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Brain Computer Interface

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Human Performance Modification: Review of Worldwide Research with a View to the Future. Slide 1 - ppt-gabriel-july-2012-final200712-final.pdf. Human Performance Modification: Review of Worldwide Research with a View to the Future. Slide 1 - ppt-gabriel-july-2012-final200712-final.pdf. 052012-bci.pdf. The Future Of Brain Computer Interface A Glimpse Into The Nanomembrane Filled Crystal Ball » 06 » 11 » 2012 » Neurdon. Brain-computer interface is... just what it sounds like.

The Future Of Brain Computer Interface A Glimpse Into The Nanomembrane Filled Crystal Ball » 06 » 11 » 2012 » Neurdon

Some device is used to transfer information about the brain's activity to a computer, or vice versa. So we end up with two flavors of BCI: recording (for the brain-to-computer direction), and stimulating (for the computer-to-brain path). Utilizing the lucky fact that electrical signals are the language of the brain, we can do both of these things with tiny electrodes placed either in, on, or next to cells. And with this dual pathway we can then read off motor cortex information in order to move a prosthetic limb, or send seizure-combating signals into an epileptic brain. It seems so simple, right? The old way... But, like the Texas penal system,what we've got is an execution problem. Now, it should be noted, there is the minor matter of knowing what those neural signals that we record actually mean.

So, what then is the future of BCI execution? The future! There is still, however, the issue of delivery. Via Neurdiness. 9.xps - 9. The blind rock climber who sees with his tongue. Controlling Robots With Your Mind, plus the Firestorm that Killed The Dinosaurs, Why Big Dogs Die Young, and more - 2013/04/06 - Quirks and Quarks - CBC Player.

Apr 19, 2014 | 52:32Quirks and Quarks The Goldilocks Planet, plus Why Male Black Widow Spiders Like Their Females Chaste and Well Fed; How the First Herbivores Learned to Love Their Vegetables, and more - 2014/04/19 Audio Quirks and Quarks The Goldilocks Planet, plus Why Male Black Widow Spiders Like Their Females Chaste and Well Fed; How the First Herbivores Learned to Love Their Vegetables, and more - 2014/04/19 Apr 19, 2014 | 52:32Goldilocks Planet, Male Black Widow Spiders Like Mates Fat and Chaste, Vertebrates and Plant Power, LADEE's A Hit On The Moon, Farmer's Strong Bones, GMO Poplar Trees Help The Environment.

Controlling Robots With Your Mind, plus the Firestorm that Killed The Dinosaurs, Why Big Dogs Die Young, and more - 2013/04/06 - Quirks and Quarks - CBC Player

Microsoft PowerPoint - braincomputerinterface - braincomputerinterface.pdf. Brain–computer interface. A brain–computer interface (BCI), often called a mind-machine interface (MMI), or sometimes called a direct neural interface (DNI), synthetic telepathy interface (STI) or a brain–machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device.

Brain–computer interface

BCIs are often directed at assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions. Research on BCIs began in the 1970s at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) under a grant from the National Science Foundation, followed by a contract from DARPA.[1][2] The papers published after this research also mark the first appearance of the expression brain–computer interface in scientific literature. The field of BCI research and development has since focused primarily on neuroprosthetics applications that aim at restoring damaged hearing, sight and movement. History[edit] Berger's first recording device was very rudimentary.

Non-invasive BCI

How researchers hacked into Stephen Hawking's brain. Ted S.

How researchers hacked into Stephen Hawking's brain

Warren / AP To produce the words for text or speech, British physicist Stephen Hawking currently uses an infrared sensor mounted on his eyeglasses, visible here during an appearance this month in Seattle. Headset EEG hacking gives new meaning to PINheads. ( -- Researchers at the Usenix Security conference earlier this month demonstrated a way to get into your brain and learn facts that you don’t want to reveal.

Headset EEG hacking gives new meaning to PINheads

How Much Does Google Glass Cost and Is It a Business? Google Glass, a compact computer fitted onto a pair of slim metal eyeglass frames, is an impressive technical achievement.

How Much Does Google Glass Cost and Is It a Business?

But can it be a business? Glass is the pet project of Google’s cofounder Sergey Brin. The compact frames have a boom on one side that hides a camera, a battery, motion sensors, a wireless connection to reach the Internet, and other electronics. That boom also contains a small display, the light from which is directed into a person’s eye by a thumb-size prism positioned just under his or her right eyebrow. Google has shown off video and crisp photos captured by trapeze artists, skydivers, and supermodels wearing Glass prototypes like those it first unveiled in April 2012. But just how this R&D project might become a popular product and a significant contributor to Google’s bottom line remains fuzzy.

Making Glass affordable to consumers will be the easiest part. Persuading large numbers of people to put the device on their faces will be a far bigger challenge. Will Anyone Create a Killer App for Google Glass? Last summer, Ian Shakil, then a recent graduate of Stanford business school, got to try on Google’s head-mounted computing device, Glass, earlier than almost anyone outside the company.

Will Anyone Create a Killer App for Google Glass?

Hanging out with some Google employee friends at San Francisco’s Dolores Park, he put on a pair and decided he’d just glimpsed the future of computing. Shakil, who at the time was working as a consultant to MC10, a flexible electronics company, says, “I had that epiphany moment: I’d quit my job, and devote myself to creating a startup.” Completely new gadget categories aren’t created very often. But when they are, they can disrupt existing businesses and create massive opportunities for new startups that build the killer apps for the new big thing.

The shockwaves created by the iPhone and its App Store, for instance, are still being felt across the computer industry. 'Brain cap' technology turns thought into motion; Mind-machine interface could lead to new life-changing technologies for millions of people. "Brain cap" technology being developed at the University of Maryland allows users to turn their thoughts into motion. Associate Professor of Kinesiology José 'Pepe' L. Contreras-Vidal and his team have created a non-invasive, sensor-lined cap with neural interface software that soon could be used to control computers, robotic prosthetic limbs, motorized wheelchairs and even digital avatars. "We are on track to develop, test and make available to the public- within the next few years -- a safe, reliable, noninvasive brain computer interface that can bring life-changing technology to millions of people whose ability to move has been diminished due to paralysis, stroke or other injury or illness," said Contreras-Vidal of the university's School of Public Health.

Peer Reviewed Partnering to Help Sufferers of Injury and Stroke. EEG HEADSETS: RULE THE FUTURE WITH YOUR MIND. EEG headsets (Electroencephalography) work by collecting electrical activity from the scalp.


They measure voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the brain and use this electrical activity to communicate with your computer, apps and other devices. This is truly a fantastic technology that will change our brainwaves and consciousness in the future. The true art of these EEG headsets is that you need to focus and become familiar with what state of mind you are in. The more focused you are the better these EEG headsets work.

This technology will reward a society that learns to become mindful of how they feel and how well they know themselves. This technology could be the future of what I call an "introspection economy. " 3 EEG Headsets you can own NOW! InteraXon: "InteraXon was formed in 2007 when Ariel Garten decided to commercialize the thought controlled computing technology initially developed by world-renowned cyberneticist Dr. Startup planning thought-controlled entertainment product. After a pilot project with a working Brain Computer Interface at the CFC Media Labs, a new startup plans to develop thought-controlled entertainment for your living room.

Startup planning thought-controlled entertainment product

Computers have come a long way in terms of intuitive interface in the last few years. Brainwaves Hacked Using Consumer Grade EEG Headsets. Consumer-grade EEG headsets might be great for gaming, but a new study has found that sensitive personal information, like PIN numbers and credit card data, could be gleaned from the brainwaves of users wearing these headsets.

Brainwaves Hacked Using Consumer Grade EEG Headsets

Researchers presented their findings at the USENIX 2012 Security Symposium 2012. The team of security experts from Oxford, UC Berkeley, and the University of Geneva state that they were able to deduce the digits of PIN numbers, birth months, and areas of residence from subjects wearing the headsets who were presented with images of ATM machines, debit cards, people, maps, and random numbers. The correct answer was found by the first guess in 20% of the cases for PIN numbers.

The location was detected for 30% of the users, and the month of birth for 60%. Researchers presented the subjects with numbers from 0 to 9 randomly. The EEG headsets are becoming more popular, and affordable. Contact Us « NeuroSky. Headset & Accessories. Research Edition The Research Edition SDK is a single user license for independent researchers (individuals, companies or incorporated entities that had a turnover less than US$100,000 in their last fiscal year), wishing to conduct EEG research leveraging the Emotiv EEG neuroheadset technology.

The license is registered to the individual and is not transferable. The resulting applications, whether free or commercial will be distributed exclusively through our online application store. Necomimi - Brainwave Cat Ears. Future of BCI: affordable EEG headsets and why they matter (Photos) - Atlanta Technology. Breakthroughs in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology have dominated headlines for the past two decades with promises of a revolutionary future just around the corner. Although an enormous amount of progress has been made (in a wide range of applications ranging from neuroprosthetics to gaming), mainstream access to the technology has remained limited, and largely unchanged. However, companies such as Emotiv Systems, Neurosky, and MyndPlay may be changing all of that by providing a vast new array of new, simplified, and affordable EEG headsets to the average consumer.

What is BCI? Mind-meld brain power is best for steering spaceships. BCI system (credit: University of Essex) Researchers are discovering that they get better results in some tasks by combining the signals from multiple brain-computer interface (BCI) users. Mind-meld brain power is best for steering spaceships - tech - 01 February 2013. TURNS out two heads really are better than one. Two people have successfully steered a virtual spacecraft by combining the power of their thoughts - and their efforts were far more accurate than one person acting alone. One day groups of people hooked up to brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) might work together to control complex robotic and telepresence systems, maybe even in space. A BCI system records the brain's electrical activity using EEG signals, which are detected with electrodes attached to the scalp.

Brain-to-brain interfaces have arrived, and they are absolutely mindblowing. I am almost speechless at this! This is astounding! This is truly astounding! If it can be scaled up to the human level, if it can be done without what is sure to be hugely invasive brain surgery, this might revolutionize everything in ways we barely guess at. Technology Accessibility Group « Neil Squire Society. Project Background. The Brain-Computer Interface Project. Project Overview.

Invasive BCI

How a Monkey Can Mentally Control a Robot 7,000 Miles Away. Monkey Controls Robot With Thoughts, Then Enters Virtual Reality - TranscendTranscend. Virtual Mind Control by a Monkey The profound accomplishment of robotic thought control by a monkey was years ago. Woman with Quadriplegia Feeds Herself Chocolate Using Mind-Controlled Robot Arm in Pitt/UPMC Study - UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Neural implant recovers ability to make decisions, monkey study shows. Researchers have taken a key step towards recovering specific brain functions in sufferers of brain disease and injuries by successfully restoring the decision-making processes in monkeys.

By placing a neural device onto the front part of the monkeys' brains, the researchers, from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre, University of Kentucky and University of Southern California, were able to recover, and even improve, the monkeys' ability to make decisions when their normal cognitive functioning was disrupted. The study, which has been published today (Sept. 14) in IOP Publishing's Journal of Neural Engineering, involved the use of a neural prosthesis, which consisted of an array of electrodes measuring the signals from neurons in the brain to calculate how the monkeys' ability to perform a memory task could be restored. Pentagon Seeks to Repair Brains with Optogenetic Implants. 0inShare DARPA is stimulating the development of implantable therapies for brain trauma with $14.9M of federal funding towards optogenetics research. Brown University creates first wireless, implanted brain-computer interface. New Brain Implant Transmits Wirelessly To Computer.

The First Wireless, Implantable Brain-Computer Interface Will Help Us Move Things With Our Minds On the Go. Pitt finds success with brain implants in paralyzed patients. Brain implants may help stroke patients overcome partial paralysis. A Carbon-Fiber Electrode for a Better Connection to the Brain. These Tiny Carbon Microthreads Could Wire the Computers of the Future Directly to Your Brain.


The Incredible Rise of Mind-Controlled Limbs - Adam Clark Estes. A bionic prosthetic eye that speaks the language of your brain. Neuroprosthesis gives rats the ability to ‘touch’ infrared light. First direct brain-to-brain interface between two animals. Two Rats Communicate Brain to Brain. Synthetic synapse could take us one step closer to an artificial brain. Will humans someday communicate by thought alone? Better Than The Borg: The Neurotech Era. The Cyborg in Us All.