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- StumbleUpon. Tips about Novel Writing from Fiction Writer's Connection - - StumbleUpon. 11 eenvoudige manieren om je geheugen te verbeteren. 10 kleine dingen die ons elke dag slimmer maken - Ondertussen. Succes en geluk hangen af van onze ingesteldheid, zo meent Carol Dweck, psychologe van de universiteit van Standford.

10 kleine dingen die ons elke dag slimmer maken - Ondertussen

Wie gelooft dat zijn of haar intelligentie een gegeven is en nooit zal veranderen, zal minder succes uit zijn leven halen dan werkelijk mogelijk is. Haar onderzoek geeft aan dat inzet belangrijker is dan zogenaamd talent. De succesvolle mensen op deze wereld focussen op groei, aldus Dweck. 'Niet iedereen kan Albert Einstein zijn, maar iedereen kan aan zijn capaciteiten werken. Ook Einstein werd pas Einstein na tientallen jaren van inzet.' We kunnen dus allemaal slimmer worden. 1.

Op het internet surfen is tegenwoordig al te vaak synoniem met 'sociale media checken'. Stumble Upon is een leuke tool om nieuwe dingen te ontdekken op het Net. 2. Elke dag enkele minuten de tijd nemen om de dingen te noteren die u leerde, helpt uw hersenen ook een handje. 3. 4. Gezelschapsspelen en puzzels zijn niet alleen leuke vrijetijdsbestedingen, maar ook handig om de hersenen te trainen. Hoe geeft u een goede presentatie: zoek de 7 dwergen in het publiek - Business Tips.

Lessons From the Masters: 5 Rules of Storytelling. Storytelling doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but there’s good news: Storytelling can be learned.

Lessons From the Masters: 5 Rules of Storytelling

While we may not all achieve Shakespeare-level fame, we can learn the skills and tactics that make storied storytellers so great. Before we jump into tips for telling a compelling story, it’s important to first understand the basic rules of storytelling, and how you can follow the fundamentals laid out by the likes of Hemingway, Shakespeare and more. Understand the Rules of Storytelling Some of the rules are basic: Avoid run on sentences. Don’t babble on. The rules of strong storytelling apply equally to business professionals, educators, executives and entrepreneurs.

Applying these rules can help you create lasting visual mental images that grab an audience’s attention. Learn From the Masters Okay, so you’re not Shakespeare, Hemingway or Vonnegut. Let’s take Kurt Vonnegut — one of the 20th century’s most gifted American writers. Vonnegut often spoke about his ideas on writing. Introduction-to-game-theory. Training-skills. The-secrets-to-workshop-success.

High-impact-interpersonal-skills. Emotional-intelligence-secrets. 5 Powerful Ways to Open a Presentation. We’ve all been there before: staring at the glow of your blank computer screen with no idea on how to open or start your talk.

5 Powerful Ways to Open a Presentation

For starters, you should never be staring at PowerPoint with no clear objective (that’s a conversation for another day), but let’s be honest, we’ve all struggled with the best ways to open a presentation. It’s time to get unstuck. Here are 5 powerful ways to open a presentation: 1. Use Silence Most people won’t be able to pull this off very easily, but if you are feeling like a rockstar during your next presentation, opt for silence. 2. I have two simple statements for you: -Prospective (looking to the future): “30 Years from now, your job won’t exist.” -Retrospective (looking to the past): “In 1970, Japan owned 9% of the market. The reality is that looking into the future or past always sparks engagement since that’s where our hearts live. 3. The easiest way to open a talk is simply to quote someone. 5 Powerful Ways to Close a Presentation. We live in a world of judges: You will be judged by each and every person during your next presentation.

5 Powerful Ways to Close a Presentation

Sound intimidating? It should be. No one ever said giving presentations is easy. So, how do you minimize the level of judgment that will be placed upon you? For starters, you need to know how to open your presentation with confidence and purpose. Your close is just as important as your open — it’s your lasting impression on your audience, your final words of wisdom. 1. I love films that provide me with a sense of closure. 2. Since we are taking some inspiration from Hollywood in this post, make sure you take a lesson from M.