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Facebook Twitter R code style guide. How to format plots for publication using ggplot2 (with some help from Inkscape) The following is the code from a presentation made by Rosemary Hartman to the Davis R Users’ Group.

How to format plots for publication using ggplot2 (with some help from Inkscape)

I’ve run the code through the spin function in knitr to produce this post. Download the script to walk through here. First, make your plot. I am going to use the data already in R about sleep habits of different animals. It’s the same one Noam used for his intro to ggplot. library(ggplot2) str(msleep) Let’s say we have written a groundbreaking paper on the relationship between body size and sleep time. Sleepplot = ggplot(data = msleep, aes(x = log(bodywt), y = sleep_total)) + geom_point(aes(color = vore)) sleepplot We made a beautiful model of this relationship slp = lm(sleep_total ~ log(bodywt), data = msleep) summary(slp) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = sleep_total ~ log(bodywt), data = msleep) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -6.499 -2.567 -0.168 2.047 10.193 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std.

Let’s put the model on the plot It’s beautiful! So we have several problems: Oh, crap! ?? ? Fantastic presentations from R using slidify and rCharts. Dr.

Fantastic presentations from R using slidify and rCharts

Ramnath Vaidyanathan of McGill University gave an excellent presentation at a joint Data Visualization DC/Statistical Programming DC event on Monday, August 19 at nclud, on two R projects he leads — slidify and rCharts. After the evening, all I can say is, Wow!! It’s truly impressive to see what can be achieved in presentation and information-rich graphics directly from R. Again, wow!! (I think many of the attendees shared this sentiment) Slidify Slidify is a R package that helps create, customize and share elegant, dynamic and interactive HTML5 documents through R Markdown. We have blogged about slidify, but it was great to get an overview of slidify directly from the creator. You start with a modified R Markdown file as seen here. One really neat feature he demonstrated is the ability to embed an interactive R console within a slidify presentation. rCharts rCharts is an R package to create, customize and share interactive visualizations, using a lattice-like formula interface.

rCharts. rCharts is an R package to create, customize and publish interactive javascript visualizations from R using a familiar lattice style plotting interface.


Installation You can install rCharts from github using the devtools package require(devtools)install_github('rCharts', 'ramnathv') Features The design philosophy behind rCharts is to make the process of creating, customizing and sharing interactive visualizations easy. Create rCharts uses a formula interface to specify plots, just like the lattice package. ## Example 1 Facetted Scatterplotnames(iris) = gsub("\\ Customize rCharts supports multiple javascript charting libraries, each with its own strengths. GGPLOT2. Ggplot. Package NeatMap.