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Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a better government

Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a better government

Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future | Nouveaux paradigmes SkillsBank Through SkillsBank Loic Menzies FRSA helped students to write and publish their own books: "[My] knowledge of schools and education meant that I had a very useful bank of knowledge to draw on when supporting him. I hope to do a lot more of that.” Interested in sharing your skills but are not yet a Fellow? Find out how you can become one. RSA SkillsBank is a growing network of individuals inspired to share their knowledge, time and expertise to support others and specific projects. Through SkillsBank you have the opportunity to collaborate and test ideas, resolve specific challenges and at the same time, broaden your own skills and knowledge: Find out about the latest opportunities and how you can get involved. We will aim to match you with a suitable project subject to availability. You can also register by post by downloading and completing the registration form [Word, 47KB].

KITCHEN GUERILLA İSTANBUL - Burger & Cocktail Night @PBlok | kitchen guerilla ‘Guerilla Burger & Cocktail Night’ İstanbul’daki ilk üç gerillla operasyonunda tanıştığımız 400 kişi… beraber oturduk, yemek yedik, konuştuk, eğlendik, kadeh kaldırdık, kahkaha attık, paylaştık… Gerilla deneyimlisi İstanbul ahalisi… alıştığınız şık ‘a la carte’ tabakları bir kenara bıraktık. Şimdi biraz da dans etmek istiyoruz. Mutfak yine sürprizli, mekan PBLOK aslen fotoğraf stüdyosu… gerilla reçeteli harika kokteyller, menüde bi tık Hamburg havası, Datscha Project’ten DJ Rodion Levin/Rus-Balkan transiberian… Bu ön koşulları sıraladıktan sonra “Kitchen Guerilla ne pişirse leziz olur!” Menü ve geceye ilişkin ipuçlarını aşağıda, “şifreli gerilla yazışmalarında” bulabilirsiniz. Tarih: 17 Mart 2012 Cumartesi Kapı Açılışı: 20:00 Mekan: PBLOK (Google Maps Link) Adres: Dereboyu Cad. Giriş: 50 TL (burger menü ve bir guerilla içki dahil) Facebook Event’i icin lütfen buraya bkz.: Not: Sadece peşin ödeme kabul edilecektir. Gerilla A: Rakamlarla?

TEDxNewWallStreet - 03/11/2012 TEDxNewWallStreet explores moving banking from the Industrial Age, into the Information Age. In 2009, Marc Andreessen remarked "banking is just information science." Inspired by Marc's words, Bruce Cahan and the Team set out to organize TEDxNewWallStreet to explore a banking system different than the Industrial Age system we inherited. What if Silicon Valley or other technology clusters grew New Wall Streets, on quite different terms than exist in New York? How would they spearhead technology in faster, cheaper, more transparent and accountable ways that contrast with the recent (and recurring) issues of the game as defined and played on old Wall Street? Let's move beyond pundits who deflect true innovation and reinforce a cynical inevitability by portraying bankers and banking as forever unhealthy or worse. Such a paradigm is not inevitable.

Networking by numbers RSA Connected Communities has started a new project with Nathan of the MIT Center for Civic Media to create a new, cost-effective way to measure the social impact of public services and civic interventions and to allow people to see their own personal networks. We’re designing a mobile and tablet app for recording real-life social networks: your friends, families and contacts. The open source software we build will also be useful to journalists, ethnographers and anyone trying to make sense of rapidly changing social phenomena. Here I illustrate how we are currently recording this data, and why I think it is important that we change the way that we do it. What is data? A community researcher goes door to door. Back at the RSA HQ a data entry scribe enters these reams upon reams of human data. We have found that allowing people to see their own networks and understand them allows them to feel they can change them. And so what? So over to you. Comments

Über - Das Projekt diaspora* diaspora* is completely different from most networks that you use. It is completely decentralized, with no central “hub”. Even so, it’s very easy to connect and communicate with people. diaspora* is a true network, with no central base. Most social networks are run from centralized servers owned and run by a corporation. (diaspora* uses open web standards such as PubSubHubbub and Webfinger to make this kind of connection possible.) Even though diaspora* is made up of many pods all over the world, you will experience it as one integrated network. 1. All you need to do to connect to someone is find them and add them to an aspect. 2. Then it’s just a matter of clicking the “Add contact” button and choose which aspect you want them to be part of. Be who you want to be A lot of networks insist that you use your real identity. Be creative You’re not limited to how you can interact. Free as in freedom diaspora* is completely Free Software. Find out more » Own your own data Host it yourself Hashtags

Chaîne de TEDxTalks‬‏ Musician Scott Mescudi, aka Kid Cudi, returns to his high school to talk about growing up and his career path in the music industry. Born Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi in Cleveland, Kid Cudi began rapping while attending Shaker Heights High School and later Solon High School. In 2004, Kid Cudi moved to Brooklyn, NY to pursue his rap career. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. European Social Innovation Competition - Industrial innovation - Enterprise and Industry The Second European Social Innovation Competition is closed since 11 December 2013. Take a look at the best ideas selected. The Competition, launched in memory of Diogo Vasconcelos, invites Europeans to come up with new solutions to reduce unemployment and minimize its corrosive effects on the economy and our society both now and in the future. Social innovation is not only desirable, it is necessary. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t found the right investor for your ideas yet. We can help you bring your project to life as part of our Social Innovation Academy. But there's more. Don’t keep your great ideas to yourself.

Bürger AG FrankfurtRheinMain | TEDx - Mike Horn : explorer les limites [vidéo] La conférence TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) définit sa mission comme « propagateur d’idées ». TEDx est un programme qui permet aux écoles, aux entreprises, aux bibliothèques ou aux groupes d’amis de profiter d’une expérience similaire à celle de TED par le biais d’événements qu’ils organisent eux-mêmes. Le thème de cet événement était « Explore« . Je ne me prends pas habituellement au sérieux, mais ce que nous faisons parfois est sérieux. On m’a dit que j’avais seulement 20 minutes. J’ai étudié la psychologie du sport à l’université en Afrique du Sud. Une semaine plus tard, j’ai réalisé que ce n’était pas ce qui me rendait heureux. Je suis arrivé en Suisse et c’est là que ma vie d’explorateur a commencé, en passant de ‘avoir tout’ à ‘avoir rien’ et découvrir que c’est ce qui fait la liberté. Je vais vous poser une question et elle est importante : qu’est qui fait que vous êtes vous ? Et on fait seulement ce qu’on peut faire. Je n’ai pas peur de perdre.

Rainbows in the sky light up the chemtrails as they fly. Rainbows indeed. What does one really see? Experience guaranteed to be well within probable understanding yet one must know belief to feel know real soul shaking scarry as beat all hell to a bloody pulp people doing people in ways one wonders who taught people how to do human beings people flesh & blood moving coagulating together in pools of God knows what kind of chemical soup dripping from the skies realize it is time 2. by lennysupak Sep 9

another necessity is a H.A.A.R.P. app that lets us know when it is active and at what level of power it is being conducted with specific location of where the occilator is being aimed at. by aroman Aug 19

a Geoengineering-Chemtrails app is needed. Take a picture, upload it with valuable information. ie: state/time/date/cardinal directions/coordinates. Once uploaded we then can tag and link weather/health related anomalies reported in the surrounding areas of these uploaded positions. by aroman Aug 19
