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Watch out Watford: Here comes the secretive Bilderberg Group - UK Politics - UK. Whether it’s the shape-shifting group of reptilian descendants from the constellation Draco who control humanity, or the shadowy cabal of powerful financiers and politicians who covertly run all governments, conspiracy theorists are once again preparing for their annual jamboree of protest against those who really rule the world, this year in the highly secretive destination of...

Watch out Watford: Here comes the secretive Bilderberg Group - UK Politics - UK

Watford. For three days beginning on 6 June, a five-star hotel in Chandler’s Cross that normally hosts the England football team before Wembley matches, will turn over its 227 luxury rooms and 300-acre estate grounds to the über-secretive Bilderberg Group. Due to a tradition that stretches back to 1954 and the first conference held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek in the Netherlands, nothing that is discussed or agreed at a Bilderberg meeting is reported. Until recently even the names of those who were invited was kept secret. The week ahead: Bilderberg 2013 comes to … the Grove hotel, Watford. When you're picking a spot to hold the world's most powerful policy summit, there's really only one place that will do: Watford.

The week ahead: Bilderberg 2013 comes to … the Grove hotel, Watford

I guess the Seychelles must have been booked up. On Thursday afternoon, a heady mix of politicians, bank bosses, billionaires, chief executives and European royalty will swoop up the elegant drive of the Grove hotel, north of Watford, to begin the annual Bilderberg conference. It's a remarkable spectacle – one of nature's wonders – and the most exciting thing to happen to Watford since that roundabout on the A412 got traffic lights.

The area round the hotel is in lockdown: locals are having to show their passports to get to their homes. It's exciting too for the delegates. But, to be fair, is "public scrutiny" really necessary when our politicians are tucked safely away with so many responsible members of JP Morgan's international advisory board? Le groupe Bilderberg se réunit à Londres: Fillon et Lagarde invités. Le nom à lui seul évoque le secret.

Le groupe Bilderberg se réunit à Londres: Fillon et Lagarde invités

Bilderberg est le sommet international le plus confidentiel au monde. Bilderberg Group? No conspiracy, just the most influential group in the world. The Bilderberg was founded in 1954 to bring the leaders of Western Europe and the United States closer as the Soviet Union cemented its control of the Eastern bloc.

Bilderberg Group? No conspiracy, just the most influential group in the world

They met first at the Bilderberg Hotel, near Arnhem, at the instigation of Joseph Retinger, a Polish polio victim who had fought the Nazis during the war. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the chair. In that first meeting, the participants – including bankers, economists, and the future Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell – debated the Communist threat and the prospect of European integration. Publicly, the group says it is still merely a debating society – a forum for leaders to "listen, reflect and gather insights" unbound by official policy positions. It is above all a club for life’s winners. L'élite mondiale réunie près de Londres pour le controversé sommet du cercle Bilderberg.

Pendant quatre jours, David Cameron, Christine Lagarde, François Fillon et le gotha du capitalisme mondial sont réunis par le Bilderberg Group dans une confidentialité timidement battue en brêche par les protestataires.

L'élite mondiale réunie près de Londres pour le controversé sommet du cercle Bilderberg

Ces puissants et mystérieux messieurs du cercle Bilderberg. Le dîner ne figure pas à l'agenda officiel.

Ces puissants et mystérieux messieurs du cercle Bilderberg

L'hôte et ses invités tiennent à cette discrétion. Début novembre 2011, alors que la crise de l'euro est à son comble, François Fillon prend le temps de recevoir à Matignon un groupe obscur d'une trentaine de personnes dont les noms sont presque tous inconnus du grand public, mais pas des initiés. Ce soir-là, le Premier ministre de Nicolas Sarkozy planche sur l'état de la France devant les membres d'un petit club qui ne fait jamais la une des journaux, mais fascine les obsédés du complot : le Bilderberg.

A croire les "conspirationnistes", ce cercle, fondé en 1954 par un prince hollandais et un milliardaire américain pour endiguer le communisme, serait le "vrai gouvernement du monde". On lui devrait la victoire de Bill Clinton, la guerre en Irak ou la nomination de Herman Van Rompuy, président du Conseil européen. Gotha politico-financier occidental Groupe ultramondain ou confrérie d'influence planétaire ? Rien ne doit filtrer 100 invités. Bilderberg 2013: welcome to 1984. The auditorium grew hushed as a senior Watford borough councillor took to his feet.

Bilderberg 2013: welcome to 1984

The police liaison team looked nervous. They had made their presentation and laid out their plans for this "unique event": the anti-terrorism zones, the identity checks, the restriction on vehicles stopping in the vicinity of this "important international conference". But now it was the turn of the people of Watford to speak. What would they make of this international three-day policy summit, with its heavyweight delegate list bulging with billionaire financiers, party leaders and media moguls, protected by the biggest security operation Watford has ever seen? Bilderberg 2013: The sun sets on Watford. The lens caps are back on for another year.

Bilderberg 2013: The sun sets on Watford

The satellite trucks have trundled off, the police patrols have melted away and the security fence has been forklifted off. Bilderberg has left the building and finally the residents of Old Hempstead Road are getting their verge back. No one who witnessed it will soon forget Bilderberg Watford. Or "Hertfordshire 2013" as the official security lanyards call it, coyly. (The organisers clearly couldn't quite bring themselves to embrace the name Watford – it hasn't got that blue-chip, billionaire ring to it.) "Hertfordshire 2013" went out with a bang, not a whimper, as talkshow host Alex Jones exploded on Sunday Politics, and Ken Clarke found himself answering questions in parliament. Bilderberg 2013 : des puissances en crise (III. Le 9 juin 2013, dernier jour de la rencontre de Bilderberg de cette année, Paris Match souligne « Bilderberg.

Bilderberg 2013 : des puissances en crise (III

Le "no comment" de Cameron », à propos de la participation du Premier Ministre britannique à cette rencontre. A ce sujet, de defensa commente « Bilderberg-2013 : blowback et KO technique », et Press TV (Irlande) « UK PM U-turns on transparency pledge ». Bilderberg-2013 : blowback et KO technique. Bilderberg-2013 : blowback et KO technique L’une des sensations de la réunion 2013 (6-9 juin), en Angleterre, du fameux groupe Bilderberg, a été la visite, en tant qu’invité, du Premier ministre britannique David Cameron.

Bilderberg-2013 : blowback et KO technique

Il nous est difficile d’apprécier que cette visite, au demeurant fort polie puisqu’il y avait invitation, ait été un chef d’œuvre d’habileté politique. On y verra de toutes les façons, encore plus que le signe d’une allégeance au groupe qui n’a pas raison d’être signalée en tant que telle puisque Cameron est nécessairement, d’une façon ou l’autre, membre nécessaire et suffisant de ce groupe par l'esprit, un signe de plus de la situation extraordinaire de rupture de la réalité dans laquelle nos dirigeants politiques s’ébrouent misérablement. »Cameron came under fire after Downing Street said it was acting in an open manner by publicising his attendance at the annual Bilderberg meeting in advance. »And that was that. Watford puzzled as Bilderberg luminaries let in a little light.