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Learn how your students can design amazing apps for your school district. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:11:29 — 32.7MB) | Embed Subscribe: iTunes | | | Subscribe to the TeacherCast Educational Broadcasting Network The Tech Educator Podcast is a weekly round table discussion about current topics in educational technology.

Learn how your students can design amazing apps for your school district

For more information, please visit Show Information About our Guest Alefiya believes that involved communities result in higher academic and social outcomes, stronger values, and increased future success for students. In Crescerance’s short lifespan of just over 3 years, Alefiya has enabled over 150 educational institutions in America and throughout the world to better communicate with and engage their communities through the growing power of mobile.

About Crescerance Crescerance began its journey in 2011 with the simple idea of wanting to make it easier for schools to connect and truly engage with their parents, staff, students, alumni, and community at large. RELOAD Project. LAMS: Learning Activity Management System. Serious Games in Education. Interconnected - Interconnected. Faculty of Education - Papers (Archive) Serious Games in Education. 50 Great Sites for Serious, Educational Games. By Rose Jensen Serious games are making the news almost every day.

50 Great Sites for Serious, Educational Games

From teaching children about the cancer in their bodies to helping college students reinforce lessons from their business classes, these educational games take playing to a whole new level. Take a look at these 50 sites for serious and educational games you can play. No matter what you may be studying in college, there is a good chance that these educational games can enhance your learning or help you teach others. Business and Management. Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach: Proceedings of the Second Sussex ... - Robert Maribe Branch - Βιβλία Google. Learn to code.

Faculty of Education - Papers (Archive) Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning: Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice. “Everyone has the right to education.”

Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning: Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice

UNESCO Paris Declaration on OER, 2012. James Boyle, “The Why of Intellectual Property” Read the article at Background Understanding why the idea of “intellectual property” exists is a critical first step on the way to understanding the open education movement.

James Boyle, “The Why of Intellectual Property”

James Boyle’s book, The Public Domain, provides an excellent starting point for developing this understanding. James Boyle is one of the founding board members and former board chairman of Creative Commons, the most commonly accepted and popular form of open licenses used in the world, which are discussed later in this book.

As one of the key members of the modern movement to change the way intellectual property is protected and distributed, Boyle’s views on the subject are fundamental to understanding the societal context of other historically significant developments like the introduction of the free/libre copyright by Richard Stallman, which will also be included in later readings. Key Points. National Institute for Digital Learning. Serious Games in Education. Serious Games Development for Business Education. Serious Game University. Serious Games. How to use conversations to embed content in elearning.

I started writing a blog post about how to embed eLearning content into conversations.

How to use conversations to embed content in elearning

It was ok. Jane McGonigal. UnBoxed: online. A review of Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World, by Jane McGonigal I was not a video gamer as a kid.

UnBoxed: online

Gaming was something my older brother did, holed up in the basement with a Commodore 64 and an Impossible Mission game cartridge. I never really saw the point; it seemed like a waste of time. This perception of gaming as a pointless waste of time persists into our 21st century. Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World - Jane McGonigal - Βιβλία Google. Teaching Adult Learners (WPTrain) App Engine - Run your applications on a fully-managed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) using built-in services. An Acronym Leading to Empowerment in Schools (CEE) There are so many acronyms in education, that it could become a little overwhelming.

An Acronym Leading to Empowerment in Schools (CEE)

Not only because they are so many that educators could remember, but because they are often targeted to a specific area, not education as a whole. Although acronyms are meant to be simple to remember, they can often lead us to focusing on something other than deep learning. For example, many educators love promoting the use of the SAMR Model (Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition) for technology use in the classroom. The idea behind it is solid; what are you doing with the technology that you couldn’t do before? But the idea that a teacher that struggles with technology is going to start talking about “redefinition” in their use of technology is unlikely, and might even scare them away. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie. The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology and learning.

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology, cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online learning, computer applications in education, simulations and gaming, and other aspects of the use of technology in the learning process. Manuscripts may be submitted either in English or in French. There is no charge or fee to authors for article submission or processing. Le Journal canadien de l'apprentissage et de la technologie est une revue par les pairs qui accueille des articles sur tous les aspects de la technologie et de l'apprentissage de l'éducation. Distance Education Courses. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning.

JOFDL publishes articles from around the world relating to primary research investigations, literature reviews, the application of open education innovations, and the experiences of teaching at a distance in any sector of education or training.

Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning

Open University Malaysia Digital Library Portal. Ebooks: 'Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training' Handbook of Mobile Education - Βιβλία Google. ART_Athabasca_EN.pdf. Pub_Mobile%20Learning_web_CH8.pdf. Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training. Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training. Developing Effective Part-time Teachers in Higher Education: New Approaches ... - Βιβλία Google. Tony Bates. A Designer's Log: Case Studies in Instructional Design - Michael Power - Βιβλία Google. Page. Free Cornell Notes template by 123ContactForm. Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding.

What strategy can double student learning gains? According to 250 empirical studies, the answer is formative assessment, defined by Bill Younglove as "the frequent, interactive checking of student progress and understanding in order to identify learning needs and adjust teaching appropriately. " Unlike summative assessment, which evaluates student learning according to a benchmark, formative assessment monitors student understanding so that kids are always aware of their academic strengths and learning gaps. Meanwhile, teachers can improve the effectiveness of their instruction, re-teaching if necessary.

"When the cook tastes the soup," writes Robert E. Stake, "that's formative; when the guests taste the soup, that's summative. " A Beautiful Sketchnote on How Teachers Can Use Twitter for Professional Development. Doing It Differently: Tips for Teaching Vocabulary. Every Monday my seventh grade English teacher would have us copy a list of 25 words she'd written on the board.

Doing It Differently: Tips for Teaching Vocabulary

We'd then look up the dictionary definitions and copy those down. For homework, we'd re-write each word seven times. Good, now you know it. Test on Friday and never for those 25 words to be seen again. Poof. Copying definitions from the dictionary we would probably all agree is not an effective way to learn vocabulary. The truth is, and the research shows, students need multiple and various exposures to a word before they fully understand that word and can apply it. 30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class. One day, in front 36 riotous sophomores, I clutched my chest and dropped to my knees like Sergeant Elias at the end of Platoon. Instantly, dead silence and open mouths replaced classroom Armageddon. Standing up like nothing had happened, I said, "Thanks for your attention -- let's talk about love poems.

" I never used that stunt again. After all, should a real emergency occur, it would be better if students call 911 rather than post my motionless body on YouTube. I've thought this through. Most teachers use silencing methods, such as flicking the lights, ringing a call bell (see Teacher Tipster's charming video on the subject), raising two fingers, saying "Attention, class," or using Harry Wong's Give Me 5 -- a command for students to: Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding. 7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills. It's hard to imagine a single career that doesn't have a need for someone who can code. Everything that "just works" has some type of code that makes it run.

Coding (a.k.a. programming) is all around us. That's why all the cool kids are coding . . . or should be. Programming is not just the province of pale twenty-somethings in skinny jeans, hunched over three monitors, swigging Red Bull. 20 Free Tools for Making Comics and Cartoons for Teaching and Learning. There are so many good free tools for creating comics and cartoons on the web, as well as apps for tablets and smartphones. I've built out a list of fun tools I am looking forward to trying out over the upcoming holiday break. I can't wait to brainstorm creative ways to leverage these in lessons! Click to view original, large image. Digital Storytelling. 20 Free Tools for Making Comics and Cartoons for Teaching and Learning.

Digital Storytelling. Getting to Know Visme – Create Excellent Content For Presentations, Infographics, & More. This “Super Duper Easy” Content Creation Platform lets you Design Many Different Visual Formats Visme is a powerful web-based tool that has been gaining a lot of attention lately. This is a platform that will help you to create impressive presentations and other visual content that you’ll hardly believe you developed! Students and teachers alike can create excellent visuals for teaching, assignments, project based learning, and other fun, productive classroom uses.

With Visme, you can create excellent: Product DemosInfographicsPresentationsChartsGraphsBanners After using it to promote some content for the Monetary Library, we used most of the features offered so we could share them with EmergingEdTech readers. The output created through Visme is built on HTML 5, so it should work great on mobile devices. Participoll Add-in: Easy To Use Audience Response System For PowerPoint.

When it comes to conducting polls during Live presentations the options are many. How To Create Infographics Using PowerPoint. Creating Infographics is a concise yet highly informative way of conveying your message to your audience. Through infographics, you can tell an otherwise lengthy process, story, history, and comparison in one page. Create Online Lessons With Videos, Apps And Quizzes With Office Mix. Go Mobile with your Presentations - Teaching Kids to Code.

Daisy the Dinosaur. 7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills. Powerpoints - Formative Assessment and Differentiated Instruction. Differentiated Instruction. Over 50 iPad Apps for Dyslexic Learners. Great Tools and Apps for Teacher-Parent Communication. October 26, 2014 Students with parents who are up-to-date on their child(ren)'s lives tend to perform better in school. Fortunately, technology offers a variety of ways that can save teachers time as well as keep parents engaged. Here are some notable tools used by teachers and parents. Gives teachers a host of ways to collaborate with parents, like newsletters, calendars, fundraisers, and volunteer requests.

Automatically shares classroom photos, notes, and other documents with parents for real-time updates. Dames Making : Intro to Art and Visual Design for Games - Gamified - Gamification News. 3 Great Free Resources to Download Music and Sound Clips to Use in Class Presentations and Video Projects. October 13, 2014 When working on multimedia projects in class, students will definitely need to have recourse to a wide range of resources such as images, video clips, audio and musical recordings to mention a few. Of course the web is the ultimate storage room where students can access these materials. Learning Management System. Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology. The Learning Revolution. Positive Attitude Matters.

Know the feeling? Positive education: Creating flourishing students, staff and schools. By Dr Suzy Green MAPS, Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney, and Positive Psychology Institute, Dr Lindsay Oades, Director, Australian Institute of Business Well-Being, University of Wollongong, and Paula Robinson, Positive Psychology Institute. Socratic Smackdown - A Game for Learning and Practicing Discussion Strategies. Socratic Smackdown offers a fun approach to having students practice discussion strategies. Socratic Smackdown is a printable game designed to be played with up to forty students at a time. Socratic Smackdown - A Game for Learning and Practicing Discussion Strategies. Socratic Smackdown offers a fun approach to having students practice discussion strategies.

Using TodaysMeet as a Formative Assessment Tool. 10 of the Most Engaging Uses of Instructional Technology (with Dozens of Resources and Tools) Counseling resources. The Balance of Digital Footprint and Having Empathy. AI for games and animation: a cognitive modeling approach - John David Funge. Game Programming Gems (Game Programming Gems Series) (Repost) Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being: Serious Games, Alternative Realities, and Play Therapy. SMTE NSF Project. 14 Online Presentation Tools. Web 2.0.

Site Construction. Zoomable world map in Powerpoint for free - PowerPoint Prezi non linear presentation add-ons. PowerPoint Templates - Video Backgrounds - Professional Presentations. Presenter Media - PowerPoint Templates, 3D Animations, and Clipart. Presentations ETC Homepage. Presentations ETC Homepage. 5000+ Free PowerPoint Templates, Free PowerPoint Backgrounds. Change for the Better – 1:1 iPad Program.

Top LMS (Learning Management System) Software. Top LMS (Learning Management System) Software. Generous e-Learning Design, Part 2. Animated Blackboard Template For Educational PowerPoint Presentations. 10 free presentation tools to help you deliver that perfect pitch.