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Does Your Company Have a Just Cause? Simon Sinek speaking at the WorkHuman 2018 conference in Austin.

Does Your Company Have a Just Cause?

By Laura Lorek Publisher of Silicon Hills News To succeed, businesses must have a just cause, said Simon Sinek, the bestselling author of Start with Why. “A cause so just that not only do people feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves, but they are willing to sacrifice in order to advance that cause,” Sinek said during a keynote address last week at WorkHuman 2018, a conference of human resource professionals. It took place at the Austin Convention Center.

UI Animation

Revui: Destiny Alpha. Destiny's Tenacious Design and Interface. How Overwatch League’s UI is an eSports game changer. Hearthstone: How to Create an Immersive User Interface. Art Direction for AAA UI. 6 examples of UI design that every game developer should study. One of the most under-appreciated but most important elements of modern game development, HUD and UI design determines how players interface with the most core systems of a game.

6 examples of UI design that every game developer should study

They serve to not only provide vital information about player characters’ status and the state of the world, but are often key to shaping player behavior. The urgency with which a health indicator signals a terrible wound, or a mini-map emphasizes a quest icon, can dramatically affect how players interact with a game and what gameplay elements get priority.