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Pearltrees new team and touch features pave way for best-of-breed curation service

Pearltrees new team and touch features pave way for best-of-breed curation service

ObjectifMars chez Pearltrees Curation Becomes Social: Pearltrees Launches 'Team' Version Posted by Tom Foremski - December 7, 2010 [For much of this year I have been working with Pearltrees, which offers a visual web site curation service based on the visual metaphor of 'pearls' please see below for an example.] Pearltrees this week launched a "Team" version of its curation service that allows groups of people to collaborate on curating a topic. Up until now each Pearltree was the responsibility of one person. Alexia Tsotsis at Techcrunch reported: Ideally this goes down as such: You really care about fashion so you search for fashion in the Pearltrees search box and are confronted with really elaborate visual cluster displays of fashion blogs, each blog its own “pearl.” Pearltrees is part of a growing number of companies that offer curation services. In addition, pre-fetching of web site content means that it is possible to browse a Pearltree faster than surfing from site to site. A reporter, for example, could grab that media kit Pearltree and use it in preparing a report.

pearltrees + spotify Encore répété mardi à geek chic et hier soir à mes amis de creads , pearltrees ça poutre. Après avoir fixé un bug sur pearl an URL ce matin, vous êtes maintenant capable de créer des cartes dans spotify . “ The URL is the new MP3 ” peut on lire en bas de page sur leur site… Concept intéressant Parcourez une playlist avec une logique d’exploration Découvrez de nouveaux univers musicaux Ecoutez de la musique en instantané: pas de loading Partagez vos perles spotify et éditez vos propres parcours Voici une toute première carte qui va très vite s’agrandir: mon univers musical . Petit tips de déplacement dans le player: j’ai mis pas mal de branches alors si la musique vous plait moins: retour en arrière et plongeons dans une nouvelle branche Ceci dit il y a encore des améliorations à faire à la fois côté pearltrees et côté spotify: Auto-play: pour enchainer les perles dans le player pearltrees. Laisser spotify minimisé quand on change de morceau. Avoir le titre de la chanson dans la page web. share

#Curation Quand les internautes organiseront eux mêmes le web #Web10ftv La curation pour guérir de l’infobésité et gérer sa réputation. Interview de Patrice Lamothe, Pearltrees, au LeWeb pour « Les visages de la réussite » Curation – BuzzWord 2011 – est (ma définition) un trèfle à trois coeurs : veille, documentation et communication/marketing. C’est l’art de se positionner comme une valeur ajoutée dans une expertise en partageant une veille qualitative dûment épurée sur la base d’un centre d’intérêt (passion) clairement identifié. Pour une marque c’est un moyen d’être identifiée comme pro-active et acteur de référence en partageant des sources pertinentes orchestrées. Aujourd’hui, elle bénéficie de nouvelles techniques pour valoriser et promouvoir sa valeur … et donc, d’usages. Pearltrees et un service de curation ? Le 7 février 2011, la 1ère conférence sur la curation smwcuration réunissait Pearltrees,, Storify,,…des services dits de curation. « Créez le monde de vos intérêts » Pearltrees Sur ce post vous trouverez:

Pearltrees Dives Into Social Curating With Pearltrees Team Content curation and mapping service Pearltrees has decided to focus on the fact that people want to do things in groups and has as of today upgraded its core product with a groups functionality, called Pearltrees Team. Now accesible just by logging in, Pearltrees Team allows you to hook up with other people in order to create a Pearltree collaboratively in realtime. Ideally this goes down as such: You really care about fashion so you search for fashion in the Pearltrees search box and are confronted with really elaborate visual cluster displays of fashion blogs, each blog its own “pearl.” If the team leader accepts, you then can see all the Pearltree curation happening as it happens as well as as comment on individual Pearltree decisions. In the same space as Storify and Pinterest, Pearltrees currently has 102,000 unique visits, 60,000 active users and 6 million pageviews monthly. Check out more on how to use Pearltrees to organize the web in the video below.

pearltrees > blog Curation Startup Says It Captures 10,000 Links a Day French startup Pearltrees offers a very unique interface for organizing and sharing collections of links from around the web. Tomorrow the company will release a new, faster version of its application and announce that it has passed 2 million links curated in 7 months since going live. That means an average of 10,000 links have been bookmarked in Pearltrees every day since launch, and presumably many more now that the site has grown. Last month the company announced that it raised $1.6 million in venture funding. I love what Pearltrees is trying to do, most people I talk to love the idea, and it's good to hear the service is getting so much traction. It's hard to know what percentage of those thousands of links are pulled in automatically from synced Twitter accounts. What do you think about Pearltrees? Have you found yourself using the service regularly, though? The interface still just isn't quite there for me yet, though.

Comment animer une communauté d’utilisateurs par Pierre-Etienne Daviet, community manager de Pearltrees « Les membres satisfaits sont les premiers évangélistes d’un produit » Dans l’ère du Web social, une marque ne peut se satisfaire d’un site d’information : elle doit aller vers les clients et faire avec les clients. Mais la multiplication des plates formes et l’état « zapping » ou « béta » des internautes complexifient les tâches du Community Management. Cette difficulté s’accentue lorsque votre produit est un service totalement innovant (rupture totale avec des habitudes). Comprendre l’environnement du Community Manager Un petit descriptif de Peartrees s’impose pour comprendre la mission de Pierre-Etienne Daviet, le Community Manager ! Pearltrees est une Start-up française fondée par Patrice Lamothe qui vous propose une toute autre manière de naviguer sur le Web à partir de vos liens favoris (articles, photos, vidéos, etc.). Quatre effets marquants: Testez cette perle Double clic puis « suivant » Bonjour Pierre-Etienne Daviet Pierre-Etienne Daviet FB: Tu es le Community Manager de Pearltrees.

Will there be an iPad and/or iPhone version of Pearltrees in the near future Social curation finds an audience: Pearltrees reaches 10M pageviews With its slick visual interface for bookmarking content, Pearltrees is unique enough that I’ve been both impressed and slightly skeptical that a mass audience will actually use it. But it looks like the site has found plenty of users. The French startup just announced that it crossed two big milestones in March: It has more than 100,000 users curating links, and it received more than 10 million pageviews. Not only does that show the concept is resonating, but it also suggests Pearltrees could reach the scale where it can build a real business around advertising or by offering premium accounts for publishers. When you share links on Pearltrees, they show up as little circles called Pearls. Pearltrees launched in December 2009, and it recently enhanced the social aspect with a new teams feature that lets groups of people create Pearltrees collaboratively. Pearltrees has raised 3.8 million euros in funding.

Hottest Stealth Startups [Graphic] Rumors of “the death of stealth mode” have been greatly exaggerated. Ever since angel investor Chris Dixon tweeted, “New early-stage start up trend: get big quietly, so you don’t tip off potential competitors” back in March you can’t grab a coffee at The Creamery without hearing a “We’re in stealth mode” come out some neophyte founder’s mouth. Multiple startups I have contacted for coverage have uttered the dreaded epithet and declined press despite a growing userbase. I’ve spoken to a handful of VCs who hold that it’s getting increasingly difficult to announce funding or undertake any sort of publicity for the nascent companies they’re involved with. Perhaps the most absurd thing about the state of stealth mode is that many of these under-the-radar companies still manage to be over-hyped (!). In testament to this, the Quora thread “What are the hottest stealth startups in Silicon Valley right now?”
