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Do Your Slides Pass the Glance Test? - Nancy Duarte. By Nancy Duarte | 11:00 AM October 22, 2012 An audience can’t listen to your presentation and read detailed, text-heavy slides at the same time (not without missing key parts of your message, anyway).

Do Your Slides Pass the Glance Test? - Nancy Duarte

So make sure your slides pass what I call the glance test: People should be able to comprehend each one in about three seconds. Think of your slides as billboards. When people drive, they only briefly take their eyes off their main focus — the road — to process billboard information. Similarly, your audience should focus intently on what you’re saying, looking only briefly at your slides when you display them. Keep It Simple Research shows that people learn more effectively from multimedia messages when they’re stripped of extraneous words, graphics, animation, and sounds. So when adding elements to your slides, have a good reason: Does the audience need to see your logo on each slide to remember who you work for? It’s also important to stick to a consistent visual style in your slide deck. Garr Reynolds Official Site. Structure Your Presentation Like a Story - Nancy Duarte.

By Nancy Duarte | 8:00 AM October 31, 2012 After studying hundreds of speeches, I’ve found that the most effective presenters use the same techniques as great storytellers: By reminding people of the status quo and then revealing the path to a better way, they set up a conflict that needs to be resolved.

Structure Your Presentation Like a Story - Nancy Duarte

That tension helps them persuade the audience to adopt a new mindset or behave differently — to move from what is to what could be. And by following Aristotle’s three-part story structure (beginning, middle, end), they create a message that’s easy to digest, remember, and retell. Here’s how it looks when you chart it out: Organization & Preparation Tips. Before you even open up PowerPoint, sit down and really think about the day of your presentation.

Organization & Preparation Tips

What is the real purpose of your talk? Why is it that you were asked to speak? What does the audience expect? In your opinion, what are the most important parts of your topic for the audience to take away from your, say, 50-minute presentation? Remember, even if you’ve been asked to share information, rarely is the mere transfer of information a satisfactory objective from the point of view of the audience. Before you begin to formulate the content of your presentation, you need to ask yourself many basic questions with an eye to becoming the best possible presenter for that particular audience. Who is the audience? What are their backgrounds? What is the purpose of the event? Is it to inspire? Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks. Guía del Islam: Una Breve Guía Ilustrada para entender el Islam, los Musulmanes, y el Corán.

¿Qué es el Hinduismo y en qué creen los hindúes? Pregunta: "¿Qué es el Hinduismo y en qué creen los hindúes?

¿Qué es el Hinduismo y en qué creen los hindúes?

" Respuesta: El Hinduismo es una de las religiones conocidas más antiguas – sus escritos sagrados datan de 1400 a 1500 años a. C. Es también una de las más diversas y complejas, teniendo millones de dioses. Los hindúes tienen una amplia variedad de creencias centrales, y existen en muchas sectas diferentes. Aunque es la tercera religión más grande del mundo, el Hinduismo existe principalmente en la India, Nepal y en menor proporción en algunos de los países circundantes. Los principales textos usados en el Hinduismo son los Vedas (considerados los más importantes), los Upanishad, el Mahā Bhārata, y el Rāmāyana. A pesar de que el Hinduismo es usualmente entendido como politeísta, porque supuestamente se reconocen tantos como 330 millones de dioses, también tiene un “dios” que es supremo: Brahma. 1.

Y aún puede ser discutido, observando otras escuelas del Hinduismo, que es ateísta, deísta, o aún nihilista. Information on Hinduism for Kids. What is Hinduism's Holy book?

Information on Hinduism for Kids

The most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu religion are written in Sanskrit and called the Vedas. Hinduism does not just have one sacred book but several scriptures. The Vedas scriptures guide Hindus in their daily life. They also help to preserve the religious dimensions of family and society. Religion: Christianity. Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. Reconocimiento en Creative Commons. Todas las licencias Creative Commons requieren que des crédito al autor de las obras que estás utilizando.

Reconocimiento en Creative Commons

Aunque el autor no haya especificado una forma particular de cómo debes citarle esto no significa que no debas hacerlo. APA Citation Style Guide — Landmark College. A guide from the Landmark College Library, updated for the 6th edition (© 2010) APA Style American Psychological Association’s Style of citing sources Usually used in social and behavioral sciences papers (such as psychology papers) Explained fully in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition.

APA Citation Style Guide — Landmark College

(You can ask for this manual at the Front Desk for use in the Library.) Download a printer-friendly version of this APA Citation Style Guide [PDF]. Table of Contents In-Text Citations References List A References List is the list of the sources you used to write your paper. Title your list References List your sources alphabetically by author. Indenting Indent the second and subsequent lines of each citation. Here’s how: 1. 2. 3.

Books Basic Format for Books Last name, First Initial. One Author Brader, T. (2006). Two Authors Elder, L. & Paul, R. (2006).The miniature guide to the art of asking essential questions.