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Don't hate, meditate. Showcase Of Delicious Coffee Websites - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement For designers approaching a deadline, coffee is a delicious necessity. Lucky for us, having a coffee break is not really difficult. But it’s more than just a 3am fix. With every late-night run to the local coffee house, we contribute to a populous network of coffee trading, sales and experience. And in fact, coffee houses and suppliers are quite a business, with online presences ranging from simple layouts with striking typography to advanced layouts with remarkable photography.

Coffee websites: what do they look like? Showcase Far Coast1 Rustic oranges and blues are at play Far Coast’s website, with hints of distressed textures for an even more vintage vibe. Gorilla Coffee2 Thick lines, a dark two-toned palette, heavy shapes and an urban setting remind the user that coffee can be just as enjoyable when sipped in a fast-paced city as in the mountains. Coffee Club4 It’s no accident that the word “Indulge” emphasized in this design.

Robust-ah! LIMEALICIOUS! Onde Small Voice Blog. Eudaimonia Suite On thinking further about my lifelong philosophy project, I've come to see it as a six-part suite on the theme of eudaimonia. Just I have likened my set of Yes arrangements for solo electric bass to a Bach Cello Suite, so the six books I'm writing on the philosophy of happiness might comprise a kind of suite: I like this arrangement quite a bit, since the three pairs of contrasting thinkers (Rand and Lao Tzu, Nietzsche and Epicurus, Aristotle and Thoreau) are arrayed in a mirror image through the first and last, second and fifth, and third and fourth movements. Nietzsche's Poetic Effects I have not yet begun to grapple with how I will write Songs of Zarathustra, a cycle of philosophical poems about the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche. The prospect is daunting in many ways at once, like climbing a high mountain in winter. As I study and contemplate various paths to the top, I keep noticing interesting features along the way.

And: My Lifelong Philosophy Project. My blog. This isn't happiness™ Peteski. ResearchFlow. Scrapbook: Fight For Your Right. (nice signs) Scrapbook. Est. 2007 This Blog Linked From Here Fight For Your Right. Posted by DL at 9.4.11 Labels: comical, food, mashup, poster, print, stationary No comments: Post a Comment Newer PostOlder PostHome.

Que 1 000 volcans se réveillent et que 1 000 rêves fleurissent ! J’avoue que j’adore cette situation et j’aimerais que cela dure, que plus un seul avion ne décolle pendant les 10 prochaines années. Pourquoi ? Et bien pour imaginer un autre avenir, une autre vie. Quand nous disons « on pourrait faire ceci ou celà », « on pourrait vivre autrement etc » on nous répond que c’est idiot, que ce n’est pas possible, voyons on ne peut pas empêcher les avions de voler, on ne peut pas empêcher les gens de voyager pour un oui ou pour un non, on ne peut pas empêcher les capitalistes d’être des capitalistes, le pauvres d’être des pauvres et les riches d’être riches, on ne peu pas accueillir toute la misère du monde, des vélos à la place des voitures dans les villes ?

Mais voyons ce n’est pas possible vous n’y pensez pas, et pourquoi pas la semaine de 10 heures tant qu’on y est ! Atheist's Blog. The Art of Insight and Action. How The World Spends Its Time Online - Have you ever wondered how people across the world spend their time online? Global research firm Nielsen periodically releases data from its studies of consumer behavior online.

Here are the 2010 findings regarding social networking, branding and world net usage. Total Time Online The average person spends more than 60 hours a month online. Social networking accounts for 22 percent of the time while 42 percent is spent viewing content, whether watching videos, reading articles or playing online games. Among people who use the Internet, each person visits 2,646 Web pages on 89 domains and logs in 57 times per month. Most Popular Brands The percentage of all online users that visit Google is 82. Social Network Usage The highest percentage of internet users who log onto social media is in Brazil, with 80 percent using social network sites. Daily Internet Activities For many, internet use is a daily occurrence.

Click For Full Size Comments comments. 2 reasons why bloggin is like sex | | TNB SolutionsTNB Solutions. If you are blogging to bring more people to your business, you have to make the viewer interested in what you are selling, whether it is a product or services. To many people just write and put stuff out there and don’t understand why no one cares. As the article below says, you can’t fake it and you have passion.

If you don’t have the ability to put that passion into your articles, then you need to hire someone to do that. Tech NO Babble can provide ghost writing services that can put passion back into your message. Source: via Alex on Pinterest Contact us to talk about your internet marketing needs. | Ask Questions, Share Answers. PostSecret. BEFORE I DIE I WANT TO... The Polaroid Project :: An international community exploring what it means to live life to the fullest.

k0pv0.jpg (JPEG Image, 2400 × 1507 pixels) CARPE DIEM. Articoliliberi. Rev. Martin Luther King, Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence. Documents menu Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 22:10:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Art McGee <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Subject: [BRC-NEWS] Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence To: Speech delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on April 4, 1967, at a meeting of Clergy and Laity Concerned at Riverside Church in New York City [Please put links to this speech on your respective web sites and if possible, place the text itself there. I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. The truth of these words is beyond doubt but the mission to which they call us is a most difficult one. Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak.

The Importance of Vietnam Strange Liberators So, too, with Hanoi. Raconte-moi un visionnaire, Gauthier Chapelle... TerreTv est une webTv spécialisée sur les thématiques environnementales et éditée par Science Frontières Production SA. Elle est née le 15 février 2007, avec le soutien de l’Ademe, du Cnes, du MEEDDAT, de l’IRD, et de l’association Science Frontières. TerreTv est un outil écologique, en cohérence avec le message qu'elle diffuse. Internet ne présente pas les inconvénients de la presse " papier ". TerreTv s'adresse au grand public, grâce à sa démarche de vulgarisation scientifique et de sensibilisation aux questions environnementales. Les étudiants comme leurs professeurs y trouveront en particulier une mine d'informations et de programmes mis à leur disposition. TerreTv propose une diversité de programmes : débats, reportages, JT, documentaires, conférences, sketchs, courts et longs métrages, bandes-annonces, entretiens...

TerreTv assure une qualité d'image pour tout le monde. Infos pratiques : L’Inconnue. In the late 1880s, the body of a 16-year-old girl was pulled from the Seine. She was apparently a suicide, as her body showed no marks of violence, but her beauty and her enigmatic smile led a Paris pathologist to order a plaster death mask of her face. In the romantic atmosphere of fin de siècle Europe the girl’s face became an ideal of feminine beauty. The protagonist of Rainer Maria Rilke’s 1910 novel The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge writes, “The mouleur, whose shop I pass every day, has hung two plaster masks beside his door. [One is] the face of the young drowned woman, which they took a cast of in the morgue, because it was beautiful, because it smiled, because it smiled so deceptively, as if it knew.” Ironically, in 1958 the anonymous girl’s features were used to model the first-aid mannequin Rescue Annie, on which thousands of students have practiced CPR. See Mee. 15 Signs Improved by Hilarious Graffiti from Ace of Base. Adscriptor. Egoblog. Max Kiesler. Mooglets - Socializing is as exhausting as giving blood.... Marc Ecko. The Hole NYC. Erik Anthony Hamline. Chat with God Online. La Petite Claudine 3.0. Dejad que los niños se acerquen a ellos Unas semanas antes del último Halloween, un degenerado aprovechó que su novia enseñaba a los niños de un coro infantil para llevarselos a un "retiro" de fin de semana y leerles La Sombra fuera del Tiempo, Las Montañas de la Locura y La llamada de Cthulhu. Después, les hizo dibujar. Del resultado se infiere que los aterrados infantes, incapacitados por su falta de experiencia para resistir el impacto, perdieron la chaveta ya donde La Sombra porque todos pintaron Yiths, que son los que viajan en el tiempo, son más viejos que su propio cuerpo y son jodidísimos de quitarse de encima, como un hijo infernal de Drew Barrimore y el hombre-lapa.

He elegido el de arriba porque de pronto me recordó al ángel de Klee que iluminó en Benjamin el ángel de la historia y que, si lo leen de nuevo, coincidirán conmigo en que bien podría ser un Yith: Hay un cuadro de Klee que se titula Angelus Novus. Breccia en las Montañas de la Locura Paul Naschy Gracias Henrique Mariño! Troll i Ord. Smullyan’s Paradox. Master Mouse Patrol - Sexy, yet polite. This Is Why You're Fat | Where dreams become heart attacks. Darwin Awards. Homo Sapiens Sapiens, on the verge of extinction. January 2012. Perception. La Reine des Coeurs on we heart it / visual bookmark #4056599. Mia Nolting Makes Lists. Book of Lists, ongoing project. Just like the weather, can’t hold her together: Archive.

Paul Truong. 10 Most Unusual Mirrors - (cool mirror, creative mirrors) Razorblade Mirror A nice piece of design from Suck UK, the Razorblade Mirror is based on the shape of a typical razorblade. Designed by Phil Sims and ideal for a novelty shaving mirror or just an interesting decoration for your living room wall, it's even got the name of the most famous razorblade-user of all on the front - Sweeney Todd. Razor Blade Mirror is selling for £74.99. The price is pretty high for a mirror. So, make sure you are not buying this mirror only for just a “mirror”! Narcisse Mirror French design brand Domestic has launched a collection of mirrors by various designers including Matali Crasset, 5.5 Designers and Ich&Ka.

Ironing Board Mirror An interesting concept by designer Aïssa Logerot, this innovative mirror can be used as ironing board when it's tilted and secured on horizontal position. How Tall Are You Mirror Are you mini like Kylie? Touch Screen MP3 Mirror Interactive Mirror Conceptualized by Alpay Kasal, this is a patent pending touch capable mirror. Tetris Mirror. Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? Sage Vaughn. Silicon country. Foam Magazine. Trouver des pictogrammes de qualité. The Table That Talked Back. Listen to your hands from Sanghyeok Lee on Vimeo. Last week, we marveled at the secret compartments tucked inside the Kai Table, a beautifully crafted wooden tabletop meant to inspire curiosity and exploration. Korean designer Lee Sanghyeok has created a similarly playful object called “Listen to Your Hands,” a table that investigates the sense of touch as the primary means of dialogue between human and object.

A wooden desk with an asymmetrical stack of drawers defies the inertia of the typical table by responding to the actions of its human user: the push of one drawer results in the opening of another, and only a gentle closing of a drawer can keep all the others intact, suggesting that humans need to “act with intention.” The plea for responsible action aside, Lee’s mischievous table would be the perfect prop for a Marx Brothers slapstick routine. [Image and video courtesy the designer] Connectivity 31. The Lively Morgue. Cursivebuildings. For the amazing vsl editors & readers: hi. i’m happy you’re here. i have warm cookies on the table & milk. reaching for the out of reach is one project. there are many more.

Best Blog. Casa de Ricardo: Archive. 510kg: アーカイブ. Can you hear the ocean yet? The Weirdest Clouds that You’ll Ever See. Nature has always been a source of inspiration for designers to look at things differently. We all know that a tree doesn’t always have green leaves, water is not blue and clouds are certainly not always white and puffy. As designers, we need to know to look beyond the obvious when looking at things. Cloud formations such as mammatus or lenticular among others, are perfect examples of how intricate and different nature can be. There are even so called ‘ufo clouds’, which truly resemble the shape of a UFO. In this post, we take a look at some amazing photographs of the weirdest cloud formations that you’ll ever see, that are destined to inspire your design work and surely blow your mind. To read more information about any of the photos, just click on any of the images below to be taken to its source.

And don’t forget the next time you go out, to look up… The Rules of a Gentleman. Awesome people hanging out together. ATMOSPHRE. The Egg, by Andy Weir. Vertigine del tempo | Il blog di Francesco Pazienza (ffwolfango) Ignorance is bliss. Confessioni di un pensionato in fuga. Bookshelf Porn: Archive. BOOK. Things Organized Neatly.

Spielverlagerung. Barberousse. Blog » BexLife. Les petites cases. Inerhansen - Curating Cuteness. C.R.E.A.M. Unhappy Hipsters. About - ♥ davinia hamilton. Rainymood: The sound of Rain. Urban Sketchers. La production de soi comme technique relationnelle. Ifttt.