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The Learning Lab

The Learning Lab

Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn Centrale Lyon et EMLYON inventent les pédagogies du futur avec leur Learning Lab C’est dans un bâtiment de 400 m2 situé à mi-chemin entre leurs deux campus que Centrale Lyon et EMLYON ont créé leur « Learning Lab », un espace tout entier dédié à l’apprentissage des nouvelles pédagogies. « Nous y formons les enseignants des deux écoles aux nouvelles pédagogies mais nous pouvons également y recevoir des entreprises qui viennent y faire des sessions de créativité », explique l’un des deux créateurs, Jean-Pierre Berthet, également directeur de la stratégie numérique de Centrale Lyon. « Nous expérimentons de nouveaux usages et ce qu’ils impliquent sur la dynamique de groupe », reprend Thierry Picq de l’EMLYON. Un espace interactif et modulable pour travailler ensemble ou en petits groupes Awabot permet à son utilisateur d'interagir avec son environnement presque comme s'il était présent en cours. Mais le clou du « Learning Lab » est sans contexte leur robot Awabot qui permet par exemple à des étudiants malades de continuer à venir en cours. Olivier Rollot (@O_Rollot)

Khan Academy: Out of the Screen, Into the Physical World Culture Teaching Strategies Khan Academy In just the past couple of years, Salman Khan has built a huge following for the Khan Academy. But the videos are just the beginning. “One of the things I hope these kids will have is a more visceral, ingrained, intuitive sense of analytical thinking about world around them than even most adults do.” Far from just watching videos, kids at the We Teach Science camp got their hands on a slew of math, science, and engineering projects. They played a “paranoia” version of the game Risk to understand the theory of probabilities using Monopoly money, where kids trade securities based on the outcome of the game. They orchestrated a crowd-sourcing project to test the wisdom of the crowds by posting a one-day online photo contest that drew more than 1,000 participants. The upcoming summer camp will be similar to We Teach Science. At this early stage, it’ll be a bit of an experiment, too. But the details are still fuzzy about logistics. Related

Les learning labs, ces salles de cours 3.0 - Enquête sur Educpros À côté des traditionnels amphis ou salles de TD, de nouveaux espaces, plus ouverts et plus modulables, font aujourd'hui leur apparition dans les écoles et les universités. Une dizaine ont vu le jour récemment. Leur finalité : favoriser le développement de pédagogies alternatives, fondées sur l'interactivité et la créativité. Expérimenter et innover : voilà ce qui guide les learning labs. "Nous mettons les équipements technologiques à disposition des enseignants, pour voir s'ils peuvent en faire quelque chose qui ait du sens dans leur pédagogie. Le but est de faire émerger des idées farfelues", s'amuse Benjamin Six, responsable de l'innovation pédagogique de l'Essec. Des espaces modulables… Concrètement, cela passe par des tables et chaises sur roulettes, facilement déplaçables, que l'on peut rapprocher pour mener un travail en petit groupe, puis organiser en cercle pour lancer une discussion collective. … et des équipements high-tech… … demandant des investissements conséquents

Teacher Evaluation – Let’s Just Forget It! I am struggling with all this talk about teacher evaluation and I can’t help but think that all of this time and energy is being wasted on something that we will never come to agreement on. Besides, with the primary focus of teacher evaluation more on standardized test scores than increasing the level of engagement in student learning opportunities can we really get where we want to go? In my opinion, we need learner-centered environments where teachers and students are all considered learners. While I agree that moving our public education system forward is a daunting task, I don’t think that evaluating teachers is the way to get there. Instead, we need to spend more time looking at environments where innovative thinking and creativity are fostered. I think we need to look at walkthrough models where teachers collectively gather data on the qualities of engaging classrooms in their own schools. photo via 460 views, 1 today What do you think?

allthingslearning A couple of weeks ago we started a “series” based on the work of those lovely chaps at the 21st Century Fluency Project – Lee Crockett, Ian Jukes and Andrew Churches very kindly gave me permission to use their new book Literacy is NOT Enough to create a number of “guest-posts” (now, if we could only get more writers to don their “creative commons” hats)! To date, I have done three posts: …and I promised that the forth would outline the “spirit” of the 5 Fluencies. Unable to edit down 6 chapters on my own, I got a “help me” message to Ian this morning… In less than an hour he had done this – Ian, you are “the man”! At the very heart of the 21st Century Fluency Project are the Five Fluencies. It’s important to note that these are not optional skills for our students, or for us. They must be cultivated by every teacher in every subject, and at every grade level. Solution Fluency Information Fluency Creativity Fluency Media Fluency Collaboration Fluency Global Digital Citizen Like this:

Next steps: getting ready for inquiry Although we are still adjusting to the routines in our literacy centers, we are ready to begin using the iPads in our content area instruction and inquiry. A little background: our faculty has both studied and been featured in a book/DVD series by Stephanie Harvey and Harvey "Smokey" Daniels entitled Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action. Inquiry-based learning has led to increased student choice and engagement, deep and meaningful questioning, and real-world advocacy and action. Our iPad grant proposal centered around incorporating the iPad into all the stages of student inquiry for our first and second graders, in addition to supporting their literacy development. Our first step will be to use multimedia to inspire student questioning and build background knowledge. Students will be using the app Simplenote to list the questions they have as they view the images and slide shows.

Barefoot In the head New York schools enter the iZone 26 October 2011Last updated at 00:34 By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent Uncertain horizons: New York's economic fortunes are now linked to education After the iPhone and the iPad, the iZone is a different kind of design experiment. It's New York's attempt to reinvent an inner-city school. The iZone project - or Innovation Zone - is challenging state schools in New York City to rip up the rule book. They're being told to find new ways to provide a more individualised education, to change the shape of the school day, explore what technology can offer and even ask whether pupils need to be in school at all. "The challenge we face is nothing less than transforming our schools from assembly-line factories into centres of innovation," said the city's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who warns that the US school system is falling behind international rivals. If the state schools are not improved, the fear is that the city will be entering the twilight zone rather than the iZone. Global cities

22 Mind-Blowing Infographics on Education | Socrato Learning Analytics Blog Data is extremely valuable for all of us in the education industry; we”ve got to consume a lot of it to make valuable decisions for our students and schools. However, when you spend too much time with your nose in your computer, e-reader or a book, it”s easy to forget what information looks like. That”s why I took the time to put together a list of amazing, tantalizingly visual infographics meant to titillate your mind and engage your visual synapses. There are 22 mind-blowing infographics on education below. Enjoy this hand-picked visual feast! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Did we miss any of your favorite educational infographics? Free e-Book: 5 Tips to Improve Your Reporting for Standardized Test Reporting Download this eBook from Socrato to learn how to optimize and improve your reports to help students improve their scores on standardize tests such as the SAT, ACT, LSAT or others. Download the eBook >>
