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Enlightenment / Spirituality / Metaphysics / Science

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Welcome Home all Lightworkers, Star Seeds, and Divine Multidimensional Beings. Power Path Seminars & School of Shamanism. ONENESS PSYCHOLOGY. Learn how to meditate and enjoy the benefits! Hidden Truth. Please let me know if you’re having issues logging in, or would like to write a post.

Hidden Truth

Lynda51 won the tarot reading contest for this month! Before you read your tarotscope for April, if you’re interested in winning a copy of the book Blood Ritual Monarch, please see the earlier post to get a sneak peak!

Peace and Loveism - Experience the Consciousness Shift. This summer the Peace and Loveism staff (sister organization of SHIFT>) will be immersing itself and documenting the wonderful Lucent Temple of Consciousness at Lightning in a Bottle!

Peace and Loveism - Experience the Consciousness Shift

We are incredibly excited to share our experiences of this transcendental and transformational element of Lightning in a Bottle. We’ll be highlighting some amazing speakers, workshops, and meditations so stay tuned for our coverage next month! The LIB Lucent Temple of Consciousness is a place to expand your mind and explore science, playfulness, and the inner and outer reaches of spirituality. Come bend and twist your body and hear the sounds of sweet harmonizing instruments calling us to rise up.

So what’s in store July 11-15 in Temecula, CA? Speakers David Wilcock: Divine Cosmos – The Synchronicity Key: Hidden Intelligence Guiding Us. News and Articles About Conscious Living on Planet Earth. 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar - Interactive Perpetual Dynamic - OVERTONE MOON 5 - Empower Command Radiance. The Dreamspell Calendar - In 1987, using ancient Mayan glyphs, Dr.

13-Moon Natural Time Calendar - Interactive Perpetual Dynamic - OVERTONE MOON 5 - Empower Command Radiance

Jose Arguelles created the Dreamspell calendar based on 13 Moons of 28 days. The calendar harmonizes with natural cycles of the sun, moon, earth and planets. It incorporates the 260 day count known as the Tzolk'in. The calendar has been used widely since the Harmonic Convergence August 16 - August 17, 1987. OM Times Magazine. Northwest Vipassana Center, Onalaska, WA. The online application form encrypts your information before it is sent from your computer to our application server.

Northwest Vipassana Center, Onalaska, WA

However, it may not be totally secure even though encryption is used. If you are concerned about the possibility of security risks of your confidential information while it is on the Internet, do not use this form and instead download an application. Print and complete it. Then please send the form to the course organizers. By faxing or posting your application form it may delay the registration process by one to two weeks. To access the Old Student Regional Site please click A user name and password will be required to access these pages.

Questions may be addressed to Email: All courses are run solely on a donation basis. The Monroe Institute. The white magic way for enhancing energy in daily life. Special. Activist Post. Shamans Supplies by Shamans Market. Talk Like A Physicist Day : March 14, 2011. Magazine: A look at life and human culture from different angles. Outer Space Flight Videos & Pictures. Red Ice Creations - From the Visible to the Obscure. Humans Are Free. Reiki-Reiki Healing Technique- Japanese Reiki. Read a brief introduction to Japanese Reiki healing technique.

Reiki-Reiki Healing Technique- Japanese Reiki

Reiki as a healing technique has gained immense popularity all over the world with more and more people wanting to master this simple art of meditation and self-realisation. Reiki as a healing art originated in Japan and it means 'Universal Life Energy' in Japanese. The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words viz. 'rei' which means "free passage" and 'ki' which means "vital life force energy". Reiki as a system was developed by Mikao Usui in the year 1922 while he was performing 'Isyu Guo', a twenty-one day Buddhist training course. Reiki energy that helps in healing ailments helps in relaxation, clears energy obstructions and removes toxins from the human system is based upon five basic principles. People interested in learning the art of Reiki need to abide by these five principles. The third degree or the master training trains a student to become a Reiki master. Reverse Spins.

Welcome to - Your Favorite Source of Random Information. Exploring Ancient World Cultures. Psychedelic News & Culture @ Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. Earthship Biotecture Green Buildings. Dead Sea. Web Extras - Vibrant Life Website. ॐॐॐ Aum Om Infinite Brahman Universe - IDN Forums - Internationalised Domain Names. ॐૐऔंༀ唵.

ॐॐॐ Aum Om Infinite Brahman Universe - IDN Forums - Internationalised Domain Names

The Meaning and Use of a Mandala. Alexander Berzin, December 2003 The Meaning of a Mandala The Tibetan word for "mandala," dkyil-‘khor , literally means "that which encircles a center.

The Meaning and Use of a Mandala

" A "center," here is a meaning, and "that which encircles it" – a mandala – is a round symbol that represents the meaning. Astral Projection - Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too. Everyone can have an out-of-body experience (OBE), says expert Jerry Gross - in fact, you probably have.

Astral Projection - Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too

In this interview, Gross explains OBEs, what happens and how to begin your adventure. When noted out-of-body teacher and practitioner Jerry Gross wants to travel long distances, he doesn't bother with the time and expense of catching a plane. He just uses a different kind of plane, and travels there astrally - unless, of course, he is teaching one of his many classes and workshops on astral projection, also known as OBE or out-of-body experience. According to Gross, the ability to leave the body has been with him since childhood. Metaphysics. Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it,[1] although the term is not easily defined.[2] Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms:[3] Ultimately, what is there?


What is it like? Prior to the modern history of science, scientific questions were addressed as a part of metaphysics known as natural philosophy. Originally, the term "science" (Latin scientia) simply meant "knowledge". The scientific method, however, transformed natural philosophy into an empirical activity deriving from experiment unlike the rest of philosophy. National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet Since 1888. The Biology Project. Spiral Nature. Crucify The Ego. 26th December 2012 Question with 2 notes jesuslovesbathsalts-deactivated asked: What were you like before you crucified your ego?

Crucify The Ego

The International Center for Reiki Training. Crystals: Three Steps to Crystal Healing, by Karen Ryan. The Human Chakra System. Truth is Stranger than Fiction. Lucid Dream Guru - Master the Art of Lucid Dreaming. - Ancient Astronauts, Planet X, Nibiru, NASA, Jason Martell's Research. Mind & Spirit Vaults. OM Symbol, Hindu OM, Hindu Symbol, OM Sound, OM Chant, AUM, AUM Mantra. Sacred Funk. What Does Om Mean. What Does "Aum" Mean ?? Aum (or OM) is a mantra, or vibration, that is traditionally chanted at the beginning and end of yoga sessions. It is made up of three Sanskrit letters, aa, au and ma which, when combined together, make the sound Aum or It is believed to be the basic sound of the world and to contain all other sounds.

It is said to be the sound of the universe. What does that mean? Somehow the ancient yogis knew what scientists today are telling us–that the entire universe is moving. - unconditional love, forgiveness, relationships, love & spirituality. Books, articles, advice, forums. Om...Aum. What is the meaning of OM? The whole world has evolved from Om; The whole world is sustained by Om; The whole world will merge into Om- In Om resides my strength. -Sivayave. "OM TAT SAT OM" Aum: Often spelled Om. Ancient Aliens - Ancient Alien evidence, The Hidden Records of star maps showing human star origins, Tikal, Mars, Orion Pleiades Pyramid star map - Wayne Herschel.


Meditation / Yoga. Educate Yourself. Blogs. Shamanism. Deep Spirits: Quest for Truth, Exploration of Beauty & Magic of Life. The Eight Circuits of Consciousness. The four evolving future 'brains' are:V. THE NEUROSOMATIC CIRCUIT When this fifth "body-brain" is activated, flat Euclidean figure-ground configurations explode multi-dimensionally.

Gestalts shift, in McLuhan's terms, from linear VISUAL SPACE to all-encompassing SENSORY SPACE. Mystical Blaze. Purpose of Existence, Universe - Future of Humanity on Earth. Erowid. Chakra. From an 1899 Yoga manuscript in the Braj Bhasa language. Account Suspended. Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program. Healing Journeys with the Energy of Crystals, Reiki, Angels, Colour, & more!

True Abundance And Happiness Is Attainable For You - Got Yours? Learn How. Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions. Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Life Experience : They're Not As Different Nor as Separate As You May Currently Think And Believe. Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions Shape Your World.

Now You'll FINALLY Understand Why in a Very Simplified Kind of Way!! Whole-Self. Have you ever wondered - "Who am I? "; "What am I really doing here? " Esoteric Tube - Downloading Reality. Sacred Science, by Thomas J McFarlane. The essays in this volume are inspired by a vision that reveals the harmony between mathematical, physical and spiritual knowledge. Center for Sacred Sciences. Organic Gardening, Modern Homesteading, Renewable Energy, Green Homes, DIY Projects – MOTHER EARTH NEWS.