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Tranhumanism & Future Humanity

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Josiah Zayner. Josiah Zayner is a biohacker and scientist best known for his crowdfunded campaign to provide genetic engineering CRISPR kits to the general public.

Josiah Zayner

Career[edit] Zayner graduated from the University of Chicago with a Ph.D. in biophysics in 2013. He then spent two years as a researcher at NASA's Ames Research Center,[1] where he worked on Martian colony habitat design. While at the agency, Zayner also analyzed speech patterns in online chat, Twitter, and books, and found that language on Twitter and online chat is closer to how people talk than to how they write.[2] Zayner found NASA's scientific work less innovative than he expected, and upon leaving in January 2016, he launched a crowdfunding campaign to provide CRISPR kits to let the general public experiment with editing bacterial DNA.

He also continued his grad school business, The ODIN, which sells kits to let the general public experiment at home. References[edit] Further reading[edit] Climat : « Freiner la croissance de la population est une nécessité absolue » Pour lutter contre le réchauffement de la planète, il faudra aussi freiner la croissance démographique, estime ce collectif de scientifiques dans une tribune au « Monde ». Tribune. Ces dernières semaines, depuis la démission de Nicolas Hulot, les manifestes et articles dans les journaux se multiplient pour tirer la sonnette d’alarme et appeler les pouvoirs publics à engager une action vigoureuse et immédiate en faveur de l’environnement : réduire notre consommation d’énergie polluante et notre production de déchets, accroître l’efficacité environnementale de nos modes de production, etc. Mais il est frappant de constater que la croissance démographique est la grande absente de ces prises de position : on fait comme si démographie et environnement étaient deux sujets séparés, alors qu’ils sont indissociablement liés. 11,2 milliards d’humains en 2100 ?

La population mondiale a déjà crû de façon exponentielle : elle est passée de 2 à 7,6 milliards entre 1950 et 2017 ! Réduire la natalité pour lutter contre la crise climatique : une idée qui refait surface. Après la présentation du rapport du GIEC ce 8 octobre dernier, le faisceau de preuves indiquant un dérèglement massif et durable du climat s’épaissit.

Réduire la natalité pour lutter contre la crise climatique : une idée qui refait surface

Chacun y va de ses solutions, de ses recommandations et de ses bonnes résolutions : brûler moins d’ampoules électriques, changer de voiture, manger moins de viande, abandonner les énergies fossiles, etc. Pour réduire son empreinte carbone, le plus efficace serait... de ne pas se reproduire. DÉCROISSANCE.

Pour réduire son empreinte carbone, le plus efficace serait... de ne pas se reproduire

"On ne pourra pas revenir à un climat normal" : pourquoi il va falloir s'habituer aux épisodes de canicule. Pour le climatologue du CNRS Robert Vautard, les vagues de chaleur que connaissent de nombreux pays "sont une conséquence directe du réchauffement climatique".

"On ne pourra pas revenir à un climat normal" : pourquoi il va falloir s'habituer aux épisodes de canicule

Seriez-vous prêt à vous faire vitrifier le cerveau pour le télécharger plus tard ? C’est à la startup américaine Netcome que revient cette idée bizarre.

Seriez-vous prêt à vous faire vitrifier le cerveau pour le télécharger plus tard ?

Vitrifier le cerveau, par un procédé breveté, pour préserver, en état de fonctionnement, les connexions neuronales. Puis le conserver pendant un nombre indéterminé d’années, jusqu’au moment où l’on saura le télécharger sur un support capable de refaire fonctionner les synapses engourdis. L’opération séduit déjà une file d’attente de personnes un peu mégalomaniaques qui souhaitent transmettre leur précieuse cervelle à la postérité. Le hic, c’est que l’opération est fatale. These Baby Macaques Are The World's First Primate Clones. A medical frontier has been broken with the announcement that Chinese biologists successfully cloned two macaque monkeys.

These Baby Macaques Are The World's First Primate Clones

This is the first time that true clones of a primate species have been born, opening a door to both sophisticated medical breakthroughs and moral quagmires. La langue, quelle valeur au bilan ? Robin Hanson: What would happen if we upload our brains to computers? New Tech Is Giving Humanity Many Potential Paths to Immortality. The 2045 Movement and Four Routes to Immortality Herodotus’s Fountain of Youth.

New Tech Is Giving Humanity Many Potential Paths to Immortality

Rowling’s Philosopher’s Stone. Barrie’s Neverland. Ovid’s Cumaean Sibyl. Sur autoroute, des bornes électriques tous les 80 kilomètres. L'opération Cori-Door a été annoncée le 9 décembre 2016 par l'Association des sociétés françaises d'autoroute (Afsa).

Sur autoroute, des bornes électriques tous les 80 kilomètres

Ce réseau de bornes de recharge électrique jalonne désormais les principaux axes autoroutiers en France : "Les 200 bornes de recharge rapide permettront de bénéficier d'un point de recharge électrique tous les 80 kilomètres sur le réseau autoroutier ou à ses abords immédiats", a annoncé l'Afsa dans son communiqué de presse. Economist.

Climate Change Could Bring Deadly Humid Heatwaves In South Asia. Around a fifth of the world, at least 1.6 billion people, live in South Asia.

Climate Change Could Bring Deadly Humid Heatwaves In South Asia

It’s also an area with more than its fair share of poverty and political troubles. Unless the world’s carbon emissions are drastically cut, scientists predict that they could be faced with more challenges in the form of deadly heatwaves. In a “business-as-usual” scenario, the balmy Indus and Ganges river basins in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh could be struck with humid heatwaves that kill tens of thousands of healthy people by 2100, according to a new study published in the journal Science Advances. The problem is the area’s heat and intense humidity, an index based on a reading known as wet-bulb temperature. Is the Brain Augmentation Hype Justified? Here's an Expert's Take. Despite bold predictions from several tech firms about the future of neural interfaces, the science of brain augmentation is still in the early days.

Is the Brain Augmentation Hype Justified? Here's an Expert's Take

So, what do academics think of all the hype coming out of Silicon Valley? Mikhail Lebedev, a neuroscientist who works on brain-machine interfaces (BMI) at Duke University, recently won a $100,000 prize from the open-access academic publisher Frontiers for a collection of papers on brain augmentation, curated over the last four years. Stephen Hawking's Tiny Spacecraft Could Reach Another Solar System in Just Over 20 Years. In Brief This week at the Starmus Festival, Stephen Hawking talked about his ongoing work to build a spacecraft capable of true interstellar travel. He explained that this unmanned space probe would be crucial to extending humanity's reach into space. Betting His Chips Stephen Hawking isn’t content to just warn humanity about its dwindling potential for longterm survival — he’s determined to do something about it. In April 2016, the renowned physicist announced he was developing a spacecraft that could facilitate moving our species to a “second Earth.”

Deadly heat waves will affect 74% of the world's population by 2100. We already know that climate change has brought us many irregular extreme heat events over the last years. And we know that the future isn’t exactly looking bright. (If you need a pick-me-up environmental story, you should stop reading.) Science Explains How Humans React to Apocalyptic Scenarios. When it comes to the end of the world, you probably assume that everyone will act like it's every man for themselves. Without a doubt, movies and TV series have all given mankind a bad name. On the other hand, science has found that human behavior works very differently than these Hollywood motion pictures portray in apocalyptic scenarios. People are more likely to come together in their time of need than they are to trample each other over. Légalité et longévité. La mort de la mort. Mars 2017. N° 96. - Transhumanisme : Association Française Transhumaniste. Le dernier état de l’utopie, aujourd’hui, à vivre encore, c’est l’utopie de guérison: pouvoir se prémunir des maladies par la génétique.

C’est le noyau dur du méliorisme classique des Lumières et il sera difficile d’y porter atteinte. The rise of the useless class. Doug Chayka The most important question in 21st-century economics may well be: What should we do with all the superfluous people, once we have highly intelligent non-conscious algorithms that can do almost everything better than humans? This is not an entirely new question. People have long feared that mechanization might cause mass unemployment. This never happened, because as old professions became obsolete, new professions evolved, and there was always something humans could do better than machines. This Breathtaking Video Reveals How Humanity Took Over The World. Association française transhumaniste. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Why Time Seems To Go By More Quickly As We Get Older. When we were children, the summer holidays seemed to last forever, and the wait between Christmases felt like an eternity.

So why is that when we get older, the time just seems to zip by, with weeks, months and entire seasons disappearing from a blurred calendar at dizzying speed? This apparently accelerated time travel is not a result of filling our adult lives with grown-up responsibilities and worries. Could We Upload A Brain To A Computer – And Should We Even Try? This Is the Tech That Will Make Learning as Addictive as Video Games. The way we learn today is just wrong. Learning needs to be less like memorization, and more like…Angry Birds. Half of school dropouts name boredom as the number one reason they left. How do we get our kids to want to learn? The post is about why the future of education will be about flipping our current model on its head and about how key exponential technologies like AI, VR and gamification are going to drive a revolution in education.

For fun, here's a video summary of this post. Instaurer un revenu de base - Sénat. VOLTAIRE, dans L'homme aux quarante écus (1768), Thomas PAINE, dans Justice agraire (1797) ou John Stuart MILL, dans Principes d'économie politique (1848), plusieurs auteurs ont avancé l'idée d'un revenu inconditionnel versé à tous les habitants d'un territoire. Revenu de base et technologies de la singularité : même combat ? Bientôt des salariés bioniques. Un cyborg connecté à Internet, capable de gonfler à volonté son QI et sa carte mémoire : c'est le portrait-robot du salarié que nous concoctent les savants à l'horizon 2040.

Chômage: et si la solution c'était la fin du salariat ? Ne plus travailler, c'est l'avenir. Have we reached 'peak food'? Shortages loom as global production rates slow. The world has entered an era of “peak food” production with an array of staples from corn and rice to wheat and chicken slowing in growth – with potentially disastrous consequences for feeding the planet. New research finds that the supply of 21 staples, such as eggs, meat, vegetables and soybeans is already beginning to run out of momentum, while the global population continues to soar. Peak chicken was in 2006, while milk and wheat both peaked in 2004 and rice peaked way back in 1988, according to new research from Yale University, Michigan State University and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany. What makes the report particularly alarming is that so many crucial sources of food have peaked in a relatively short period of history, the researchers said.

“People often talk of substitution. If we run out of one substance we just substitute another. “Just nine or 10 plants species feed the world. En politique comme dans les entreprises, “les médiocres ont pris le pouvoir” - Idées. Eternal 5D Data Chip Can Record All Of Human History. Denying Death: Is Radically Longer Life Good for Society? EXCLUSIF. Une greffe de tête réalisée chez le singe. According To DARPA, This Is What The World Will Look Like In 2045. Le progressisme conservateur, une réponse à la révolution NBIC. Forget Humans vs. Machines: It’s a Humans + Machines Future. Forget Humans vs. Machines: It’s a Humans + Machines Future. The Smartest Cities In The World 2015: Methodology. Kate Raworth. Why We Should Embrace — Not Fear — the Biohacker Uprising.

Russian Man Will Become Subject Of First Human Head Transplant Ever Performed. Is Technology Unnatural—Or Is It ‘What Makes Us Human’? That’s Really Possible. A Simple Daily Pregnancy Pill Could Boost Population IQ And Save The NHS Money. Will machines eventually take on every job? Ville durable. The Universe Is Dying. EmDrive. Designer Babies – Like It Or Not, Here They Come. Terasem Movement Foundation: About the Terasem Movement Foundation Inc. Martine Rothblatt: My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality. La Finlande prête à expérimenter la fin du travail? Should We Redesign Capitalism to Address Our Jobless Future? - Singularity HUB. There Probably Won't Be A “Mini Ice Age” In 15 Years. Thanks To Reduced Solar Activity, We Could Be Heading For A Mini Ice Age In 2030. Kurzweil Responds to 'When Robots Are Everywhere, What Will Humans Be Good For?' [Video] - Singularity HUB. Could You Transfer Your Consciousness To Another Body? Head transplants? Have scientists lost their minds?

News Highlights:CRISPR-Edited Human Embryos Raise Ruckus. The End of Meaningless Jobs is a Win For Us All. BiTS S02E20 : les promesses du transhumanisme sont-elles réalisables ? La culture S.F. creuse ! “As a species, we have a moral obligation to enhance ourselves” Human Head Transplants Could Become A Reality By 2017. Aubrey de Grey. Kids need to create technology, not just use it. The paths to immortality - Album on Imgur. The Future of Crime: Smartphone Tracking, Neurohacking, and AI Assisted Murder. The AI Revolution: Our Immortality or Extinction.

The Acceleration of Acceleration: How The Future Is Arriving Far Faster Than Expected. Tomorrow’s Technology Depends on Today’s Physics. Youtube. The AI Revolution: Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why. If You Upload Your Mind to a Computer—Are You Still You? RFID : Des puces aux usages multiples et aux impacts variés en termes de vie privée. Steven Pinker: The surprising decline in violence. Marvin Minsky: Health and the human mind. Andras Forgacs: Leather and meat without killing animals. Why We Need To Listen To The Real Experts In Science. Steven Pinker and Rebecca Newberger Goldstein: The long reach of reason.

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? Future of Work: What Skills Will Help Us Keep Pace? How Technology Brought Us Closer to the Future in 2014. Martin Rees: Can we prevent the end of the world? Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like? Amber Case: We are all cyborgs now. Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions. Terasem Movement Foundation: About the Terasem Movement Foundation Inc. Laurent ALEXANDRE - Le recul de la mort : Vers une immortalité à brève échéance ? Association Française Transhumaniste. L’engagement citoyen face au mythe du plein emploi. Summit Europe: To Anticipate the Future Is to Abandon Intuition. Dossiers, Peter Thiel, Pierre Manent, Francis Wolff, Silicon Valley, Technologie, Progrès, Futur, Transhumanisme, Californie, États-Unis, Réseau, Liberté, Libertarisme, Inégali.

Ray Kurzweil: Get ready for hybrid thinking. Michael Specter: The danger of science denial. Juan Enriquez: Will our kids be a different species? Pourquoi devrions-nous nous intéresser aux NBIC. Hacker le cerveau : la menace ultime. With Mindware Upgrades and Cognitive Prosthetics, Humans Are Already Technological Animals. Nos enfants iront-ils demain dans des écoles eugénistes ?

Solving Humanity's Grand Challenges.