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Textile Terminology

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Design and Technologies: Glossary - The Australian Curriculum v8.1. Absorbency Power, capacity or tendency of a material to absorb or soak up another substance, usually a liquid. abstraction A process of reducing complexity to formulate generalised fundamental ideas or concepts removed from specific details or situation.

Design and Technologies: Glossary - The Australian Curriculum v8.1

For example, the idea that a cricket ball is a sphere in the same way that a soccer ball is, or the concept that data can be organised in records made up of fields irrespective of whether the data are numbers, text, images or something else. accessibility The extent to which a system, environment or object may be used irrespective of a user’s capabilities or disabilities. Aerial view A drawing from above (in the air) to show features of a building, landscape or environment. Aerial view of garden aesthetics A branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty and taste. Algorithm Step-by-step procedures required to solve a problem. An algorithm may be described in many ways. Algorithmic logic app augmented reality (AR) automate back casting.

Sabrina - Student Designer: Sewing-English Dictionary. Here are some of the more commonly used and sometimes less often explained sewing termsSeam allowances are the distance between the edge of the fabric and the stitching line.

Sabrina - Student Designer: Sewing-English Dictionary

Seam allowances are sometimes also called "margins" (but not very often). Other kinds of "allowances" are the amount of fabric allowed for something, e.g. a hem. GRAIN Imagine you were weaving your own fabric. To start you set up the lengthwise threads on the loom. Then you start to weave the sideways thread in and out, between each lengthwise strand. The lengthwise threads are called the warp, and the "across" threads are called the "weft" (in the old days they were called the "woof").

The left-hand and right-hand sides of the cloth where you turn the shuttle to go back across are called the selvedges and they are naturally tighter than the rest of the cloth. The grain-line is the lengthwise thread and when you have your pattern lain on the fabric, the long line with the arrows has to match this. Sewtionary. UPDATE: The Sewtionary is going to be a real published book!


Read the announcement post here for more info, with links to pre-order! I’m building a Sewing Dictionary (Sewtionary!) To answer all of your burning sewing questions, from A to Z! I started the Sewtionary in October 2010 and will keep on updating it, the more I sew… As I post on different sewing techniques, I’ll add a link to this page here. Click on any of the links to read more! Fitting changes made to the pattern before cutting, or to a finished garment to get a better fit. Here’s a post I wrote about lengthening or shortening a dress bodice: Altering the Dress Bodice: Lengthen or Shorten Here! Redrawing A Neckline – Shirt Alterations: Part of the fitting for men series, where I made a men’s dress shirt.

Correcting the Collar and Hemline – Shirt Alterations: Just what it sounds like! Tools for Teachers. Print Trims and Tapes Glossary Single Fold Bias Tape How it's Made: Fabric is cut on the bias grain (45 degree angle) into strips.

Tools for Teachers

Raw edges are folded under lengthwise on either side of the strip. Width: 1/2" finished Uses: • Single fold bias tape is often used to finish armholes and necklines, as an alternative to flat facings. . • Lightweight and easy to apply, single fold bias tape is ideal for creating casings. . • Add single fold bias tape to the outside of a garment as an accent or trim. How to Apply: • When used as a facing, open one edge of the tape and apply to armhole or neck edge with right sides together. Pattern Drafting Glossary Terms.

Sewing Dictionary - Sewing Patterns. - Your Sewing Dictionary and Glossary On the Web. Sewing Dictionary - Sewing Patterns. Textile & Clothing Materials: Pattern Drafting Glossary Terms. You Can Make It! - Glossary. NY Fashion Center - Fabric Glossary. Fibre2Fashion - Glossary. NSW HSC Online - Glossary.