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Top 20 Bible Passages to Use Against Fundamentalists. "He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

Top 20 Bible Passages to Use Against Fundamentalists

"(Deuteronomy 23:1) First of all, yes, the King James Bible actually calls them "stones. " You are now aware of the fact that the "stones" euphemism is a Biblical reference. Also, God hates people with testicular cancer, apparently. If it wasn't already bad enough that these poor dudes have wounded stones and members, it turns out that if they choose to practice proper Christianity they can never go to church again?

So the context of this passage is actually that people should be without blemish and should generally be "perfect" so that they can procreate well and contribute to the Lord's congregation by being fruitful and multiplying, so it makes sense that having a working pair of stones is necessary... it's just pretty brutal if you have no control over losing your "stones. " MagicScroll. Protection Spells and Amulets. The kinds of protection and shielding spells used in various cultures and magical traditions vary based on what is perceived as a magical threat in each culture or tradition.

Protection Spells and Amulets

For instance, in cultures where the evil eye is a major magical threat, there are hundreds of styles of apotropaic amulets and spells to ward off the effect of the eye. On the other hand, in cultures where a major form of hostile magic consists of throwing magical powders or dusts on the ground for victims to walk over, then the types of protection will be aimed at immunizing or shielding one from getting hurt when stepping in that mess.

In other words, in order to understand a culture's protection spells, you have to understand that culture's spells of animosity and destruction. Taking the broadest view possible, it can be said that protection spells and charms take on a variety of forms, and that these include: I also maintain the Lucky Mojo Free Spell Archive, a web site cataloguing spell-work in general. 506. Angelica Root. Angelica Root (also known as Holy Ghost Root, Archangel Root, and Dong Quai) is widely thought to be a powerful Guardian and Healer, and to provide Strength to Women.

Angelica Root

We believe that Angelica Root is used by many people for the purpose of Warding Off Evil and bringing Good Luck in Health and Family Matters. Some folks tell us that they place the root in a white flannel bag, anoint it with Blessing Oil and keep it near the Baby for protection. Others use it in a ritual magic spell called the Fiery Wall of Protection. It is also widely claimed that dressing a whole Angelica Root and a pinch of Lavender Flowers with Peaceful Home Oil and carrying them in a blue flannel bag will bring Peace to the Home and Faithfulness to the Marriage.

In America, Angelica root is commonly found in African-American mojo bags prepared for protection from evil, for uncrossing, and to break a jinx. There are actually seven Archangels in the Jewish belief, four of whose names are mentioned in scripture. Temple of Sacred Sound. Welcome to the Temple of Sacred Sound.

Temple of Sacred Sound

This website operates on Flash Player and will not work with various mobile units. If possible, please connect to us via a computer that will resonate with Flash Player in order to experience this interactive Sound Temple in cyberspace. Otherwise, please join us by sounding forth along with the "AH" you are hearing, especially projecting the energy of Love & Light Through Sound to the planet at noon (New York Time) on the 9th Annual World Sound Healing Day, Feb. 14, 2011. Alchemy Library & E-Books. Esoteric Magical E-Books Library Main Menu. 12 Reasons Why The Name IEUE Was NOT Known Before MaSHE (Moses) – IEUE Research Centre.

The Name IEUE was NOT known before MaSHE (Moses).

12 Reasons Why The Name IEUE Was NOT Known Before MaSHE (Moses) – IEUE Research Centre

The only reason why the tetragrammaton is written in verses set in the time before the life of MaSHE is because overeager scribes have put it there. Exodus 6:3 is not a question. The authors of the Scriptures 98 have ignored basic Hebrew grammar and changed the order of the Hebrew words. More literal versions know their grammar. The verse does not say "And by My Name, יהוה, AND AL-SHaDI was I not known to them?

" 1) The Authors of The Scriptures Version 1998 Have Ignored Basic Hebrew Grammar Exodus 6:3 is a statement not a question. Exo 6:3 “And I appeared to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Yaʽaqoḇ, as Ěl Shaddai. Now, here is the Hebrew from the Westminster Leningrad Codex. A very simple LITERAL translation of this verse then gives us - "and I am appearing to ABaREM, to ITSaHaQ, to IOQAB, IN AL Who Suffices, and name of me IEUE NOT I was known to them. " Note the order. 3 NOT he shall become to you ALEIM other ones on faces of me Conclusion.