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Foreign Language Vocabulary, Grammar, and Readings. Spanish: Espacios públicos. This free OpenLearn course is taken from Portales: beginners' Spanish, an Open University language course that concentrates on Spanish as a tool for communication, but also provides some insights into Hispanic societies and cultures through authentic printed and audio materials.

Spanish: Espacios públicos

It will be of interest to all those who want to improve their language skills in order to communicate more easily and effectively in Spanish. This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the first edition of Portales and focuses on public spaces and how to get by in a Hispanic city. Enrol to get a record of achievement By enrolling on this course and setting up a free Open University account you can track your progress in My OpenLearn. When you’ve finished you can print off the free activity record to demonstrate your learning.

To view the current edition of the Open University course go to L194 Portales: beginners' Spanish.82 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. 84. The first open online Spanish course for everyone.  SPA0101: SPANISH 101. Spanish Learning Lab: Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons. Spanish Lessons, Vocab Flashcards, Spanish/English Dictionary, Verb Conjugator, Practiquemos, and more - Spanish411. Más arriba: Spanish Language Exercises. Más arriba (©2013 by Gary Aitken) is an interactive workbook of introductory Spanish language exercises, based on the pictorial contextualization of fundamental vocabulary and language points.

Más arriba: Spanish Language Exercises

The exercise material includes full-colour drawings, sound clips, instant feed-back, vocabulary help and a voice recorder (powered by Vocaroo). Más arriba can be used with any introductory approach. You can follow the alphabetical Exercise Index directly below or click here to go to the Lesson Index, provided for users of the Third Canadian Edition of ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura (©2013 by Pearson Education Canada). Reglas gramaticales. Grammar Notes page. Please be sure you are linking to www.drlemon.COM ( points to my site, but is not affiliated with it.)

Grammar Notes page

¡Gracias! Teachers & students are welcome to use the materials presented here. I ask only that you cite me as the materials are copyrighted, and also licensed under Creative Commons. The Grammar explanations are organized into three groups: Grammar Basics, which includes the Spanish alphabet, pronunciation, greetings, gender and adjective agreement, and more grammar structures & constructs. On each page you will find links to exercises, activities, and games in the Practice Zone, a yellow block in the Navigation Bar to the left. Tips for using your Spanish: Many Spanish phrases do not translate literally. Although we translate Me llamo Deborah as "My name is Deborah", it really means "I'm called Deborah" or "I call myself Deborah".

Cognates and False Cognates A Spanish word which looks like an English word and has the same meaning as that English word is called a cognate. The Future tense in Spanish. Languages - Spanish - Mi Vida Loca. Spanish Flash Cards - Spanish Flashcards. Foreign Language News and Newspapers. Learn Spanish Online Free - Learning Spanish. Learn Spanish. Talk Spanish introduction. Spanish/Lesson 1. Introduction[edit] This is the very first lesson in learning a second language, the Spanish Language!

Spanish/Lesson 1

This lesson begins with simple greetings, and covers important ideas of the Spanish Language. Throughout education, methods of teaching Spanish have changed greatly. Years ago, the Spanish Language was taught simply by memory. Today, however, the Spanish Language is taught by moving more slowly and covering grammar and spelling rules. Again, this is an introduction. In addition, learning a second language requires a basic understanding of your own language. While English is described as a very complicated language to learn, many of the distinguishing grammar structures have been simplified over the years.

Do not become discouraged! Dialogue 1[edit] Two good friends - Carmen and Roberto - are meeting: Listen to the dialogue. (139KB) Vocabulary[edit] Dialogue 2[edit] Dashboard - Babbel. German/Introduction. A Textbook on Five Levels The question arose early in the development of this textbook as to precisely who would be the target audience.


Although intended to be a "beginning" textbook on German, many felt that the early lessons were too difficult for younger students with very limited or no experience with German and, perhaps more importantly, limited skills in English grammar. For this reason a textbook on three levels was conceived. Beginning German (Level I) puts more emphasis on building vocabulary around subject matter interesting and useful to young students.

Basic German (Level II) emphasises grammar, and assumes a greater knowledge of English grammar more typical of an older high school or a college student. 1000 words of elementary German. Nachrichten und aktuelle Informationen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport und Kultur- DIE WELT. Nachrichten aus München, Sport, Promis, Bayern und der Welt - Abendzeitung München. Deutsch 101-326 University of Michigan. UM-GERMAN ONLINE. "Awesome" Resources HelloTalk Free app (Android and iOS) for finding conversation partners around the world and at home.


Enter the language(s) you speak and want to learn, then find partners by language, location etc. Make free calls with trusted partners, send audio or text messages, and use the app's speech-to-text function to have it transcribe what your partner(s) said. It can also translate messages for you, basically using Google Translate. OPEN CULTURE. Learn German for free online.


Download free audio lessons to your computer or mp3 player and start learning German instantly. To learn more languages, please visit our complete collection of Free Language Lessons.Deutsch - warum nicht? - Web SiteAn extensive collection of introductory German lessons put together by Deutsche Welle.Audio Trainer - Web siteHelps you learn basic vocabulary that is useful for everyday life and improve your pronunciation. The 100 lessons are the result of a collaborative effort between Deutsche Welle and the Goethe-Verlag.Deutsch im Blick - Web siteA free online textbook for learning German from the University of Texas. POPULEARN. Learn German with the best, comprehensive free German language lessons on the Internet.


Populearn is a free German language course that is designed to help you learn German quickly and effectively. The best way to learn the language would be to move to Germany and immerse yourself completely. But because that is not possible for everyone, I have designed these free lessons so you can learn German at home. DEUTSCH-LERNEN.