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Neural. Holi. HD Weirdest Planets Doc.mkv. The Most Astounding Fact (Neil DeGrasse Tyson) StarGaze - Universal Beauty 1080p HD. Science Saved My Soul From Religion. Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS. Food Pyramid Submissions (Raw Image) - StumbleUpon. 11 Prescription Foods To Cure Your Illnesses | American Anti Aging Mag. Health Status Health Risk Assessments and Health Calculators. The Traveller’s Medicine Cabinet: 5 Essential Drugs for the Road.

While out roving you aren’t always (or even often) anywhere near a hospital or pharmacy. But, if you pack these nutritional supplements and natural medications wherever you go, you’ll be able to cope just fine. #1: Kratom The Situation You’re hiking the Appalachian trail in the dead of winter. It’s freezing cold, the terrain is rough, and you’ve got another four hours of trudging through the snow before you reach your destination for the night.

Suddenly the worst happens; your boot gets caught between two rocks, you lose your footing and tumble to the ground, wrenching your ankle in the process. . © Miserlou What It Is A leafy green plant grown mainly in Southeast Asia. Uses First and foremost, Kratom is a powerful painkiller similar to Morphine or Opium. Side-Effects Kratom is mildly addictive, about on par with caffeine. Forms Kratom can be purchased in dried leafy form, as an extract, a resin, or in pill form. Legality Kratom is legal in most of the developed world. . #2: Kava Kava Kava Kava None. Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald: Wired and Tired? 7 Herbs to Reduce Stress and Increase Vitality. Tonight you'll meditate. You really will. Tomorrow, you'll figure out a way to fit in that yoga class, between getting your kids to school and making it to work on time.

This week, you'll start inching toward that elusive "work/life" balance you keep reading about, keep a positive attitude, and work in plenty of "me time" without neglecting any responsibilities. Really, you will. If you're like a lot of us, you tell yourself things like this every day but still struggle to make it all fit. Who are these people who reach for their yoga mats in times of stress?

You're not alone. People come to our clinic seeking relief for a variety of health challenges: digestive concerns, musculoskeletal pain, immune issues, hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue, etc. Over the past 20 years of practice, I've noticed a dramatic increase in how patients rate how stressful they perceive their lives. The people I see know there's a problem. An Alternative to Red Bull: An introduction to Adaptogenic Herbs. AilmentsSs - What Grandma Knew - Herbal Remedies for Common Problems  Healing foods reference database.

La física cuántica confirma que creamos nuestra realidad at Rafapal Periodismo para Mentes Galacticas. La física moderna dice “tú si puedes” Durante décadas, los poderes de la mente han sido cuestiones asociadas al mundo “esotérico”, cosas de locos. La mayor parte de la gente desconoce que la mecánica cuántica, es decir, el modelo teórico y práctico dominante hoy día en el ámbito de la ciencia, ha demostrado la interrelación entre el pensamiento y la realidad.

Que cuando creemos que podemos, en realidad, podemos. Sorprendentes experimentos en los laboratorios más adelantados del mundo corroboran esta creencia. El estudio sobre el cerebro ha avanzado mucho en las últimas décadas mediante las “tomografías”. Estos experimentos en neurología han comprobado algo aparentemente descabellado: cuando vemos un determinado objeto aparece actividad en ciertas partes de nuestro cerebro… pero cuando se exhorta al sujeto a que cierre los ojos y lo imagine, la actividad cerebral es ¡idéntica! La farmacia del cerebro En un pequeño órgano llamado hipotálamo se fabrican las respuestas emocionales. Conciencia, Alma, Fisica Cuantica, Universo, Vibracion p1 de 2. Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy? 936Hz Pineal Gland Activator. DMTrmx.

Dopamine, the Left Brain, Women, and Men. In my last post on dopamine , I introduced this essential neurotransmitter and put forward some evidence that it is the key to the thinking style of humanity. Today we'll go over the different neurotransmitters on the different sides of the brain , and why it matters where we think. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is not only responsible for modulating a lot of our physical movement, but also sex , aggression, motivational drive, and, counter-intuitively, long-term planning and restraint or impulse control . In nearly all right-handed and most left-handed humans who are left-brain dominant, dopamine rules the left side of the brain. Lateral dopamine pathways modulate working memory , cognitive shifting, and other executive functions (such as planning).

On the right side of the brain - the artsy part - serotonin and norepinephrine are more dominant. The dopamine systems on the left side of the brain become more active with thinking and planning that is more long term. Image Credit. Pleasure Systems in the Brain. An Addiction Science Network Resource From M.A. Bozarth (1994). Pleasure systems in the brain. In D.M. Warburton (ed.), Pleasure: The politics and the reality (pp. 5-14 + refs). Michael A. Neurological research has identified a biological mechanism mediating behavior motivated by events commonly associated with pleasure in humans. Motivation & Reward Motivation can be considered under two general rubrics—appetitive and aversive motivation. Behaviorism traditionally rejects the notion that subjective experience has a critical role in determining behavior. In general, events that serve as positive reinforcers produce approach behavior defined as appetitive motivation.

A Biological Basis of Appetitive Motivation and Reward Physiological psychology research has identified separate but interactive neural pathways mediating reward and aversion (i.e., functioning as positive and negative reinforcement systems, respectively). Reward Substrate Identified by Electrical Brain Stimulation. The psychology of gullibility. Wo years ago, 14-year-old Nathan Zohner, a student at Eagle Rock Junior High in Idaho Falls, announced on the Internet that he had circulated a petition demanding strict control of a chemical known as dihydrogen monoxide. This substance, he wrote, caused excessive sweating and vomiting, can be lethal if accidentally inhaled, contributes to erosion, and has been found in tumors of cancer patients.

The student asked 50 people whether they supported the ban. Forty-three said yes, six were undecided, and only one knew that dihydrogen monoxide was... water. While embracing a ban on H2O seems more foolish than dangerous, this anecdote shows how quickly people embrace some kinds of ideas without subjecting them to critical scrutiny. The human propensity to accept ideas at face value--no matter how illogical--is the fertile soil in which pseudoscience grows.

Another reason people find pseudoscience plausible is a cognitive ability to "see" relationships that don't exist. Dr. 1. 2. Log in to your Account | IQ Elite. He's Got A Way About Him. Psychology studies relevant to everyday life from PsyBlog. Woman Rights & Feminism. - Living Bueno - How to Live Anywhere in the World for Free. Skeptical Face Travel for free? This dudes crazy right? Today is part two of what I am calling the "Knowledgeable Nomads" series, in which I will be teaching my readers how they can travel the world while ballooning their savings accounts rather than draining them dry. In the first part of this series I discussed general topics such as how to figure out what you want, devising your own getaway plan, quitting your job, creating a mobile income and taking the leap.

All of these topics will be expanded on in upcoming posts, however today I will be covering a more specific topic, instructing my fellow nomadic souls on how they to can travel the world for FREE. Possibly the most common excuse I hear when urging others to travel and see the world, is the financial barrier that is separating them from partaking in such a journey. How To Live Anywhere in The World For Free By- Rick A. Letter from Franco, my host from my upcoming voyage to Sicily: would you be interested in that? " Franco 1.

The 20 Best Travel Websites on the Internet - Golden Book Traveler - StumbleUpon. Update: Visit the 2012 version of The 20 Best Travel Websites on the Internet I hope that everyone who attended my SXSW Core Conversation panel on How to Make Money Traveling Around the World enjoyed the presentation. As promised, I have a listing of my top 20 favorite travel websites (in no particular order). I’m still working on my eBook “70 Vacations in 7 Months“. The project has consumed most of my time of late. The Top 20! Couch Surfing Hands down my favorite travel website on the internet. Travellers Point Travellerspoint is a small travel community that features expert travel advice. Momondo How can a Danish aggregator feature cheaper flights within the U.S, than any American flight aggregator?

Escape The City Escape the City is a new website that continues to grow like wildfire. Hostel World My go to site for anything related to hostels. Trip-it I build almost all of my travel itineraries through Trip-it. AirBnB Airbnb is great for people who enjoy a finer lodging experience. Flyer Talk. The Backpackers semi-serious guide to flying solo. Travelling on your own can be challenging. Photo: Getty Images Everyone's flown solo at some stage. Some people love it, wouldn't travel any other way. After all, there's no freedom like striding out there into the world by yourself, with only your wits to guide you.

I've done many overseas trips alone, and it has its advantages. So here you go loners: your guide to getting around the world on your own. Drastically lower your standards. Advertisement Hit the couch. Adopt an ice-breaking affectation. Learn to dread two words: "Single supplement. " Go places you don't really want to go. Develop a drinking habit. Remember to shower. Adopt a new persona. Become exceptionally good at Solitaire. Embrace eating out alone. Learn to time your toilet breaks. Become a "yes man". What's your advice for solo travellers? Altered books. The Ultimate Travel Hacking Guide. Cheap Places To Stay For Awhile Around The World. The problem with cheap places is that it’s all relative to the lifestyle someone chooses.

While I do list Xi’an, China as being inexpensive, it’s also quite easy to spend as much as you would in Tokyo, Japan. It also depends on what you’re into. Do you like big cities, beaches, comforts of home, party towns, or jungles? Here’s a few things I consider when staying in a place for a few weeks or months between traveling around: Fast and reliable internet.Good selection of food.Entertainment such as bars and nightlife. If you’re looking to take a break and stay somewhere for awhile, here is where I recommend. Xi’an, China If you’ve been following Art of Backpacking, you probably expected I would mention this city. Xi’an is well known to be one of the cheapest big cities in China.

At a big fancy nightclub with VIP treatment, a bottle of Absolut, basket of fruits, snacks, and a few sodas cost $47. Pick up Mandarin classes and go sightseeing in one of China’s oldest and traditional cities. 101 Things To Do Around The World. 5 Ways to Give Yourself an Education That Kicks the Crap Out of the One You Got in School. 5 Ways to Give Yourself an Education That Kicks the Crap Out of the One You Got in School One of the biggest reasons that people are denied the privilege of education is because they can’t afford it. However, today we live in a world where knowledge and information are at our finger tips like never before.

Technology has leveled the playing field so that anybody with an interest and an internet connection can receive a world class education. Bloggers, podcasters, search engines and digital content creators of all types of have made it possible for us to learn virtually anything we want to even if we don’t have the money. Self Motivation is Not Optional Taking this kind of approach to educating yourself requires an extremely high degree of self motivation. 1.

There are a handful of traditional education institutions that have started to embrace this trend. 2. In a recent feature, the CBS Sunday morning show said that there were approximately 50 million active blogs online. 3. 4. 5. 9 things successful people do differently | bethexception. Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals, but not others? If you aren’t sure, you are far from alone in your confusion. It turns out that even brilliant, highly accomplished people are pretty lousy when it comes to understanding why they succeed or fail. The intuitive answer — that you are born predisposed to certain talents and lacking in others — is really just one small piece of the puzzle. In fact, decades of research on achievement suggests that successful people reach their goals not simply because of who they are, but more often because of what they do . When you set yourself a goal, try to be as specific as possible.

“Lose 5 pounds” is a better goal than “lose some weight,” because it gives you a clear idea of what success looks like. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve keeps you motivated until you get there. {*style:<b> 2. To seize the moment, decide when and where you will take each action you want to take , in advance. 4. 5. 6. 8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating. “Music helps me concentrate,” Mike said to me glancing briefly over his shoulder. Mike was in his room writing a paper for his U.S. History class. On his desk next to his computer sat crunched Red Bulls, empty Gatorade bottles, some extra pocket change and scattered pieces of paper.

In the pocket of his sweat pants rested a blaring iPod with a chord that dangled near the floor, almost touching against his Adidas sandals. On his computer sat even more stray objects than his surrounding environment. There must have been twenty browser tabs open. The tabs included political blog news, random Wikipedia entries, Facebook profiles and a Myspace page blasting more music at him. Mike made a shift about every thirty seconds between all of the above. Do you know a person like this? The Science Behind Concentration In the above account, Mike’s obviously stuck in a routine that many of us may have found ourselves in, yet in the moment we feel it’s almost an impossible routine to get out of. 1. 2. 40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind - StumbleUpon. Asking the right questions is the answer… It’s not the answers you get from others that will help you, but the questions you ask of yourself.

Here are 40 thought-provoking questions to help you refresh and refocus your thinking: Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. Also, check out our sister site, Thought Questions, for more photo-illustrated questions like these; and check out The Book of Questions if you’re interested in reading even more inspiring, thought-provoking questions.Title photo by: Helga Weber For all other photo credits please refer to Related 40 Questions Everyone is Afraid to Ask Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. April 13, 2012 In "Aspirations" 40 Questions that Will Quiet Your Mind Judge a person by their questions, rather than their answers … because asking the right questions is the answer. August 5, 2015 In "Happiness" 25 Photo-Illustrated Reminders to Help You Find Happiness.

30-habits-that-will-change-your-life from - StumbleUpon. Developing good habits is the basic of personal development and growth. Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all the habits that we have are good, that’s why we are constantly trying to improve. The following is a list of 30 practical habits that can make a huge difference in your life. You should treat this list as a reference, and implement just one habit per month. This way you will have the time to fully absorb each of them, while still seeing significant improvements each month.

Health habits Exercise 30 minutes every day. Productivity habits Use an inbox system. Personal Development habits Read 1 book per week. Career habits Start a blog. What do you think? Update: A reader put together a downloadable copy of all these habits. 60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again. Memory Improvement Techniques - Improve Your Memory with MindTools. Penn State York :: Learning Center :: Hints for Remembering Better.