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ModSecurity: Open Source Web Application Firewall

ModSecurity: Open Source Web Application Firewall

Cygwin Web Application Security Statistics Download pdf version Download Security Statistics 2007 The Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) is pleased to announce the WASC Web Application Security Statistics Project 2008. This initiative is a collaborative industry wide effort to pool together sanitized website vulnerability data and to gain a better understanding about the web application vulnerability landscape. We ascertain which classes of attacks are the most prevalent regardless of the methodology used to identify them. Industry statistics such as those compiled by Mitre CVE project provide valuable insight into the types of vulnerabilities discovered in open source and commercial applications, this project tries to be the equivalent for custom web applications. Goals Identify the prevalence and probability of different vulnerability classes.Compare testing methodologies against what types of vulnerabilities they are likely to identify. As a result, we now have 4 data sets: General analysis T. 3 Vulnerabilities by impact

Web Hosting Services: All-inclusive website hosting package, Free blog and CMS, Free domain, top customer care. SiteGround - the best Web Space Hosting Provider CryptAGE, tout sur la cryptographie Installation du mod evasive sur apache 2.2 pour contrer des attaques DOS | Majorxtrem's Blogs mai 17 Cette après midi après plusieurs test de charge du serveur Web, je me suis rendu compte que c’était un jeu d’enfant de faire planter à la fois le apache mais aussi la machine. Comment me direz-vous, tous simplement en flood le serveur de centaine de thread, la charge CPU monte la ram aussi, vient ensuite le tour de la swap et puis c’est la fin, le serveur ne répond plus à rien sauf au ping. Après quelque recherche j’ai installé le mod_evasive qui permet de détecter les floods et les tentatives de déni de service. apt-get install libapache2-mod-evasive On édite le fichier de configuration d’apache2 et on ajoute les lignes suivante : vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Les valeurs données dans cette exemple sont à adapter selon votre serveur. Explications : DOSHashTableSize Size of the hash table. DOSSystemCommand "/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s %s -j DROP" Cette commande permet de bloquer une adresse IP à l’aide d’IPTable. On crée le dossier /var/log/mod_evasive/ et on lui donne les bon droits .

Facebook is watching you Des études mentionnées dans The Guardian Weekly en mars 2009 suggèrent qu’un quart des habitants du Royaume-Uni souffrent d’une forme de paranoïa. L’accroissement de la maladie aurait quelque chose à voir avec les effets conjugués de l’urbanisation, de la mondialisation, des migrations, des médias et de la disparité des richesses. La logique voudrait par conséquent que la proportion de ceux qui parmi nous souffrent de paranoïa augmente à mesure que nous nous dirigeons vers une forme complexe de surveillance, rendue possible par l’utilisation généralisée des « réseaux sociaux » comme Facebook. Et, ainsi que nos propres recherches en Suède et d’autres études le montrent, nous sommes nombreux à prendre part à ce nouveau genre de contrôle sur une base volontaire, souvent sans être conscients de son ampleur. Prenons l’exemple d’Adam’s Block, un site qui diffusait de la vidéo en direct du carrefour des rues Ellis et Taylor à San Francisco, dans un but de simple divertissement.

Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria Get WAFEC 1.0 WAFEC 1.0 is available in several formats: PDF version, HTML Version and Text Version Please note that WAFEC, like all other WASC projects, is distributed under the creative common license. Please respect this license. Particularly note that the license requires that if you use the information you attribute it to WASC and WAFEC. WAFEC Response Matrix 1.0 Download WAFEC response matrix The WAFEC response matrix translates WAFEC into an easy to use standardized tool. Usage guidelines: The WAFEC team is working on the next version of WAFEC. for more details refer to the WAFEC 2.0 page.

Setup Unmanaged VPS 4 Linux Noobs! - vpsBible Ping Tutorial: 15 Effective Ping Command Examples As you already know, ping command is used to find out whether the peer host/gateway is reachable. If you are thinking ping is such a simple command and why do I need 15 examples, you should read the rest of the article. Ping command provides lot more options than what you might already know. Ping Example 1. By default ping waits for 1 second before sending the next packet. Increase Ping Time Interval Example: Wait for 5 seconds before sending the next packet. $ ping -i 5 IP Decrease Ping Time Interval Example: Wait 0.1 seconds before sending the next packet. # ping -i 0.1 IP Note: Only super user can specify interval less than 0.2 seconds. $ ping -i 0.1 PING 0 ( 56(84) bytes of data. ping: cannot flood; minimal interval, allowed for user, is 200ms Ping Example 2. Before checking whether the peer machine is reachable, first check whether the local network network is up and running using any one of the following 3 methods. Ping localhost using zero (0) Ping localhost using name

iScanner - Remove website malwares, web pages viruses and malicious codes How To Block Facebook's Face Recognition And Tighten Other Privacy Settings Facebook seems to be forever pushing the boundaries of what "online privacy" means. Today we see the latest iteration of this--Face Recognition. By adjusting its interface, Facebook has now enabled "tag suggestions" to many more of its users around the world, which means your friends will get an alert if someone uploads a photo that Facebook thinks contains your image. Face Recognition Under the "Account" drop-down menu at the top-right of Facebook's title bar, click "Privacy settings." Easy, wasn't it? While you're there on the privacy page, check a few other things too: Things you share Check this list, which starts with "Posts by me" and ends with "Places you check in to" and verify that the status is "Friends only," which is as tight as you can set these (although you can customize the settings to prevent particular friends from accessing each of the shred items on a granular level). Things others share Contact information This may be one that you'd most like to protect. Block lists

Web Application Firewalls: How to Evaluate, Purchase and Implement A Web application firewall (WAF) is designed to protect Web applications against common attacks such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection. Whereas network firewalls defend the perimeter of the network, WAFs sit between the Web client and Web server, analyzing application-layer traffic for violations in the programmed security policy, says Michael Cobb, founder of Cobweb Applications, a security consultancy. While some traditional firewalls provide a degree of application awareness, it's not with the granularity and specificity that WAFs provide, says Diana Kelley, founder of consultancy Security Curve. For instance, the WAF can detect whether an application is not behaving the way it was designed to, and it enables you to write specific rules to prevent that kind of attack from reoccurring. WAFs also differ from intrusion prevention systems. Main WAF Attributes The web application firewall market is still undefined, with many dissimilar products falling under the WAF umbrella.

Django with Mysql and Apache on EC2 — The Usware Blog - Django Web Development By : Shabda Raaj What is EC2 Unless you have been living on Mars these last few years, you are sure to have heard of EC2. Amazon's cloud offering, it offers infinite scalability. Using EC2, you can bring up any number of machines online at minutes notice, and after you are done with them, bring them down. How does EC2 work? A EC2 machine is nothing but a bare machine. The prerequisites You need to have an AWS account with EC2 enabled. Give ElasticFox your EC2 credentials. I started the AMI with AMI id ami-f27c999b. After you start your ami, right click in ElasticFox on your instance and get its Public DNS. My public dns was, my private key is stored in a file called id-django. shabda@shabda-laptop:~$ ssh -i id-django Fine, we are in our brand new EC2 server now! Ok, so we created a new user and gave the new user shabda sudo rights. Ok we are logged in as shabda.

Certified Information Security Consultant (CISC) 6 Months, Training, Course, Certification - Institute of Information Security, Mumbai(India) CISC is 6 months training in information security for amateurs and professionals to make you an expert in the field of Information Security. The course is ideal for those wanting to differentiate themselves from candidates with an undergraduate degree only, as well as those already in industry wishing to advance their skills in this constantly evolving area. Many companies are actively recruiting security specialists and this course will prepare graduates for senior technical and management positions in many industry sectors. CISC training The CISC training is designed to make you an expert in the domain of information security. Benefits of CISC The CISC is the only completely hands-on, real-world oriented security certification. Schedule Course is of 4 hrs from Monday to Friday Course Contents Testimonials Faculties are good & very helpful. Ashish NageshkarStudent The teaching way and knowledge of Mahesh is really excellent, the extra things he shares keeps us competitive. Suleiman Farouk
