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Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class

Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class
But as of spoke, interrupted with an inquiry of his own: what would it take to make iPhones in the United States? Not long ago, Apple boasted that its products were made in America. Today, few are. Why can’t that work come home? Mr. The president’s question touched upon a central conviction at Apple. Apple has become one of the best-known, most admired and most imitated companies on earth, in part through an unrelenting mastery of global operations. However, what has vexed Mr. Apple employs 43,000 people in the United States and 20,000 overseas, a small fraction of the over 400,000 American workers at General Motors in the 1950s, or the hundreds of thousands at General Electric in the 1980s. “Apple’s an example of why it’s so hard to create middle-class jobs in the U.S. now,” said Jared Bernstein, who until last year was an economic adviser to the White House. “If it’s the pinnacle of capitalism, we should be worried.” “The speed and flexibility is breathtaking,” the executive said. Mr.

BBC Mundo - Noticias - ¿Dónde vive internet? Muchos vivimos conectados a internet sin saber qué hace posible el milagro. Cuenta el periodista estadounidense Andrew Blum que el día que un técnico le dijo que una ardilla se había comido un cable de su calle, y que por ello no podía navegar en internet, se percató de una cosa: desconocía por completo la realidad física de la red. Cada día navegaba por el ciberespacio sin pensar en qué se escondía detrás de su pantalla. Así que picado por la curiosidad, se levantó, hizo sus maletas e inició su viaje a lo largo de esa maraña de cables. De este modo descubrió que internet efectivamente "está" en alguna parte y que es mucho más fácil de ubicar geográficamente de lo que muchos creen. Las venas de internet "Internet está básicamente en los países del capitalismo clásico mundial: Londres, Nueva York, Holanda, Tokio… Aunque hay excepciones como Aspen en Virginia o Palo Alto en California", explicó Blum a BBC Mundo. "Me sorprendió cuán centralizado está. De Miami a América Latina Hogar, dulce hogar

How will China's Pan Asian Gold Exchange Revolution​ize Gold and Silver Trading? Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012Jan 18, 2012 - 02:45 AM GMT By: Sam_Chee_Kong PAGE which stands for Pan Asian Gold Exchange was set up in 2011 and has already begun operations with local Chinese buying and selling of gold through the internet. PAGE is located in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province located in South Western China and is also the major gateway to South East Asia. This gold exchange will enable ordinary Chinese buy/sell gold using a Renminbi account with a bank or broker. Also on offer is the Silver contract which is a five hundred ounce silver mini contract. PAGE is not something that can be taken lightly as it is part of China’s 12th five year plan to catapult China to be the Global Superpower in Economics, Politics and Military. Currently Shanghai Gold Exchange and Shanghai Futures Exchange are the only avenues for an ordinary Chinese citizen to buy gold. What are the consequences when PAGE opens for international business in June 2012? Precious Metals Manipulation

Net Neutrality's Technical Troubles After years of fence-sitting, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission has come down strongly in favor of Net neutrality, which in some sense must mean the equal treatment of all Internet data packets. The FCC plans to vote on a proposal on 26 February. What, however, does equal treatment mean? Everyone who suffers from Internet traffic jams has a favorite villain. The stakes are rising with the promise of new Net applications, such as communication among autonomous vehicles. Yet so far the debate has centered on policy, law, and finance, as if the network itself were a given. “There’s a lot of complexity here at a technical level that is absolutely lost in the policy conversations,” says Fred Baker, a distinguished engineering fellow at Cisco Systems and former chair of the Internet Engineering Task Force. The fundamental technical challenge is getting the Net to carry traffic that it was never meant to handle. Talk Is Not Cheap For Internet Traffic Managers Here are the LTE codes:

Local View: China wants to call shots on Canadian oil Americans view China's competition in telecommunications and fiber optics as worrisome enough that policymakers regularly consider enacting protectionist legislation. The possibility of China using its investment policies to seize the lead in automobile manufacturing also has Washington reacting vigorously. Yet, incredibly, the possibility of China gaining control of North America's largest oil reserve doesn't strike the same chord. China has massive demand for oil. The Chinese aren't sitting around waiting for a new age to dawn in the troubled Middle East, but are looking for sources of oil now. Now, in the wake of President Barack Obama's decision to deny a permit for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, an artery that would bring as much as 900,000 barrels a day from Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico, China is angling to replace the United States as the principal buyer of Canadian oil. The reasons are fairly easy to discern.

Simple Arch Linux Colors (Wallpaper Pack) ~ Ubuntronics Un fondo de escritorio minimalista pensado para Arch Linux. Disponible en diez colores diferentes y en una resolución de 1920x1200 píxeles. El logotipo utilizado lo pueden descargar desde la cuenta de ~FametSuri en DeviantART. Obama’s Keystone Denial Prompts Canada to Look to China Sales President Barack Obama’s decision yesterday to reject a permit for TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL oil pipeline may prompt Canada to turn to China for oil exports. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in a telephone call yesterday, told Obama “Canada will continue to work to diversify its energy exports,” according to details provided by Harper’s office. Canadian Natural Resource Minister Joe Oliver said relying less on the U.S. would help strengthen the country’s “financial security.” The “decision by the Obama administration underlines the importance of diversifying and expanding our markets, including the growing Asian market,” Oliver told reporters in Ottawa. Currently, 99 percent of Canada’s crude exports go to the U.S., a figure that Harper wants to reduce in his bid to make Canada a “superpower” in global energy markets. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed disappointment with President Barack Obama's decision to reject a permit for TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline. Close

Infografía. La evolución del almacenamiento informático ~ Ubuntronics La siguiente es una interesante infografía donde podremos ver las distintas opciones de almacenamiento informático que han surgido a lo largo de la historia y su evolución hasta llegar a lo que conocemos actualmente. China gets jump on U.S. for Brazil's oil BUENOS AIRES — Off the coast of Rio de Janeiro — below a mile of water and two miles of shifting rock, sand and salt — is an ultradeep sea of oil that could turn Brazil into the world’s fourth-largest oil producer, behind Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States. The country’s state-controlled oil company, Petrobras, expects to pump 4.9 million barrels a day from the country’s oil fields by 2020, with 40 percent of that coming from the seabed. One and a half million barrels will be bound for export markets. The United States wants it, but China is getting it. Less than a month after President Obama visited Brazil in March to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies. The deals are part of a growing oil relationship between the two countries that, thanks to a series of billion-dollar agreements, is giving China greater influence over Brazil’s oil frontier. During Mrs.

10 Síntomas para saber si eres un cibercriminal zombie sin saberlo Hace un mes he iniciado a mi papá en el uso del internet. Sé que no es Bill Gates, pero al menos ya sabe lo básico para quedarse un buen rato navegando sin necesidad de molestarme cada 5 minutos con preguntas. Hoy lo haré pasar por una inducción adicional pues no deseo tener a la DIVINDAT en la puerta de mi casa. ¿Por qué la “Policía Geek” podría ir a mi casa a visitarme? Porque sin saberlo él, yo o cualquiera de ustedes podría ser en un cibercriminal encubierto. Sobre las botnets Este método de crimen digital se ha popularizado debido a que cada vez es más sencillo identificar las fuentes desde las cuales se están realizando los crímenes. Aunque hay usuarios medianamente instruidos en el uso seguro de sus computadoras, siempre hay la posibilidad de una infección, y salvo que tengamos evidencias claras de que algo raro está pasando tal vez ni nos demos cuenta o hasta culpemos a nuestro hardware del comportamiento “extraño” que pueda tener nuestra PC. ¿Cuáles?

You won’t believe who owes U.S. billions Text smaller Text bigger How would it be if the next few hundred billion dollars or so in U.S. bills could be paid off in cash? No borrowing. No additional debt. Just as Barack Obama is planning to borrow another pile of currency, probably from China, to pay for his programs and promotions, calls are starting to develop for the U.S. to call in the debts that are due – and have been due for roughly two generations. Those would be the sovereign debt bonds sold by China before the communist revolution – bonds that were issued with the promise by the Chinese that they would be an internationally recognized debt of China and its successor governments until paid. But so far? The issue got the attention of Peter Huessy, the president of GeoStrategic Analysis, a defense forecasting firm, in a commentary at Fox News not long back. “Many people assume China has the U.S. over a barrel. But he added, “I was struck with the fact that the PRC, however, does not pay its debts to the U.S.”

La red social Geonick reinventa las antiguas postales sí, el viajero puede llenar su mapa con las postales de los lugares que ha visitado y a la vez mostrarlas a toda la comunidad Geonick, en el punto exacto donde han sido creadas. En el reverso de la postal se pueden incluir comentarios sobre el lugar visitado e indicar la dirección del blog o web del autor. Estas postales se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a una dirección externa a Geonick. Esta función permitirá a Geonick consolidarse como red social para conocer nuevas personas y especializarse como red social de viajeros, porque ahora no sólo son las personas las que están geolocalizadas en un punto del mapa sino que también lo están los propios lugares visitados. Al registrarse en Geonick, se pide a las personas su código postal para que la aplicación las ubique de forma aproximada, nunca exacta, encima de un mapa de Google Maps convertido en dinámico, interactivo y exclusivo para cada persona. App iPhone:

China’s very mysterious data A quick observation. I could not help noticing that China’s imports from Japan fell 16.2pc in December. Imports from Taiwan fell 6.2pc. The Shanghai Container Freight Index fell 1.4pc to a record low of 919.44 in November, after sliding relentlessly for several months. It has picked up slightly since. Click to enlarge The Baltic Dry Index measuring freight rates for ores, grains, and bulk goods, has fallen 44pc over the last year. Cautionary warning. However, rail, road, river and air freight volume for the whole of China fell to 31780m tons in November (latest data), from 32340m tons in October. Chinese electricity use was flat in over the Autumn, with a sharp fall in the (year-on-year) growth rates from 8.9pc in September, to 8pc in October, and 7.7pc in December. Residential investment has been contracting on a monthly basis, and of course property prices are now falling in all but two of China’s 70 largest cities. Beats me. A final point. This is deeply structural. No such formula exists.

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s premier mining and mining investment website Are China`s gold imports reaching panic proportions? - INDEPENDENT VIEWPOINT China's latest gold figures showing record imports through Hong Kong look unrelentingly bullish. Too bullish perhaps... Author: Adrian Ash Posted: Thursday , 12 Jan 2012 LONDON ( - So "growth has [now] replaced inflation as Beijing's top policy concern," says Qu Hongbin, Asian economics expert at HSBC in Hong Kong, forecasting three cuts to China's banking reserve requirements by July. "There is developing in Beijing, I think, almost a panic about global economic prospects and the impact of the European crisis on China," agrees Michael Pettis, finance professor at Peking University. Yes, you read that right. China's stellar growth since joining the World Trade Organization a decade ago has of course been driven by exporting cheap goods to the rest of the world. "Within China," Pettis now believes, "many are going to argue that the rapid decline in the trade surplus, coupled with unmistakable evidence of flight capital, means that the PBoC should devalue the RMB."
