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Open Courseware Development Platform. Blackboard Learn. Tour Builder. Remind. 26 recursos TIC geniales para docentes. Cloud Text-to-Speech - Speech Synthesis   Create 360 tours, stories, sites and WebVR experiences. Google for Education: Training Center. Overview. The grades created by Flubaroo will be located in an adjacent worksheet called "Grades", as shown: For each submission, Flubaroo will show which questions were answered correctly ("1" point"), which incorrectly ("0" points), and which were not graded.


If less than 60% of students got a question correct, the question will be highlighted in orange to alert you. Additionally, students who scored less than 70% on the assignment will be highlighted in red. The Flubaroo menu will now offer you the ability to email each student their grades, view a summary report, or regrade the assignment. You might want to regrade the assignment if more students submitted answers, or if you want to throw out a question that most students got wrong. If you choose to email each student their grade, you'll be given the option to include an answer key in the email. Choosing "View Report" shows you a summary report of the grading. Noticias y recursos educativos. CÓMO PLANIFICAR UNA SESIÓN DE CLASE + PLANTILLA DE APLICACIÓN. Letter Generator. The Letter Generator tool is designed to help students learn to identify all the essential parts of a business or friendly letter, and then generate letters by typing information into letter templates.

Letter Generator

A sample letter is included, and students can learn about the parts of a letter by reading descriptions of each part. Once students have become familiar with letter formats, they are prompted to write their own letter. Tips and Strategies for Teaching Hearing Impaired Students. Visual Strategies and Curriculum Accommodations Adjust teaching methods to accommodate your visual learner's needs by writing all homework assignments, class instructions and procedural changes on the board.

Tips and Strategies for Teaching Hearing Impaired Students

Providing a visual cue eliminates confusion on these topics. Remember not to speak while you have your back to the students. If a student is proficient on the computer, look into providing them with a laptop for notes and communication during class. TRiX HUB - Professional Blogging Tips & Interesting Articles. What's Your Learning Style? 7 Great Tools for Creating Flipped Lessons from Existing Videos. When they are used in the right context flipped lessons can be a good complement to classroom instruction.

7 Great Tools for Creating Flipped Lessons from Existing Videos

Not everyone has the time or skill to make effective instructional videos for their students. In those cases you can take advantage of the millions of hours of instructional videos found on YouTube and other video sharing sites. But don't just have your students watch the videos then come back to your classroom. Trip Planner: Plan & manage your vacation itinerary on Inspirock. 1 WORKSHEET – 10 GAMES. Make drilling more meaningful and fun.


All you need is a sheet of paper. This post shows how the use of game mechanics can help a teacher design better drilling activities and turn repeated practice of target grammar or vocabulary into a cognitively engaging exercise. Focus on the material to be practised and learning outcomes for your group of students: e.g. irregular verbs. PlayPosit. Viddyoze Marketplace. Curso Online Creación de Vídeos desde Cero. ¿Para qué sirve y cómo es este curso?

Curso Online Creación de Vídeos desde Cero

Tu profesor Evaristo te explica y muestra de qué se trata este curso. Cómo grabar los vídeos de tu próximo curso online desde casa. Interactive Video Learning. EDpuzzle. Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator. Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles. Didactalia - Material educativo. Manual. The 8 Best Audio/Video News and Current Affairs Websites to Learn English. I’m currently really tied up with checking exams, so I’m going to make the introduction to this blog post really brief. I’m sure you have enough on your plate, too. June is usually a hectic month for almost everybody, isn’t it? So, how do you keep up with the latest news?

Or maybe, are you one of those who, sick and tired of reading bad news, have decided to completely isolate yourself from the world? Genia Connell's Blog. 10 Creative Ways to Use Interactive White Boards in the Classroom. Over the last decade or so, Interactive White Boards (IWBs) have proliferated in schools in the U.S. and across much of the world.

10 Creative Ways to Use Interactive White Boards in the Classroom

Some teachers have embraced them, and others, well … not so much. Unfortunately, some schools did not offer the professional development necessary to help teachers become familiar with these systems and get the most out of their availability. Many teachers were left to their own devices to learn and use their IWBs. In this blog entry on, a few specialists stated their views on the topic. Three Pillars of Educational Technology: Learning Management Systems, Social Media, and Personal Learning Environments.


Three Pillars of Educational Technology: Learning Management Systems, Social Media, and Personal Learning Environments

Terry Anderson Research Associate Contact North | Contact Nord All post-secondary faculty and students use educational technology– whether for classroom-based, blended or fully online learning and teaching. This three-part series, Three Pillars of Educational Technology: Learning Management Systems, Social Media, and Personal Learning Environments, explores the Learning Management System (LMS), social media, and personal learning environments – and how they might best be used for enhanced teaching and learning. This first instalment, Getting the Most from Learning Management Systems, looks at the ubiquitous learning management system to undercover the many ways this multi-functional tool is used to support teaching and learning, as well as some of the challenges. In the second instalment, How Social Media Support and Expand Teaching and Learning, a variety of social media and networking applications are explored to highlight their strengths and limitations.

Software para crear contenidos interactivos geniales. Sitios para leer libros gratuitamente en internet. Create & Find Free Multimedia Lessons. Download online videos with and convert them to MP3 from Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo videos for free. Create a Forum - Create Your Own Free Forum. 5 recursos para crear líneas de tiempo en el aula. Puedes coger papel y lápiz y crear la tuya en papel.

5 recursos para crear líneas de tiempo en el aula

El inglés no puede ser el ‘coco’ del aula de clases. Por: Andrea Linares Gómez dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots.

El inglés no puede ser el ‘coco’ del aula de clases

Top 10 Free Plagiarism Detection Tools For Teachers. Editor's note: We have originally written and published this article in November 2013. Thanks to your useful suggestions and our own following of the latest developments in the fast paced field of technology, we have updated this piece in October 2015 in the hope that you will keep finding it useful. Thank you for sharing! The act of taking someone else’s ideas and passing them off as your own defines the concept of “plagiarism”. As it is shown by the growing educational concerns, plagiarism has now become an integral part of our digital lives as technology, with the billions of information it gives us access to, led to the exacerbation of this phenomenon.

100 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos. 10 herramientas para maestros creativos. Enseñar es un reto que implica cada vez más creatividad. Classroom Quotes - Quotes about Classroom. Plataforma Orientación Pruebas Selección - Universidad de Antioquia. Photo editor online / free image editing direct in your browser - 6 Tips On Making Your eLearning Blog Look Good As Well As Help Readers Learn: Let’s Blog For Success! Blogs are a way to learn as well as market your content and invite the right kind of audience to see what you are all about. An interesting mix of content will keep your audiences entertained and engaged.

And the way your eLearning blog looks and feels will make sure they think of you when they need your services. Most modern organizations are serious about the culture of continuous learning. The culture inculcates the thirst to know more and share it within the confines of the organization as well as beyond. To nurture the culture of learning and sharing, organizations create blogs which not only showcase latest achievements of the organization, but also become the hotbed for collaborative discussions and learning. There are some golden rules to follow when creating an eLearning blog. Make the content searchable.Over time, your blog will be a useful resource for gathering knowledge. Animation Ideas. We recently spent a few days thinking about animation. The children had been making their own stop motion animations (using I Can Animate and iMovie) with considerable success.

We've been making these for many years now and we seem to learn new tricks each and every time we make another. The children were all incredibly enthused by their stop-motion animations, so I wanted to take advantage of this by trying other forms of animation. CIER CENTRO MOOC : Página de inicio del profesor. EDPuzzle, la herramienta que quiere revolucionar el mundo del vídeo en educación. Imagina que encuentras un vídeo idóneo para poner a tus alumnos en clase. Imagina también que lo ves tan interesante como para usarlo para algo más, para añadirle pequeñas modificaciones, preguntas o comentarios. En esta línea va EDPuzzle, una nueva herramienta que llega para transformar los vídeos para usarlos en educación. Dave's ESL Cafe.

Main - TeachThought. Learn and practice languages for free! Tekhnologic – Learn. Try. Share. +130 libros didácticos en PDF para docentes. #1. Tendencias Universidad: En pos de la educación activa (leer aquí) #2. Learning Chocolate - Vocabulary learning platform. 5 Things We Can do to Prepare Students to Work Independently. This morning at the Ed Tech Teacher Google Jamboree I had the opportunity to give a short presentation to kick-off the day. The title of my talk was Preparing Students to Work Independently - Five Things We Should Be Doing. The slides from the presentation are embedded below. Below my slides you'll find an outline of my talking points. 5Es Overview: “The 5E instructional model”

5Es Overview: “The 5E instructional model” What is a 5E instructional model? This model describes a teaching sequence that can be used for entire programs, specific units and individual lessons. 30 Herramientas para crear evaluaciones, test y/o encuestas online-descargables. Estimad@s lectores/as en este apartado he decidido compartir las herramientas de creación de test, evaluaciones y encuestas que conozco, de antemano sé que en esta lista pueden faltar alguna que otra que no he utilizado por esto espero sus comentarios. Existen de varios tipos como las que se encuentran online, otras descargables en tipo flash, pdf, exe, html y otros formatos, pero en su mayoría son de fácil distribución por email y redes sociales, también pueden ser embebidas en su página web o blog, espero que les sirva de mucho.

20 Herramientas para Crear Actividades Educativas Interactivas. ▶ How to create and distribute an instructional screencast video for free. Teaching somebody to do something on the computer is always tough. Words go a long way, and pictures are a big help, but nothing can beat the simple immediacy of a video. Fortunately, it’s never been easier to make and share an instructional video on your PC. Using easy, free software, you can record and publish a high-quality, annotated instructional video in a matter of minutes. In this article, we’ll show you everything you need to get started right away. IELTS Advantage – IELTS Blog, IELTS Tips, Student Advice, Sample Answers and Lessons. Frases de Educación.

EduKacine. García Aretio - Educación a distancia y virtual. Moodle CLOZE editor. Use this website to generate CLOZE quizzes for Moodle (all versions) and/or to try out the CLOZE editor integration for Moodle. This editor was built at the Chair of Applied English Linguistics at Universitaet Tuebingen (Prof. Dr. Kurt Kohn), Germany, by Andreas Glombitza (andiglombitza(at) and Achim Skuta (achim.skuta(at) You can find more documentation here on We are currently maintaining this software as a private project. How to Create a Rubric in Google Sheets - Video Demonstration. 20 Herramientas para crear actividades educativas interactivas. El sistema educativo de los antiguos - Yuanfang Magazine. El Blog de EDUTEC. Edutec. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa.

Digital Language Lab. Digital Language Lab. 10 herramientas digitales que todo emprendedor debe conocer - MDE - Ciudad inteligenteMDE. 2 Effective Icebreaker Activity Examples. 30 Herramientas para Crear Test y Cuestionarios. 40 inspiring quotes about education in the classroom, education in life. 7 herramientas virtuales gratuitas para detectar plagio en los trabajos escritos. Creación de Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje en una Plataforma Educativa - Gr 1. 7 Highlights from The Practical Ed Tech Handbook. Aprende en Línea. Boletín Electrónico de Noticias. 7 Tools for Creating Multimedia Quizzes Compared in One Chart.