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ReadRemaining.js - How long you'll need to read any text. This is a text.

ReadRemaining.js - How long you'll need to read any text.

This is a long long text. This is an awful long text. I like spending time reading as much as the next guy. But this is an obscene long text. You know what's long? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy scrolling. But this is the real world and nobody will pay you (or me) for scrolling and reading. How long will it take me to read all this text anyway? I know what you're thinking: what if I'm a guy that reads slow. But what if I don't wanna know how much it will take. But what if I really really don't wanna know how much it will take. Odometer — Transition numbers with ease. jQuery slimMenu - A lightweight responsive and multi-level navigation menu plugin.

The simple jQuery plugin for lovers of one page websites. Have you used SMINT in a project?

The simple jQuery plugin for lovers of one page websites.

Id love to see what you've done. Id like to put together a gallery of the best SMINT website, with links back to the designers/developers, so if you have a great example of a SMINT powered website, send me a message on twitter @rabmyself SMINT V3 is finally here! No, really it is! Finally got, a some downtime to have a look and update a few of the bugs and rework how it functions slightly. One of the main changes is that you no longer have to give you links an Id, you can just use a # as the href, such as href="#section1". The annoying bug of the menu bar sticking down the page when refreshed has been removed, though I havent been able to thoroughly test this yet, but it seems to work as intended. Added the ability to make internal links scroll the sections too by adding the class 'intLink'. If you have links in your main menubar that you want to link to an external site, just add the class 'extLink'. Its not 100% perfect, but its improving!

Unheap - A tidy repository of jQuery plugins. Select2 3.3.2. 11 Awesome “jQuery Site Tour Plugins” For Guiding Users With Style. It is always hard to guess how users browse + how they perceive the content and flow of a website or web app.

11 Awesome “jQuery Site Tour Plugins” For Guiding Users With Style

There are tools to analyze these as much as possible and, using methods like A/B testing, improving the usability is always possible. Responsive Nav — Responsive Navigation Plugin.


Sidr - A jQuery plugin for creating side menus. You will be able to create multiple sidrs on both sides of your web to make responsives menus (or not, it works perfectly on desktop too).

Sidr - A jQuery plugin for creating side menus

It uses CSS3 transitions (and fallbacks to $.animate with older browsers) and it supports multiple source types. Get started Like any other plugin, you must include it after the jQuery script. For a better performance load them at the bottom of your page or in an asynchronous way. You have to include a Sidr Theme stylesheet too, choose between the dark or the light one, or if you prefer create one by your own. Using bower or NPM Instead of downloading the plugin, you can install it with bower or with npm: bower install sidr --save From a CDN.

ThemergencyThemergency. FooTable is a jQuery plugin that aims to make HTML tables on smaller devices look awesome - No matter how many columns of data you may have in them. What Does It Do? FooTable transforms your HTML tables into expandable responsive tables. This is how it works: It hides certain columns of data at different resolutions (we call these breakpoints). Rows become expandable to show the data that was hidden. So simple! Demos Download Get the source from Github , or you can download it direct. Config via Data Attributes One of the main goals of FooTable was to make it completely configurable via data attributes inside the table. <table class="footable"><thead><tr><th data-class="expand"> First Name </th><th> Last Name </th><th data-hide="phone,tablet"> Job Title </th><th data-hide="phone,tablet"> DOB </th><th data-hide="phone"> Status </th></tr></thead> So you can immediately see that certain columns will be hidden on phones and tablets.

Breakpoints Usage And finally, call the FooTable plugin: BigVideo.js - The jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video. The jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video (and Images) This plugin makes it easy to add fit-to-fill background video to websites.

BigVideo.js - The jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video

It can play silent ambient background video (or series of videos). qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips. Noty - A jQuery Notification Plugin. Hi!

noty - A jQuery Notification Plugin

Hvem glor - din bror. 16.01.14: Sadly my host has had serious server issues why all old comments are gone!

Hvem glor - din bror

19.08.13: New release, bPopup version 0.9.4 bPopup is a learning and exploring jQuery project. It’s a lightweight cross browser jQuery popup plugin. It’s not creating your popup but doing all the logic as opening, closing, centering on resize & scroll, creating a modal overlay etc. It can open any container you create with all kinds of content. bPopup has been tested in IE67-9, FF2-7, Opera 9-10, Safari 4-5 and Chrome 4-15. Contents. jQuery Impromptu. About jQuery Impromptu is an extension to help provide a more pleasant way to spontaneously prompt a user for input.

jQuery Impromptu

More or less this is a great replacement for an alert, prompt, and confirm. Not only does it replace these but it also allows for creating forms within these controls. This is not intended to be a modal replacement, just a quick tool to prompt user input in a fashionable way. Options $.prompt( msg , options ) msg The message can either be an html string, or an object of "states". Html A string of html or text for the content buttons focus Index of the button to focus(0,1,2..). iLightBox · Revolutionary Lightbox Plugin. Chardin.js. Better introductions for websites and features with a step-by-step guide for your projects.