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Articles of Special Interest to New Translators. The blogosphere is teeming with advice for translators, both new and old alike.

Articles of Special Interest to New Translators

Naturally, the same subjects come round again and again as different bloggers give their particular slant on how we should be going about our business. But in this crowded space, with countless writers vying for attention, some posts stand out more than others. Perhaps because their advice is spot on, or the clever way they’ve been written, or both. They deserve to reach a wider audience rather than slip into obscurity after just a few weeks. That’s why I’ve collated this list of posts. They cover a range of topics, which I’ve divided into some broad categories, and you’ll find that some opinions contradict others. Where these categories overlap with ones I have on this blog, I’ve made the heading clickable so you can read more on the topic. This list was originally included in the Links & Tips for New Translators page, where you can find loads more links and recommendations. Art of Translating CAT Tools. Petit guide de l'acheteur de traductions. Guide du sous-titrage et du doublage.

The American Literary Translators Association. The ALTA Guides are brochures that address specific areas of interest for literary translators at all stages of their careers.

The American Literary Translators Association

Each guide provides practical information and professional advice from established translators, as well as lists of useful references and online resources. If you're new to the ALTA conference, the Guide For First-Time ALTA Conference Attendees (PDF) will help you prepare, and make the most of your conference experience. The Making of a Literary Translator (PDF) is a great place to begin. With helpful hints about the basics of translation and how to develop your skills, this guide is indispensable for the young or unpublished translator, and is also a beneficial reference for more experienced translators.

If you’ve been translating already, you probably want to publish your translations, or you may need assistance selecting an appropriate text to translate for publication. Enquête 2015 sur les pratiques des métiers de la traduction — Résultats preliminaires. Nouveaux traducteurs : 10 conseils pour bien démarrer. Six things every beginning translator needs to know - Thoughts On Translation. Last week’s ATA conference reminded me how very intimidating and scary one’s first few years as a freelancer can be.

Six things every beginning translator needs to know - Thoughts On Translation

What’s stressful? Basically everything. Everything you write or say to a client or a potential client; every translation you proofread and re-proof and re-proof, worrying that there’s a horrific error hiding in there somewhere; every marketing effort you make, worrying that it will fail, or that it will succeed and you’ll have too much work. So, as a small step toward decreasing that anxiety, here are six tips (based on past blog posts) for those starting out in our profession! You need to know, #1: How to find good agencies to apply to. You need to know, #2: Whether it might be viable for you to work with direct clients right away.

Ten must-do tasks for your first year as a freelance translator. Home / Freelancing / Ten must-do tasks for your first year as a freelance translator Your first year as a freelancer is a time of overwhelming highs and lows, plus a whole lot of analysis paralysis (Should I work on my website?

Ten must-do tasks for your first year as a freelance translator

No, my resume! No, getting certified. No, my marketing plan! No, I have no idea how much to charge, so what on earth am I doing looking for clients…). As with many hard-but-worthwhile endeavors in life, some of these trials cannot be circumvented; they can only be survived. My Five Biggest Newbie Mistakes in Translation. In my soon-to-be 15 years in translation I haven’t done it all, but I have done a lot.

My Five Biggest Newbie Mistakes in Translation

I’ve worked in-house and freelance; I’ve won some and lost some; followed the rules, questioned them, and ultimately broke the ones that made no sense; exposed myself to harsh criticism for speaking my mind; stood my ground against bottom feeders and their knights; shared my views in two failed blogs prior to Translator’s Digest; started a business, left that business, started a new business… alas, a lot of trial and error, falling down and getting back up again. Translation can be quite a ride if you’re willing to leave your comfort zone; and though I haven’t been riding the crest of any record breaking waves, I can’t really complain about the surf either. So now I’m about to turn 37 and when I see all these younger people trying to start out as translators I’m reminded of my rookie years and the challenges I once faced. 1. Letting clients dictate my fees 2. 3. 4. Focus on: New Translators (Part 1) - Silver Tongue.

You know, the title of this blog post is a bit misleading (arrrgh!

Focus on: New Translators (Part 1) - Silver Tongue

I’m breaking my own rules!) I’ve aimed it at “new translators”, but really, these tips serve any translators, be they fresh as daisies or been-around-the-blockers, the only requirement is that they want to improve. (This is all of us, right?) I got asked to mentor two new translators over the summer, and, once I’d finished my bulk order of anti-aging cream, I decided to view it as a positive thing. I also started to think about how I could be of best service. Cinco preguntas frecuentes de traductores noveles, respondidas. Una de las actividades laborales que más gratificantes me resultan es interactuar con otros traductores y con estudiantes de traducción, ya sea en cursos, congresos, en las redes sociales, etc.

Cinco preguntas frecuentes de traductores noveles, respondidas

En estas charlas y discusiones, han surgido preguntas de todo tipo, y algunas son muy frecuentes, por lo que decidí abordarlas todas juntas en esta publicación. ¿Hay trabajo como traductor? Es una de las dudas más frecuentes. Me atrevería a decir que la gran mayoría nos la hemos planteado en algún momento, sobre todo porque no es un tema que, en general, se aborde en las universidades e instituciones donde se dicta la carrera. Sí, hay y seguirá habiendo trabajo en nuestro rubro. Advice to Beginning Translators (4) - Translation Tests.

Often when we contact a translation company (and sometimes when a translation company contacts us), we are asked to do a translation test, or sample translation, as a preliminary to possible collaboration with them.

Advice to Beginning Translators (4) - Translation Tests

Many translators object to doing translation tests for free, on various grounds, from the fact that other professionals do not do free tests (which is not exactly true, as many lawyers and other professionals do provide free consultations, after which you can decide whether to retain them or not), to the fact that translation tests are allegedly used by unscrupulous agencies to stitch together the translation of an entire book done for free (which I have always thought a translator's urban legend, as this is something people always hear but never actually see first hand, and also because any agency that would attempt a stunt like that would soon be out of business, as the resulting quality of such a patchwork would certainly be abysmal).

Comment percer dans la traduction littéraire. MakingOfALiteraryTranslator. Traducción editorial (I). La relación traductor-editor y cómo empezar en traducción editorial. La relación entre el traductor y el editor puede parecer más compleja de lo que parece.

Traducción editorial (I). La relación traductor-editor y cómo empezar en traducción editorial

The Sorrows of Young Financial Translator. At the beginning of a new year, we all start with brilliant ideas and good intentions.

The Sorrows of Young Financial Translator

To go regularly to the gym or yoga classes, to use that software in order to be productive, to travel more, and so on. However, year-end resolutions often fail after a few weeks because they do not emerge from a firm belief of change and innovation. They are often driven by calendar, not by deep motivation. To find inspiration, I went through my collection of articles, videos and podcasts on financial translation that I am sharing with you in this post. Traduction audiovisuelle : quelques conseils à destination des auteurs débutants (1/2)

Traduction audiovisuelle : Les dix phrases qui doivent vous faire fuir. Why join a professional association for translators and interpreters? Image source: Unsplash Sergee Bee If you’re a professional translator or interpreter and keen on developing your career, it makes sense to join a professional association. You might even consider joining more than one. Here’s why I joined four (!) Questions to Ask Before You Accept a Translation Project. It is impossible to anticipate every issue or question that may arise during the course of a translation project, but one thing you can do to be prepared before you get started is ask a lot of questions. Below are a number of questions you should keep in mind each time you receive a new project request (especially from a new client), so that you can be sure to avoid any surprises or problems down the road. You can use this as a sort of checklist each time you receive a new request; be sure to glance through each topic and consider the answers to all the questions we’ve listed before you even quote the job.

You don’t necessarily need to ask the client all of these questions for each project you quote—just remember that addressing these topics as early as possible will help clear up any misunderstandings, make you appear professional, and ensure that your client will be as satisfied as possible in the end. The Task at Hand. Traduire bénévolement : quelques règles d’or. EDIT du 22/02/16 : Lorsque je me suis lancée dans la traduction début 2012, j’ai effectué diverses traductions de façon bénévole afin de « faire mes armes » et de me construire un portfolio. Cet article, destiné aux jeunes traducteurs et aux étudiants, vise à faire partager mon expérience et mes conseils, mais en aucun cas à promouvoir des services de « traduction bénévole » !

Aujourd’hui, mes obligations professionnelles et familiales ne me laissent plus de temps pour le bénévolat, et je travaille uniquement sur des projets rémunérés. Creating and managing a team of translators. This is a guest post by Michelle Bradley. Michelle began her career in translation 26 years ago after earning her M.A. from NYU in Madrid, Spain. Some of her first assignments as a newly-minted project manager included searching the Yellow Pages for Arabic translators, and fixing dial-up modem settings to meet late-night deadlines.

It’s no wonder Michelle is now grateful for technology. Subsequent roles as Vendor Manager and Director of Operations prepared Michelle to open her own company (Colorado-based Wordtrail LLC) in 2010. Michelle currently wears multiple hats: project management, cultural consulting (including video creation), transcreation, copy-editing, transcription, DTP and translation from Spanish to English. 50,000 words for next week? Your client has a 50,000 word job due in a week, so it has to be divided up among multiple translators.

Productivité du traducteur

Setting goals for your freelance business. In this episode, Eve and Corinne discuss how to set goals for your freelance business. If you enjoy this podcast, you might also enjoy Eve’s book Maintaining Your Second Language, or Corinne’s online courses for freelance translators. At the start of the year, Eve and Corinne share some insights into setting goals for your freelance business, including: Some thoughts on setting goals - Thoughts On Translation. Goal-setting is a critical element of running a freelance business, but many translators ignore it.

Not surprisingly, this type of passive attitude can lead to job stress and low job satisfaction, because instead of feeling that you’re actively progressing toward your ideal freelance business, you feel like your clients are dictating how, when and at what rates you work. Lesson 73: When planning how to grow your translation business, plan smart. In December, we’re going to talk about business planning, in other words planning to develop or grow your translation business. You usually either consciously or subconsciously think about how your business is going to evolve in the next 12 months, and this inherent business planning takes place in January. It’s a good month to plan: a new year starts, we have our resolutions, more energy is around. I decided to write up on business planning in December, so when you’re back to work in early January you’ll have a few ideas to benefit from this productive period as much as you can. As mentioned, for the majority of freelancers or small business owners (who are less likely to have a formal business plan), the process of business planning happens spontaneously and resembles more a thought exercise rather than a business tool.

Write business ideas down. How to use SMART goals for your freelance translation business. 6 Advanced Steps to Communicate Your Value as a Freelancer. You know you’ve got the goods. You’re confident in your skills. Your clients? Nothing but raving good reviews. But how do you communicate your value as a freelancer before you start working with them? How can you show that not only are you exactly what your client needs, but that they should pay you more than other people who do the same thing as you? It boils down to a few things: defining your buyer, your USP, and your signature process. Périodes creuses - Les Recettes du traducteur. Fiche pratique périodes creuses. Need More Work? It’s Not Them, It’s You…and That’s the Best News You’ve Heard All Day. Specialization in Translation. La spécialisation : trouver son hérisson - Les recettes du traducteur, tous les ingrédients pour faire bouillir la marmite. Développer une nouvelle spécialisation : 6 étapes pour réussir.

How to choose a niche that's right for you - Freelance Parents. How to find your translation niche? Are You Offering a Commodity or a Unique Solution? “I have no idea what my niche is – help!” How to find YOUR niche market as a translator using the DIP technique.

Formation en traduction juridique

Formation russe. Formation au freelancing. TradOnline enquete formation traducteurs France 2012. Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. Tranix Translation & Proof-Editing Services. Formations qualifiantes - Faculté de traduction et d'interprétation. Formation - Aprotrad. Formation longue : Traduction spécialisée. Formation terminologie diplome terminologie formation continue terminologie iufc. À la recherche d’un stage de traduction ? Stage : billet-bilan — Les piles intermédiaires. Stage. Traducteur : Comment financer ma formation ? – Le blog du monde de la traduction. Critères FIF PL 2016. Critères FIF PL 2017. Critères FIF PL 2018. Critères FIFPL 2019. Critères FIFPL 2020. Critères FIFPL 2021. Post-it: se former chez soi — Ma Voisine Millionnaire.

Traducteurs : 3 pistes pour se former sans se ruiner. How translators can increase their subject-matter expertise with free online courses. AFDAS (formation des auteurs) Edinovo Formation - Filiale de l’Asfored - Catalogue. SFT - Formations. Formations continues ISIT. Short Courses and CPD - UCL (University College London) Life Learning.

Prospection en traduction

Tarifs de traduction. Ressources pour traducteurs. Reader question: how do I choose a translation memory tool? - Thoughts On Translation. How many CAT tools do you need - Pieter Beens. Career question: Do I really need to learn Trados?

Learn from the Experts! 72 Professional Translators, 139 FREE* Tools to Help You Stay on Top of Your Game. Gestion de son entreprise. Rédiger un devis de traduction efficace. (Not Just) Another Translator. How to write compelling translation quotes / PacTranz. Quoting a Large Translation Project. ATA Guide to Translation and Interpreting Services Agreement. Bien facturer pour être payé. (Not Just) Another Translator. ETABLISSEZ DES FACTURES IRREPROCHABLES. La TVA du traducteur - Trëma Translations - English to French translation. Facturation à l'étranger pour un auto-entrepreneur. Facture d'acompte : explications, obligations, mise en pratique. Contrôle fiscal et facturation hors TVA : peut-on faire des factures rectificatives ? Par Frédéric Naïm, Avocat. Autoentrepreneur : faire sa déclaration européenne de services.

Gérer votre trésorerie : faire de la prévention contre les retards de paiement — La Marmite. Recouvrement des petites créances : enfin une démarche simplifiée ! - Rétrocession d'honoraire en BNC, des réponses officielles. Getting paid in foreign currencies. Keeping client statistics: how organised are you? Mettez en place une comptabilité digne de ce nom - Trëma Translations - English to French translation. Définition du Chiffre d'affaires — URSSAF.

Quel est le chiffre d'affaires à déclarer en micro-entreprise ? Assurance freelance : obligations d’assurance du freelance. Solutions d'assurance pour traducteurs. Les différents modes d'exercice - Aprotrad. Devenir traducteur indépendant en auto-entreprise.