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Free Energy Devices: Yes They Are Real

Free Energy Devices: Yes They Are Real
Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little? It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years, that Earth’s dependence on fossil fuels is not needed at all. Yet we continue to create war, destroy the environment and harm mother Earth so we can continue using the same old techniques that generate trillions of dollars for those at the top of the energy industry. Corporate media continues to push the idea that we are in an energy crisis, that we are approaching a severe problem due to a lack of resources. These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories all over the world, yet never see the light of day. The Research These concepts are currently being discussed at The Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference. The Casimir Effect is a proven example of free energy that cannot be debunked.

gyroscope Gyroscopes can be very perplexing objects because they move in peculiar ways and even seem to defy gravity. These special properties make ­gyroscopes extremely important in everything from your bicycle to the advanced navigation system on the space shuttle. A typical airplane uses about a dozen gyroscopes in everything from its compass to its autopilot. In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we will look at gyroscopes to understand why they are so useful in so many different places. Essentials for Martial Arts Conditioning By: Rev. William Wong, ND, Ph.D., Member World Sports Medicine Hall of Fame and World Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Hard Combat Conditioning, Real Fitness For Real Fighting. What type of physical fitness readies us best for hand to hand combat? Before we can develop a conditioning program for the martial arts we need to know the law governing fitness. WindPower (strength over time)Shock absorption Let’s look at each component and see how they fit into a combative art. Wind. It is the short super fast sprint type of work done over and over again in intervals that provides the body with the ability to utilize glycogen (blood sugar) as a primary source of energy. So in combatives, the most essential form of energy production and energy fitness is anaerobic. Next we deal with power. Now before you gym owners out there tell me it can cause injury to train explosively, I’ll answer: Yes, unless you know what you’re doing and how to do it? Be well and God bless, Dr.
