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10 Job Skills You’ll Need in 2020

10 Job Skills You’ll Need in 2020
Related:  Skills for Future JobsStudent engagement

The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 Share this infographic on your site! <a href=" src=" alt="Important Work Skills for 2020" width="500" border="0" /></a><br />Source: <a href=" The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 Future Work Skills of 2020: Sources: Concept & principes pédagogiques – 4 : le conflit socio cognitif | Le blog de C-Campus Le conflit socio cognitif est un concept développé dans le champ de la pyschologie sociale génétique au début des années 80. Il met en évidence l’influence positive des interactions sociales sur l’apprentissage. L’apprentissage entre pairs peut être supérieur, sous certaines conditions, à l’apprentissage seul ou face à un formateur car il suscite des confrontations de point de vue générant la remise en cause de représentations, et par conséquent l’émergence de connaissances nouvelles. Comment fonctionne le conflit socio cognitif ? Face à un problème ou une question, chaque membre d’un groupe de personnes a au démarrage une représentation qui lui est propre du problème ou de la question. Quels sont les effets du conflit socio cognitif ? Le C.S.C accélère la plupart du temps l’apprentissage ou le changement de point de vue pour trois raisons essentielles : Par ailleurs, le conflit socio cognitif a deux effets secondaires positifs : Du conflit socio cognitif à l’apprentissage coopératif

Curiosity: It Helps Us Learn, But Why? : NPR Ed The Limbic Reward System lights up when curiosity is piqued. LA Johnson/NPR hide caption itoggle caption LA Johnson/NPR The Limbic Reward System lights up when curiosity is piqued. LA Johnson/NPR How does a sunset work? So Blackwell, who teaches science at Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High in Davis, Calif., had her students watch a video of a sunset on YouTube as part of a physics lesson on motion. "I asked them: 'So what's moving? Once she got the discussion going, the questions came rapid-fire. Students asking questions and then exploring the answers. Blackwell, like many others teachers, understands that when kids are curious, they're much more likely to stay engaged. But why? Our Brains On Curiosity "In any given day, we encounter a barrage of new information," says Charan Ranganath, a psychologist at the University of California, Davis and one of the researchers behind the study. Ranganath was curious to know why we retain some information and forget other things.

Skills of the Future: 10 Skills You'll Need to Thrive in 2020 [Infographic] Skills of the Future: 10 Skills You’ll Need to Thrive in 2020 [Infographic] Posted by Guthrie-Jensen Consultants Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that in 2020, about 5 million jobs will be replaced by automated machines. Self-driving cars will gradually change the way we travel, and artificial intelligence (AI) will soon make decisions for us. Before we go deeper into what the fourth industrial revolution means and how it will affect the future workplace, here’s a quick overview into the previous industrial revolutions. The Industrial Revolutions: A Quick Overview ThoughtCo. describes the term “industrial revolution” as a period of massive technological and socio-cultural change, similar to the time when our ancestors switched roles from hunter-gatherers to farmers. Humanity has had quite a few industrial revolutions over the course of history. More Technological Than Industrial A new age of work requires a new set of skills to thrive and be productive. The Future is Here

The Future of Work: Quantified Employees, Pop-Up Workplaces, And More Telepresence For many people, especially those working at desk jobs, the workplace is very different than it was 20 years ago: there’s a computer at every desk, telecommuting is fairly common, and the traditional cubicle is giving way to more collaborative spaces. We’ve seen predictions about where we’ll go from here before; now PSFK, a popular blog that also happens to be a thriving consultancy, has come up with its own version of the future of work, described in a new 138-page report. It’s not as fantastical as many future-forward reports--it’s planted firmly in ideas that are already gaining a lot of traction. Perhaps that makes it more accurate. We’ll find out. Here are our takeaways. Startup Training and Skills Marketplaces PSFK imagines that learning initiatives for young entrepreneurs, such as Enstitute, will become the norm. Office Feedback Culture You know the employee that keeps screwing up and eventually just gets fired without really understanding why? Quantified Workers

10 well paid jobs of the future Mr Bellini posited the idea of an elderly well-being consultant, who specialises in personalised care for older patients, or a memory augmentation surgeon who helps counter memory loss. He also saw big changes in farming as food resources became scarce, with genetically modified crops becoming common and crops grown vertically in areas resembling multi-storey car parks to save space. Ian Pearson, a futurologist who wrote You Tomorrow, sees job growth in the field of augmented reality, where the real world is overlaid with computer-generated images. “When you look at a building it’s constrained by planning laws, but in cyberspace you can make it look however you want,” he said. “A company with a high street presence could make their shop look like Downton Abbey, or set it in a post-nuclear apocalypse environment.” Mr Pearson also argued that the better technology gets, the more people will have to focus on their “human skills” to survive in the workforce. Best paid jobs of today

Blog de t@d: Thèse de Clément Dussarps sur la dimension socio-affective et l'abandon en FOAD Clément Dussarps a soutenu sa thèse le 27 novembre dernier (à paraître). Il a cherché à répondre, et y parvient dans de larges mesures, à la question suivante : Quels sont les facteurs socio-affectifs expliquant l'abandon, ou inversement la persévérance ? Il propose une typologie d'apprenants tirée de l'étude des données recueillies : Les "intégrés" qui attendent des relations de qualité et avec une fréquence régulière avec les enseignants et leurs pairs (25% de l'échantillon étudié)Les "exclusifs avec les enseignants" qui souhaitent de telles relations avec les enseignants et peu, voire jamais, avec leurs pairs. (52% de l'échantillon étudié)Les "exclusifs avec leurs pairs" qui se tournent vers leurs pairs et très peu vers les enseignants. (2% de l'échantillon étudié)Les "isolés" qui échangent peu avec les enseignants et leurs pairs. (21% de l'échantillon étudié). Clément propose également une classification des différentes variables qu'il a étudiées sur le niveau de persévérance

MIT Technology Review These Will Be The Top Jobs In 2025 (And The Skills You’ll Need To Get “There are some overarching shifts poised to change the nature of work itself over the next decade,” says Devin Fidler, research director at Institute for the Future, a nonprofit research center focused on long-term forecasting. That includes a demand for new skills and strategies that could help people to thrive in future work environments, So what do you need to work on to be marketable in 2025? Technology And Computational Thinking It’s no surprise that tech skills will be in demand. “As the total amount of information coming at you increases and increases, the ability to manage that in a way that you’re not overwhelmed, is pretty key,” he says. Related jobs: Software developer jobs will grow 18.8% between now and 2024, according to the BLS, while computer systems analyst jobs will increase 20.9% by 2024. Caregiving As more people live longer, every aspect of the health care sector is poised for growth. Social Intelligence And New Media Literacy Lifelong Learning

Garbage designer, robot counsellor among the predicted jobs of 2030 About 15 years from now, farmers will have made their way from the countryside to the city, counsellors will help ensure the right robot goes to the right family and garbage designers will lead the upcycling movement. Those are some predictions made by the Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan’s Inspired Minds initiative, which aims to give Canadians a sneak peek of the job market in 2030. Some of the more curious careers include: Nostalgist: A mix between a therapist, an interior designer and a historical researcher, a nostalgist will help the wealthy elderly of 2030 create a living space inspired by their favourite decade. Rewilder: The old name for this job was "farmer." Farming will continue to take place, but in greenhouses located on skyscrapers, which will be known as vertical farms. Tele-surgeon: They're not fixing your telephone -- as telephones could very well be a thing of the past in 2030 -- they're fixing your insides.

Future of Work: What Skills Will Help Us Keep Pace? From Elon Musk’s tweet that artificial intelligence may be more dangerous than nuclear weapons to the growing clamor of voices warning robots will take away our jobs, it is clear we are focusing more on the problems of AI, robotics, and automation than the solutions. While the problems are real and should be taken into account, social innovators around the world are already working to deliver solutions. It’s true that today’s technology is reworking the economy and our role in it. But this needn’t herald economic end times. To smooth the transition, we need to ensure that displaced workers have the resources to learn new work and children are given a good head start. This is nothing new. During the Industrial Revolution, in the US, we demanded every child attend school and learn reading, writing and math. Throughout the 20th century, humanity poured tremendous resources into ensuring every human develop these skills as technologies advanced. Image Credit: Ashoka;

27 Ways To Increase Student Engagement In Learning Student engagement in learning is kind of important. No matter the best practices of your curriculum mapping, instructional strategies, use of data for learning, formative assessment, or expert use of project-based learning, mobile learning, and a flipped classroom, if students aren’t engaged, most is for naught. Historically, student engagement has been thought of in terms of students “paying attention”: raising hands, asking questions, and making eye contact. Of course, we know now that learning can benefit from learner self-direction and self-initiated transfer of thinking as much as it does simple “engagement” and participation. That being said, increasing engagement and sheer participation is not a wrong-headed pursuit in and of itself, and in pursuit of that is the following infographic from Mia MacMeekin: 27 ways to increase student engagement. 27 Ways To Increase Student Engagement In Learning

Asertividad Como estrategia y estilo de comunicación, la asertividad se diferencía y se sitúa en un punto intermedio entre otras dos conductas polares: la agresividad y la pasividad (o no asertividad). Suele definirse como un comportamiento comunicacional en el cual la persona no agrede ni se somete a la voluntad de otras personas, sino que manifiesta sus convicciones y defiende sus derechos. Cabe mencionar que la asertividad es una conducta de las personas, un comportamiento. Es también una forma de expresión consciente, congruente, clara, directa y equilibrada, cuya finalidad es comunicar nuestras ideas y sentimientos o defender nuestros legítimos derechos sin la intención de herir o perjudicar, actuando desde un estado interior de autoconfianza, en lugar de la emocionalidad limitante típica de la ansiedad, la culpa o la rabia. Introducción[editar] Entrenamiento de la asertividad[editar] Estilos de comunicación[editar] Asertiva Consiguen sus objetivos sin dañar a los demás. Referencias[editar]
