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34 Insanely Simple Two-Ingredient Recipes. A Well-Seasoned Life: Ice-Cream Bread. 2 Ingredient Flourless Nutella Cake. I am so so so excited to share this recipe with you today that I created.

2 Ingredient Flourless Nutella Cake

Yes, it’s only 2 ingredients. And I mean really two ingredients. Not one of those recipes that say two or three ingredients and then one of the ingredients is something like “pre-made dough” or “cake mix.” - StumbleUpon. Posted by admin on Aug 19, 2012 in Food Preparation | 211 comments In case you are not skilled with the food recipes and preparation, listed bellow are some of the easy food tips to make your meals delicious easy way.

- StumbleUpon

No matter you prepare breakfast, dinner or just a snack, the easy food tips are here to make your food even more attractive and awesome. Idea by Janice Kamide Images Source BuzzFeed. My Favorite Kale Salad. There is this little Deli by Himself’s office we like to go for lunch once in a great while, mostly because it is close and we can walk there.

My Favorite Kale Salad

My favorite dish that they offer is the Kale Salad with a touch of toasted sesame oil that makes you forget you are eating very healthy super greens. It is the one dish that made me finally like Kale, and I mean really like it. With the kale lightly blanched and tossed with this flavorful dressing, with a few bits of yellow or red pepper, and crunchy strips of red onion, this dish is very refreshing on a hot summer day- or any day at that. With the Farmer’s Markets bursting with the deep dark greens right now, give this Kale Lover’s recipe a try.

Kale Salad Ingredients: One bunch kale 1/4 red onion thinly sliced 1/2 red, yellow or orange pepper, thinly slices 1/4 avocado oil or your favorite salad oil 1 T. coconut vinegar or apple cider vinegar 2 tsp. Instructions: 1. The Secret to Leaving Home: A mother’s getaway plan. Mason Jar Meal Tip #3: Design beautiful mason jar meal options for your family before leaving town.

The Secret to Leaving Home: A mother’s getaway plan

Feed them. Wok Wednesdays: chinese burmese chili chicken. Have you ever made a recipe that made you want to run out in your front yard and yell “I just made the best lunch ever!”?

Wok Wednesdays: chinese burmese chili chicken

That happened when I made this stir-fry yesterday. My friend Rob invited me to join him on a new culinary journey with a group of folks cooking their way through Grace Young’s Stir-frying to the Sky’s Edge on Wok Wednesdays. I am very excited to be a part of this group since it lines up wonderfully with the paleo lifestyle. Being a newbie to this paleo thing and stir-frying, I find myself in exciting culinary journey of learning this ancient cooking style, and finding ways to tweak the recipes to align more with paleo ingredients. Mind you not much tweaking needs to be done here, but follow along with me as I experiment with ingredients that are completely new to my kitchen.

Mini Paleo Pizzas. My guess is that most of you would call these bun-less burgers.

Mini Paleo Pizzas

OK, I’ll give you that, but they are nice paleo, protein-packed alternatives to the classic English Muffin Pizza. When I am out and about running errands, I can guarantee at some point my blood sugar is going to bottom out and I will need to get food in me stat, therefore I am trying to create more “small plate” on the go meals, snacks, and even recovery meals. Hey Ellen, these are great recovery meals! My kids do not want to be paleo, they remind us of that at almost every meal. When I placed these in front of them they yelled, “Hey, these are paleo!”

Pie Favors in a Jar {Recipes} Just like “on a stick”, everything gets infinitely cuter when layered inside a mason jar and tied with a simple ribbon or tag.

Pie Favors in a Jar {Recipes}

Favors are no exception! So make these delicious fruity pies in mini mason jars (or regular size!) Then sit back and listen to your guests “ooh” and “aah” over how darn cute you are! Pie Crust Dough 2 12 oz. cans of cherry, apple or your favorite pie filling (Or mix blueberry and cherry!) 6 4 oz. mason jars, cleaned with lids and labels removed 1 baking sheet Preheat your oven to 325 degrees. Fill your jars with your filling. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until pie dough is golden brown. image via: A mason jar meal (my 6th PFB challenge) UPDATE: You can VOTE FOR ME HERE, if you’re so inclined.

a mason jar meal (my 6th PFB challenge)

I love mason jars. They are perfectly portioned, retro, convenient, and reusable. They are affordable, accessible, versatile and stylish. They contain, shake, serve and store. And they travel. Cherry Crisp in a Jar from My Baking Addiction. I’m starting to get the feeling that, when my surgeon told me my recovery from surgery would be 6-8 weeks, he wasn’t joking!

Cherry Crisp in a Jar from My Baking Addiction

I am doing quite well, all things considered… And, I am gradually feeling better each day, but there is still quite a long road in front of me! So, I am feeling especially blessed by all of my great blogger friends who are stopping by here to help me out with all of these guest posts. I’m sure I don’t need to introduce Jamie from My Baking Addiction… If you are anything like me, you probably visit her site regularly and just stare at her gorgeous photos and stunning desserts! While it’s hard to pick just a few, some of my favorites are her Thin Mint Pie and Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars! Jamie, thanks so much for stopping by with these fabulous cherry crisps! As you may know from Jen’s recent blog post, she had surgery last week and is taking a bit of time away to recover from her procedure. S'mores Cake in a Jar. Oh friends.

S'mores Cake in a Jar

Hi. How are you? Judging from the above picture, you can assume I’m doing well. Cheesecake in a Jar Recipe. I’m fairly certain that I’ve discussed my lack of love for the great outdoors, so it’s safe to say you’ll never hear me writing about long hikes in the woods or camping anywhere other than on a deck chair at a five star resort (Hey, I can dream, right?). Not to say that I am not fond of the fresh air and scenery, I just like to keep a screen between me and the bugs. Needless to say, I don’t last long at picnics in the park or anywhere outdoors for that matter. Dinner Rolls Baked in a Jar (Recipe: Whole-Wheat Buttermilk Rolls. Deep Dish Fruit Pizza. My sister-in-law Missy first introduced me to the concept of fruit pizza years and years ago, and here’s how: she brought one to my house and I proceeded to eat the whole thing. But it was small.

10 Tasty Mug Cakes That You Can Make in Just Minutes. SIMPLE YOGHURT CAKE. The Ultimate Sandwich Recipe: Feast your eyes on this! First things first, the CellarVie Wines team cannot lay claim to being responsible for the making of the ‘Ultimate Sandwich’. This remarkable feat of culinary engineering, complete with the beautiful pictures displayed below, arrived in our inbox courtesy of an anonymous email chain on Tuesday afternoon. Jamie Oliver would undoubtedly and perhaps quite correctly, not endorse this as a healthy meal, and it certainly isn't for the faint-hearted but we thought it was a bit of fun nonetheless. Make Salad in a Jar for an Easy Grab-and-Go Lunch That Stays Fresh for Days.

Simple Delicious Whole Food Recipes for Families: Healthy Home Cooking. 22 Ways To Get Your Vegan Snack Attack On. It must be snacking season because I’ve had a lot of emails lately asking for some healthy vegan snack ideas and I thought it was a great idea for a post. Many of the recipes below are also some of the most popular snack recipes of 2011, so I will also add this post to my Top Recipes of 2011 page for easy reference. Ready to get your vegan snack attack on? 1. Endurance Crackers My all-time favourite cracker and quite possibly one of the top 3 recipes so far in 2012. 2. Enjoy this ultra-creamy, thick, and energizing smoothie, with a hint of orange that will help keep those cold bugs at bay! 3. Most gawked all-time. Get Off Your Butt and BAKE! & Impressive recipes made simple. How to Make Proper Barbecue Chicken.

There's a lot of misconception when it comes to "barbecue. " The problem is the word itself. It's used as a synonym for grilling, refers to the grill itself, or to the meat being grilled; it also has a sauce named after it; and sometimes it's just the word for the party itself held outdoors in somebody's backyard. What, actually, is "barbecue"? American purists see things a little differently. To them, "barbecue" is a wonderful Southern tradition of slow-cooking with indirect heat and woodsmoke to transform cuts of meat, often inexpensive ones, into succulent, unbelievably delicious results. Which brings us to barbecue chicken, a staple of the summer grill. The sad fact is that often times the answer is no.

The problem, and the result, is charred all over the place, a crapshoot for succulence, often dry and sad. Punchfork - The best new recipes from top food sites - StumbleUpon. Food Nutrition Comparisons. Italian sodas - StumbleUpon. June 30, 2011 | Sweet Recipes | Comments Growing up, these Italian sodas were my favorite!! Meet the Personal Chef of Pot. Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes.

Well these naughty little treats are well….naughty but oh so necessary. Ultimate Dessert Guide - 50 Best Chocolate Desserts - StumbleUpon. Mmm, the Best Chocolate Desserts! Family Kitchen - StumbleUpon. Design Crush & Popsicles! - StumbleUpon. Not to sound full of myself, but I’m pretty sure this is the be all, end all of popsicle roundups. Chocolate Chip Lava Cookies. How to Make Bagels: A Users Manual at - StumbleUpon. While making bagels may seem challenging to home cooks, it's actually not as complicated as you might think. - StumbleUpon.