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Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics. Right-wing extremism. Mueller. Supreme Court. China. North Korea. Antifa. Gulf States. Religious discrimination. Education. Social Security. Public Lands. An Insider's View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America. Photo Credit: / Shane Trotter As the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump is being sorted out, a common theme keeps cropping up from all sides: "Democrats failed to understand white, working-class, fly-over America.”

An Insider's View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America

Trump supporters are saying this. Progressive pundits are saying this.

Trump Corruption

Bannon. GOP senator says she’s open to demanding Trump’s tax returns as part of Russia probe. Sen.

GOP senator says she’s open to demanding Trump’s tax returns as part of Russia probe

Susan Collins (R-Maine) said on a Maine public radio program that she wants former national security adviser Michael Flynn to testify as part of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russia’s alleged election meddling, and will demand President Trump’s tax returns if necessary. (Bill O’Leary/The Washington Post) A Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee says she is open to requesting President Trump’s tax returns as part of the panel’s ongoing investigation into Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 elections.

Sen. Reality collides with Trump's promises. President Donald Trump touts “incredible progress” in his first month in office.

Reality collides with Trump's promises

But the frenetic period that opened with an inaugural address about “American carnage” and ended with a raucous campaign rally has brought a spotty record that falls short of his promises. Despite dizzying sound and fury, the president failed to halt immigration from Muslim countries, to label China a currency manipulator, to deliver a serious plan for funding his border wall or to repeal Obamacare—all among his many promises during last year’s campaign. He even weakened ethics rules affecting lobbyists, in the guise of a promised ban.

Story Continued Below The Muslim travel ban, Trump’s most consequential and controversial executive order, one of 23 signed so far, lies dead in the courts. John McCain just systematically dismantled Donald Trump’s entire worldview. Sen.

John McCain just systematically dismantled Donald Trump’s entire worldview

John McCain hits out at Trump in speech Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) hit out at President Trump in a speech on Feb. 17 at the Munich Security Conference, saying, “this administration is in disarray.” A crush of crises all but buries the young Trump White House. WASHINGTON — Less than a month into his tenure, Donald Trump's White House is beset by a crush of crises.

A crush of crises all but buries the young Trump White House

Divisions, dysfunction and high-profile exits have left the young administration nearly paralyzed and allies wondering how it will reboot. The bold policy moves that marked Trump's first days in office have slowed to a crawl, a tacit admission that he and his team had not thoroughly prepared an agenda. President Trump orders an internal investigation to find the leakers amid reported chaos in the White House.

As important positions in the Trump administration remain unfilled, the president has launched an internal investigation to find the staffers who have leaked stories to the media.

President Trump orders an internal investigation to find the leakers amid reported chaos in the White House

According to a report from The Washington Post, White House staff constantly fear that they will be accused of talking to the press and many have resorted to using a secret chat app on their mobile devices in order to freely communicate with reporters. Scrutiny from the media, including the caricatures drawn up by “Saturday Night Live,” has reportedly consumed President Donald Trump and White House staff.


President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing. Just weeks into Donald Trump’s presidency, you would think that everything had changed.

President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing

The uproar over the president’s tweets grows louder by the day, as does concern over the erratic, haphazard and aggressive stance of the White House toward critics and those with different policy views. On Sunday, White House aide Stephen Miller bragged, “We have a president who has done more in three weeks than most presidents have done in an entire administration.” But Miller was dead wrong about this. There is a wide gap, a chasm even, between what the administration has said and what it has done.

There have been 45 executive orders or presidential memoranda signed, which may seem like a lot but lags President Barack Obama’s pace. Dangerous incompetence: Trump discussed national security issues in front of Mar-A-Lago diners. It’s no wonder that Trump didn’t bother to hide details of military policy from the Mar-a-lago members.

Dangerous incompetence: Trump discussed national security issues in front of Mar-A-Lago diners

They are the people he’s really there to support. Swanning through the club's living room and main dining area alongside Abe, Trump was -- as is now typical -- swarmed with paying members, who now view dinner at the club as an opportunity for a few seconds of face time with the new President. But don’t think that, just because it the discussion was held in public, at a table where the lettuce was arguably the best head present, that this wasn’t a high tech briefing. Americans Now Evenly Divided on Impeaching Trump. PPP's new national poll finds that Donald Trump's popularity as President has declined precipitously just over the last two weeks.

Americans Now Evenly Divided on Impeaching Trump

On our first poll of his Presidency voters were evenly divided on Trump, with 44% approving of him and 44% also disapproving. Now his approval rating is 43%, while his disapproval has gone all the way up to 53%. If voters could choose they'd rather have both Barack Obama (52/44) or Hillary Clinton (49/45) instead of Trump. Just three weeks into his administration, voters are already evenly divided on the issue of impeaching Trump with 46% in favor and 46% opposed. Republicans on Rape. A list collects statements about rape made by Republican politicians.

Republicans on Rape

See Example(s) Collected via Facebook, August 2014 If this was said it’s wrong.


Intolerant Liberals – Tucker FitzGerald – Medium. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov So Nicholas Christof, whom I am fond of, recently wrote an article that argues that Liberals are intolerant because there aren’t many Christians or conservatives teaching in universities. There is so much to be exhausted about right now, but this article connects too much with several thoughts that have been swirling around in my soul. They mostly have to do with false equivalency. Donald Trump repeats respect for 'killer' Putin in Fox Super Bowl interview.

Donald Trump has once again said that he respects Vladimir Putin, even though the Russian president is “a killer”. Speaking to Fox News, the president appeared to place the US and Russia on the same moral plane in an interview to be broadcast before the most American of sporting events, Super Bowl LI, kicks off in Houston on Sunday. Asked by host Bill O’Reilly if he respected Putin, Trump replied: “I do respect Putin.”

Trump’s respect for and willingness to work with Putin was a familiar trope during an election which the major US intelligence agencies believe Russian intelligence sought to influence on Trump’s behalf. Log In - New York Times.


Log In - New York Times. Trump’s Immigration Ban Excludes Countries With Business Ties. Was Trump’s executive order an impeachable offense? - The Washington Post. President Trump signed an executive order halting all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days, among other provisions. Here's what the order says.

(Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) President Trump signed an executive order halting all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days, among other provisions. Here's what the order says. President Trump signed an executive order halting all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days, among other provisions. McConnell to Trump: Do not lift sanctions on Russia. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan are drawing a hard line against easing sanctions on Russia, issuing stern warnings ahead of President Donald Trump’s first official communication with Vladimir Putin since his inauguration last week.

“I’m against lifting any sanctions on the Russians. These sanctions were imposed because of their behavior in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now we know they’ve been messing around in our elections as well,” McConnell said in an interview with POLITICO on Friday. Will the men in the white coats drag Trump away? Check out the 25th Constitutional Amendment. A vice president, working with a "majority of either the principle officers of the executive departments, or of such body as Congress may by law provide," can remove the president for being "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. " Yeah, I know. It's too soon. Yeah, I know. Nobody has ever invoked the 25th for reasons of mental impairment. Corruption Perceptions Index 2016. Report: Populist leaders often add to corruption they vow to rid from governments.

The National Park Service Won't Be Silenced - Scientific American Blog Network. On CNN, Prof. Brian Schaffner Explains How Trump Distorted His Data To Invent False Voter Fraud Claims. Merkel Calls For A More Open World: 'We Won't Get Anywhere' With Populism. Presidents Aren't CEOs - The Atlantic. Kerry warns Trump against abusing Twitter. Trump Sees FBI Admission on Hacking Bolstering His Doubts - Bloomberg. Taking Aim at Trump, Leaders Strongly Affirm Findings on Russian Hacking. Sanders sticks it to Trump: He promised 'millions' he wouldn't cut Social Security and Medicare.

Fake news and propaganda

How To Stop Trump: Bernie Sanders Demands Major Anti-GOP Rallies Before Inauguration Day. The CIA concluded that Russia worked to elect Trump. Republicans now face an impossible choice. Presidential Election 2016: An American Tragedy. Affordable Care Act. Economic Inequality. Climate Change Politics. More Details Revealed on Pennsylvania Presidential Election Recount - Norristown, PA Patch. Goldman Sachs poised for return to power in Trump White House. 5 senators essential to Trump's success — or failure. The racist history of Southern white evangelicalism and the rise of Donald Trump. 10 Right Wing Companies That Every Progressive Should Boycott. Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say. The world according to Breitbart. Trump owes ethics exemption to George H.W. Bush. Trump/Hitler comparisons are overstated. How did Hitler actually consolidate power? An American Tragedy. The Real Origins of the Religious Right.

Project Veritas' Election 2016 'Rigging' Videos. Project Veritas Released A Sting Video It Says Shows Democrats Who Conspire On Voter Fraud. Video shows talk of Democrat activists disrupting Trump rallies. Pattoomeyhesnotforyou. The Miami Herald recommends Hillary Clinton for president of the United States. Donald Trump’s Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders. Texas Vote Switching. Trump confronts Rust Belt rejection. Trump Loyalists Planned Voter Intimidation Using Fake ID Badges, Fake Exit Polling.


Trump, the GOP, and the Fall. 17 Dad-Like, WTF Moments From the Vice Presidential Debate - Rolling Stone. Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam. Donald Trump's Draft Deferments. Endorsement: Hillary Clinton is the only choice to move America ahead. Our Fact Checks of the First Debate. Clinton camp asks Lester Holt to fact-check Trump tonight. Theories of the Race: How Solid Is Hillary Clinton’s Lead? Effectiveness of TV news as information. The Bitch America Needs. Clinton Foundation story offers smoke, but no fire.

Race. Clinton Foundation story offers smoke, but no fire. Jill Stein is not the savior the left is looking for. Donald Trump's Many Business Failures, Explained. Trump leaves some on Wall Street wary and confused. Fact-checking Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the 2016 RNC. Rep. Steve King wonders what ‘sub-groups’ besides whites made contributions to civilization. Rollingstone. The 11 states that will determine the 2016 election. Does Bernie Sanders's movement signal a new era in American politics? Evangelicals like me can’t vote for Trump — or Clinton. Here’s what we can do instead. Clinton turns Trump attacks up to 11. 2016 Nerdcast: Trump's Libertarian nightmare. 2016 Nerdcast: Trump's Libertarian nightmare. How to Explain the Sanders Campaign to an Idiot, Paul Krugman or a Clintonite in 8 Sentences.