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Acropolis Virtual Tour. Museum Views — Google Arts & Culture. AIR PANO. VIRTOURS. The Unquiet Librarian. Technology, libraries, and schools. A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet. Collaborative Computing vs One to One.

Google Expeditions. Neuroplasticity. Introduction to Deep Learning 1: discover the neural networks. The processes to train a machine are not that different from those that take place when humans learn.

Introduction to Deep Learning 1: discover the neural networks

Indeed, scientists took inspiration from the human brain to create neural networks: When we try to make a complex concept understandable, an immediate/natural way is to try and remember the way we originally absorbed the concept, what made us understand it or what we used to make it easier. The same logic should apply when faced with the task of trying to teach a machine to learn: We should teach the machine to use past examples to help it better understand a concept or use reinforcement learning techniques to ensure that the machine learns. Following this line, it makes sense to reduce the teaching process to a learning unit, and try to emulate its behavior. What Is The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning? Machine learning, artificial intelligence and robo-advisers: The future of finance? The topic of machine learning-enabled artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining increasing visibility in the world of investment management.

Machine learning, artificial intelligence and robo-advisers: The future of finance?

Of particular interest is the application of AI to the development of smarter robo-advisers that some hope, while others fear, will yield 'intelligent' and cost-effective investment management advice. This topic was raised by investment professionals during the recent CFA Institute travelling conference that went to Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. AI has also been the subject of a recent European Commission (EC) consultation document, to which CFA Institute submitted a response.

Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning. Sal Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education. Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! Sal Khan: Let's teach for mastery. Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning. Richard Baraniuk: The birth of the open-source learning revolution. Angela Lee Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance. A Vision of K-12 Students Today. Powtoon. Interactive Writing and Grammar. Strategies & Activities. Looking for Strategies and Activities?

Strategies & Activities

Click Here! In this section of the site, the aim is to provide teachers with examples of activities they can use to increase the amount of Getting it/Using it activities in their repertoire. We believe in the sharing of ideas between teachers as the idea is not to create the most original lesson, but the most effective one for student learning; as such, we invite you to browse through the different activity sections and use any activities or resources that you feel would be useful. Best of Bilash believes in purposeful teaching; that means that no activity is used ‘just because’. Every activity should serve a purpose for student learning. Throughout you will find links to videos demonstrating activities, as well as activities accompanied by templates or texts. 30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class. One day, in front 36 riotous sophomores, I clutched my chest and dropped to my knees like Sergeant Elias at the end of Platoon.

30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class

Instantly, dead silence and open mouths replaced classroom Armageddon. Standing up like nothing had happened, I said, "Thanks for your attention -- let's talk about love poems. " Bill Rogers Behaviour Management. I came across Bill Rogers‘ work on behaviour management early in my career.

Bill Rogers Behaviour Management

I started working in some really tough schools. In some ways, it was lucky, because it made the rest of my career less challenging and prepared me for my very first principal’s role in 1995 (teaching principal), at a school with a teacher turnover rate of 400% over the two years prior to my starting. A lot of my success with challenging classes was due to the work of behaviour management guru Bill Rogers – a real teacher with extensive expertise in behaviour management. Giving Student Feedback: 20 Tips To Do It Right. Plain Old Good Teaching. How to Respond to Rude Comments About Teaching. When I’m at social gatherings, I often meet non-teachers who ask me questions about teaching.

How to Respond to Rude Comments About Teaching

The vast majority of these people are kind and gracious. They’ll tell me about a teacher they had that impacted them positively, or will ask my opinion on thoughtful questions about education. Character Resources - Let It Ripple. When we starting making our first film on character two years ago, called The Science of Character, we talked to countless researchers and educators, and searched across the web and found all sorts of wonderful resources, but we couldn't find one place that aggregated all the ideas around character from different perspectives.

Character Resources - Let It Ripple

So, we decided to start to build one. This catalogue of over 1,600 articles, lessons plans, tools, research, books, films, apps, websites, and games to dive deeper into all the different character strengths and approaches to character development is just the beginning of this journey. We hope you will send ideas to us for each section so that we can grow this together. We are also seeking partners and funds to make this Character Resource Hub as current and beautiful as it can be. At this point we have focused mostly on populating the information.

Character thinking traits sentence starters. Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes. JK Rowling: The fringe benefits of failure. 12 Must Watch TED Talks for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. 10 TED Talks Every Art Teacher Should Watch. Hopefully, when I tell you I have been watching Ted Talks non-stop for a month, you know I am talking about the short, inspiring videos and not the rude, crude talking bear.

10 TED Talks Every Art Teacher Should Watch

TED Talks started back in 1984 when a conference was held for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Speakers were challenged to present powerful speeches in under 18 minutes. Five psychological findings every history teacher should know. This text is somewhere between what I planned to say and what I did say during my session at the Historical Association’s annual conference in Bristol yesterday, with a few reflections in italics.

Five psychological findings every history teacher should know

I’m going to start with a couple of stories from the pillar of the local free press: Hackney Today. As one of only a handful of local authorities still publishing a paper fortnightly, and having recently been instructed to cease doing so by central government, this is not an opportunity to be missed. Particularly with stories like this one, a few months ago: Read, Kids, Read. Can reading make you smarter? When I was eight years old, I still couldn't read.

I remember my teacher Mrs Browning walking over to my desk and asking me to read a few sentences from a Dick and Jane book. Mindset Kit - Growth Mindset For Teachers. Train Your Brain To Let Go Of Habits – 10 Methods For Creating New Neural Pathways. When you understand how neural pathways are created in the brain, you get a front row seat for truly comprehending how to let go of habits.

Train Your Brain To Let Go Of Habits – 10 Methods For Creating New Neural Pathways

Neural pathways are like superhighways of nerve cells that transmit messages. You travel over the superhighway many times, and the pathway becomes more and more solid. You may go to a specific food or cigarettes for comfort over and over, and that forms a brain pathway. How To Trick Your Brain To Hold On To Positive Habit Changes. We truly are creatures of habit. Nearly half of our everyday behaviors tend to be repeated in the same location almost every day, according to research out of Duke University.

Retrieval Practice: A Powerful Strategy to Improve Learning — Summary of Recommendations. Use retrieval practice as a learning strategy, not as an assessment tool.Use retrieval practice frequently, as often as possible. Practice makes perfect! Use retrieval practice a few days or weeks after a lesson or study session. Space it out.Use a variety of strategies to implement frequent retrieval practice: clickers, flash cards, online quizzes, quick writing prompts, etc.Use a variety of question types: fact-based, conceptual, and higher order/transfer.Encourage metacognition by including feedback (right/wrong feedback, explanation feedback, etc.).Remain confident that challenging learning (via retrieval practice) is a good thing!

Examine your teaching and studying strategies: Do they focus on getting information “in” or “out? " Is learning challenging, or is learning easy and “fluent? " For more information, please browse additional sections of this website, including Strategies for Educators, FAQs, and Download the Guide. How to Turn on the Part of Your Brain That Controls Motivation. We know we should put the cigarettes away or make use of that gym membership, but in the moment, we just don’t do it. There is a cluster of neurons in our brain critical for motivation, though. What if you could hack them to motivate yourself? Did I Plagiarize? The Types and Severity of Plagiarism Violations.

Evita plagios

10 Excellent Google Drive Templates for Teachers. Google Apps Essential Infographic - Teacher Tech. Teacher's Quick Guide to Google Best Services ~... A Great New Google Drive Cheat Sheet for Teachers. 81 Ways Teachers Can Use Google Forms with Their Students. Codecademy. Open Culture. Advertisment Take online courses from the world’s top universities for free. Below, you will find 1,700 free online courses from universities like Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Oxford and more. You can use this collection of online courses to learn everything you want–from history, philosophy and literature, to physics, biology, psychology, and computer science. Stanford Online. Harvard Online Learning. What the flip? Exploring technologies to support a flipped classroom by @katessoper.

A flipped classroom is one where the lectures become the homework and the traditional homework tasks take place in the lesson time. Behaviors & Strategies for Improving Your Instructor Presence. 13 Apps That Help You Teach Global Citizenship. Discussion Questions and Projects for Use With Any Film that is a Work of Fiction. Note: In some of the questions we have used the term "major characters. " Before asking the questions, have the class identify the major characters. Flipped-Learning Toolkit: Overcoming Common Hurdles. Editor's Note: This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network. Technology and Interactive Notebooks – Teaching Without a Quill. The 10 Most Asked Questions About Genius Hour and 20% Time Projects – A.J. JULIANI. How do I get started? Lucky for you there is many teachers who have already jumped into Genius Hour and 20% Time Projects.

General Rubric Generator. Awesome Library. Kiddle - visual search engine for kids. Great Websites for Kids. Webster's Visual Dictionary. A dictionary with a new point of view that catches the eye and enriches the mind. 20,000 terms with contextual definitions,developed by terminology experts; 6,000 full-color images of a wide variety of objects from all aspects of life; One essential reference. Google Safe IMAGE Search. 10 Job Skills You’ll Need in 2020. The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020. 10 Essential Skills for The 21st Century Worker/ Learner.

Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030. Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030.