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How to Easily Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts : Social Media Examiner. Are you managing multiple Twitter accounts?

How to Easily Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts : Social Media Examiner

Wondering how to streamline your Twitter marketing? TweetDeck lets you engage, monitor, and schedule tweets for multiple accounts from a single customizable dashboard. In this article you’ll discover how to manage multiple Twitter accounts with TweetDeck. Discover how to easily manage multiple accounts on Twitter. Listen to this article: Listen now: Play in new window | Download #1: Connect Your Twitter Accounts The first step is to set up your TweetDeck account.

If your company has one or two people monitoring social media, you can create one login using your company’s handle as the default account. After you log into TweetDeck, you’ll see your TweetDeck dashboard. Use the options in the left sidebar to navigate TweetDeck. The gray navigation bar on the left side of the dashboard is your go-to location for everything TweetDeck can do. To connect additional accounts, click on the Accounts icon near the bottom of the navigation bar. Notifications Mentions. Twitter lance un moteur de recherche de GIFs pour tweets et DM - Blog du Modérateur. Twitter ouvre ses formations #TwitterFlightSchool à tous les professionnels du web. Twitter dispose d’un outil de formation et cours en ligne qui dispense les bonnes pratiques et les insights du réseau social : la TwitterFlightSchool.

Twitter ouvre ses formations #TwitterFlightSchool à tous les professionnels du web

Jusqu’à présent, cette plateforme était réservée à certaines agences médias et annonceurs préférentiels. Elle est maintenant ouverte à tous ceux qui souhaitent comprendre le réseau social plus en profondeur. Elle s’adresse donc aux professionnels du webmarketing bien sûr, mais aussi aux dirigeants qui souhaitent mettre en place une stratégie d’influence. La plateforme est disponible en 16 langues, dont le Français. Meerkat : la nouvelle application de live-streaming vidéo qui cartonne sur Twitter  Comme souvent ces derniers temps, l’histoire du succès de cette application commence sur Product Hunt.

Meerkat : la nouvelle application de live-streaming vidéo qui cartonne sur Twitter 

Mashable sur Twitter : "How to automatically extract an image when you paste a link on Twitter. How to automatically extract an image when you paste a link on Twitter. With its recent introduction of native video, Twitter is getting increasingly visual.

How to automatically extract an image when you paste a link on Twitter

The platform that was once famous for the sparseness of its 140-character posts is evolving into a multimedia powerhouse. If you want your tweets to stand out, including images is a surefire way to boost engagement. While it's simple to share your own photos and video on the service, you might have trouble finding the right image to accompany links.

Below, we take a look at free tool TwitShot, which helps you "spice up" your tweets with images. TwitShot extracts images from links and attaches them to your tweets, giving you a better shot at engagement. Tweet links with images from the web. While some estimate adding an image to a tweet can boost engagement by up to 150%, Twitter itself revealed in a 2014 blog post that photos gain users an average of a 35% boost in retweets alone. To add images to tweets containing links, you can use TwitShot. How to automatically extract an image when you paste a link on Twitter. With its recent introduction of native video, Twitter is getting increasingly visual.

How to automatically extract an image when you paste a link on Twitter

The platform that was once famous for the sparseness of its 140-character posts is evolving into a multimedia powerhouse. If you want your tweets to stand out, including images is a surefire way to boost engagement. While it's simple to share your own photos and video on the service, you might have trouble finding the right image to accompany links. Below, we take a look at free tool TwitShot, which helps you "spice up" your tweets with images.

Twitter se transforme en plateforme pour sortir de sa niche. Je pense ne pas me tromper en disant que Twitter est la plateforme sociale la plus contrastée : tout le monde la connait, mais peu de monde l’utilise réellement.

Twitter se transforme en plateforme pour sortir de sa niche

En terme de notoriété spontanée, Twitter est dans le trio de tête avec Facebook et YouTube, un exploit pour une plateforme sociale qui compte moins de 7 M de membres en France (source : Médiamétrie) et 2,3 M d’utilisateurs actifs. Cette anomalie statistique est dû au fait que les utilisateurs de Twitter en France sont concentrés dans les métiers de la communication, du journalisme et de la politique. Du coup, on en parle tous les jours dans les grands médias, même si son taux de pénétration est plutôt faible. Britain's social media stars making £2,000 a second. From shoe shop to shooting videos Mr Phillips is one of a growing group of young British "Viners" – a small clique of smartphone users who upload six-second home videos for anyone to watch.

Britain's social media stars making £2,000 a second

His newfound internet stardom is a far cry from his job in a shoe shop in South Wales, when last July he was working and began uploading Vines in his spare time. “I saw some lads in America were getting loads of interest on this website, so I began with some comedy scenes,” he said. He said he had no idea that a chance encounter with the website would turn into a lucrative business. “I was working at my mum’s shop and hadn’t a clue what Vine would turn into, no one was on it in the UK.” Mr Phillips began by filming spots with his then-girlfriend’s three-year-old son, Harley. A clip of the pair mooing while seated in the back of a car received two million views (“loops,” Mr Phillips calls them, explaining the Vine lingo). • Be the first to know about new money-making ideas... click here. Increase Newsletter Sign-ups With Twitter Lead Gen Cards - SEW. Newsletters are an amazing marketing tool.

Increase Newsletter Sign-ups With Twitter Lead Gen Cards - SEW

The fans that regularly read your newsletter are often your most valuable brand advocates. They are the amplifiers that spread the good word about your brand. Building a large newsletter audience can be tough, but there are some great tools out there to help you through the process. One of them is Twitter. Marketers don't always think about Twitter as a tool to increase newsletter subscribers. Most marketers are initially discouraged from exploring the lead gen cards because it looks like you have to enter credit card information and pay for an ad campaign. Comment les socialbots ont infiltré Twitter - Technology Review. The ultimate guide to photo sharing on Twitter.

Quand les réseaux sociaux s'invitent au théâtre : "Talk", à Montpellier. Pas d'avertissement à l'entrée de la salle de théâtre.

Quand les réseaux sociaux s'invitent au théâtre : "Talk", à Montpellier

Ici, on vous invite à garder votre téléphone mobile allumé, et à télécharger une application créée spécialement pour le spectacle. La salle est prévenue : elle va devoir participer. Sur la scène, un homme et une femme sont les invités d'un présentateur. Celui-ci n'a que faire des destinées modestes : il veut du mordant, de l'épicé, voire de la violence. Car c'est cela qui fait l'audimat, et provoque l'interactivité... Le reportage de Jean-Michel Escafre, Franck Detranchant, Béatrice Barthe : Nouveautés Linkedin, Adwords, Twitter Commerce... [Lu sur la blogosphère] TargetPattern. Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter fiction. Un musée des sciences fait pousser des plantes via Twitter.