case with store bought products, there will be some trial and error before you find the exact combination of ingredients that suits your individual needs. In addition to the experimentation process, some people find that their hair takes awhile to adjust to the new, chemical free shampoo, mostly due to the fact that your hair is actually purging all the nasty build up that has been accumulating there for the last couple decades.

Basics of homemade shampoo: The Water. Homemade Herbal Shampoo. My foray into homemade herbal shampoo began last summer.

Homemade Herbal Shampoo

Up until that time, I just used whatever cheap shampoo I could get my hands on. Times were tight and my beloved salon shampoos were most certainly not in the budget. However, I was pretty uncomfortable with the thought of us being exposed to all of those weird sounding chemicals and knew I could do better than that. I got the framework for this shampoo from the book Earthly Bodies & Heavenly Hair by Dina Falconi. Oh, how I love this book! Before I share the recipe, just a few notes on shampoos made with castile soap: Don’t use straight castile soap on your hair. Everyone’s hair is different! Customizable DIY Herbal Shampoo Recipe: 2 ounces Dr. First, make your herbal infusion by placing a teaspoon, or pinch, of each type of herb you wish to use in a heat proof jar or glass, pour one cup of simmering hot water over the herbs, cap with a saucer and let steep for several hours. pH Balanced Shampoo Recipe. pH Balanced Shampoo Recipe UPDATE: (Mar. 2015) I get a LOT of questions about this recipe.

pH Balanced Shampoo Recipe

Some people love what it does for their hair. Other try waiting through the detox and still can’t get results they love. Not Ready For No 'Poo? Try Sorta 'Poo With Coconut Milk and Castille. It seems like no ‘poo comes and goes in waves.

Not Ready For No 'Poo? Try Sorta 'Poo With Coconut Milk and Castille

Suddenly, 20 women will show up out of nowhere saying they’re about to try it. With every wave comes a small, but vocal, backlash. “Backlash” may be a strong word. A better word may be “fear.” There are always several people who say, “Never. It’s scary to go no ‘poo. In one small, silly way, I was one of those people. Homemade Natural Beauty Products – How to Make Coconut Milk Shampoo. Today is the third consecutive day of beautiful weather here in Philly, so naturally it’s time to start thinking about summer.

Homemade Natural Beauty Products – How to Make Coconut Milk Shampoo

Whenever I do, the summer scents are always at the forefront of my mind: the sweet smell of the summertime air when you open your windows, the scent of fresh flowers as you walk through the garden, and, of course, coconut everything. Nothing brings about that summer feeling more than the delicious smell of coconut, and today I have a recipe that will lock that glorious summertime scent in your hair: homemade coconut milk shampoo. What you need: 1/2 cup coconut milk (this can be found in the international aisle at most supermarkets) 2/3 cup castile soap (this can be found at health food stores like Whole Foods.

I always stick with Dr. Like many beauty products, the ingredients can be altered to fit your scent preference, as long as these two stay the same: coconut milk and castile soap. Homemade Shampoo. pH Balanced Shampoo Recipe. No-Poo Alternatives to Baking Soda – Some Recipes. If you’re a die-hard no poo-er (if you think that means some bizarre practice of forced constipation, then you’re not…) that gets tired of using baking soda as shampoo because it has no poo (you miss the suds) or because your hair or scalp is starting to get dry, then this post is for YOU!

No-Poo Alternatives to Baking Soda – Some Recipes

So, I haven’t washed my hair with shampoo for a year and eight months, using only baking soda/water as “shampoo” and apple cider vinegar as conditioner (see my no-poo post here). It keeps my hair squeaky clean and I’ve been very happy with it (I promise – it’s not disgusting!). The price is right (cheapest thing EVER!) And it really works to clean (contrary to what one might think). Except for one thing – my hair is dry. I’ve had to use a lot of styling cream and oils to replenish the moisture and even then, it’s gotten drier. I look like a gelada baboon without moisture. Keep in mind that my hair is thick, very curly, very dry and coarse. Shampoo Bar Soap Recipe. I begin my journey into soap making almost 2 years ago.

Shampoo Bar Soap Recipe

It all started when I read this post and began to understand how easy and cost-effective making my own really is! I am by no means a soap making expert. I usually stick to pretty basic recipes and I haven’t experimented much with scents or creative designs. Hot processed soap is the way to go for me. Cold processed takes a long time to cure and I’m just to impatient for that! Determine Your Method There are so many recipes and soap-making methods out there.

I would also recommend borrowing a few of these books from the library if you really find yourself wanting to know more: