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User confirmation email after registration

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Php - how to send activation link to a registered user? PHP, SEO, XHTML, MYSQL examples: Part 1: PHP Registration, Email Confirmation, User Activation, User login, User Interface script using MYSQL database. In this Blog I am going to explain you a complete PHP Registration, validation, Login and User Interface Script.

PHP, SEO, XHTML, MYSQL examples: Part 1: PHP Registration, Email Confirmation, User Activation, User login, User Interface script using MYSQL database

This script is Complete in the sense that this will let you register and save those inputs to database table “user_signup”. Empty field validations, compare field validation, and username uniqueness script is implemented. Other validations can also be implemented easily. Below are the features you can see in this script. Javascript validations are also done. PHP mysql_real_escape_string() Function. Building A registration System with Email verification in PHP. EmailShare Have you ever registered on a website and you were required to activate your newly created account via a confirmation link sent to the email address you supplied while registering?

Building A registration System with Email verification in PHP

This Email verification “Mechanism” is very common nowadays especially in forums, popular websites such as ebay, paypal, Facebook etc .Verifying Email Address helps to reduce spam and also to make sure that the email supplied belongs to that member. What are we going to build ? We are going to build a small system in which a user can register a new account. After registration, a confirmation link will be emailed to the email supplied in the registration form. After Successful registration, an Activation will be emailed to the user in order to verify that the email address supplied is really his. On Clicking the Activation link , A message will be displayed whether Account has been Activated successfully or not.

The user may now login . How to send confirmation mail link after registration via form? Imp. In this tutorial, we are going to be creating a user signup form that adds a user to a database, and then sends out a confirmation email that the user must click on before their account will be activated.


Step 1: The Template I've included the basic site layout so we aren't wasting time creating the form and making the site looks pretty. We are going to get right into coding which is what you came here for. Open up the Site Template folder and copy it to either your localhost or web server. Open up index.php and take a quick look. Step 2: Setting up the MySQL Database Open up PHPMyAdmin or whatever program you use to manage your MySQL database and create a new database. Our first table has 5 rows. Our second table is the confirm table. Step 3: Connecting to the MySQL Database Open up inc/php/config.php. First we need to make the connect to the database. Depending on your setup, we are going to need to change a few variables. Md5. From the documentation on Digest::MD5: md5($data,...)


This function will concatenate all arguments, calculate the MD5 digest of this "message", and return it in binary form. md5_hex($data,...) Same as md5(), but will return the digest in hexadecimal form. PHP's function returns the digest in hexadecimal form, so my guess is that you're using md5() instead of md5_hex(). I have verified that md5_hex() generates the same string as PHP's md5() function. (original comment snipped in various places) >Hexidecimal hashes generated with Perl's Digest::MD5 module WILL >NOT equal hashes generated with php's md5() function if the input >text contains any non-alphanumeric characters. > >$phphash = md5('pa$$'); >echo "php original hash from text: $phphash"; >echo "md5 hash from perl: " . Php - how do i send confirmation email to new registrated user?

Signup Users using Facebook Registration Plugin. Almost every Website, ask its users to Sign Up for an account using a valid email address.

Signup Users using Facebook Registration Plugin

Which is a tough task for the user, if that includes filling up a large registration Forms, with multiple information to be filled, many users quit at this point, and never register. Hence, today we will be discussing about the Facebook Registration pplugin, which helps users Autofill their registration forms using Facebook's account. Facebook has also introduced its "Login with Facebook" plugin, but i do not find it safe to authenticate users based on their Facebook account directly.And just like me, most of the developers think the same, but in here, by just taking help of Facebook in filling the registration forms, we help the users to get rid of typing again and again the same email address and other info to register, and at the same time, we save the information precisely to our database.

Its just a way to Autofill the registration form, if the user is already logged into Facebook. Fields=[ <?