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Futuro Climático da Amazônia

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Queimadas são apenas a ponta do iceberg na devastação da Amazônia. Focos de calor destroem meios de sobrevivência de povos indígenas isolados, muitos dos quais ainda nem temos registros oficiais.

Queimadas são apenas a ponta do iceberg na devastação da Amazônia

A situação brasileira atual é muito preocupante. As queimadas na Amazônia, estampadas na imprensa internacional, foram previstas com antecedência pelas ONGs, pelos órgãos de pesquisa e pela comunidade acadêmica. A reação do governo de Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) foi demitir cientista, a exemplo do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), e insinuar que as ONGs estão por trás dos fatos. Essa situação revela algo maior que está acontecendo na América do Sul. Queimadas em larga proporção no Brasil, Bolívia, Paraguai e norte da Argentina apontam para políticas ambientais desastrosas. A reportagem é de Antenor Vaz, publicada por CartaCapital, 27-08-2019. O desmatamento, até o mês de julho deste ano, na Amazônia Brasileira foi de 278% maior do que o registrado no mesmo período do ano de 2018, conforme os dados do INPE. Leia mais. A atividade humana está secando o ar sobre a Amazônia. Um estudo recentemente apresentado por pesquisadores da NASA, na revista Scientific Reports of Nature, explica que, nos últimos 20 anos, a atmosfera sobre a Amazônia se tornou mais seca, aumentando a demanda por água e fazendo com que os ecossistemas da grande bacia tropical sejam mais vulneráveis a incêndios e secas.

A atividade humana está secando o ar sobre a Amazônia

A pesquisa também indica que essa secura do ar se deve principalmente às atividades humanas. A reportagem é de Pere Iñigo, publicada por El Ágora, 06-11-2019. A tradução é do Cepat. Cientistas do Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) da NASA, em Pasadena, analisaram décadas de medições do terreno e da bacia do Amazonas para analisar duas questões relacionadas à umidade relativa do ar: qual é o grau de umidade do ar e quanto é necessário para manter as condições úmidas da floresta amazônica. HEALING FOREST – The magic of nature. Mineradoras do Pará degradam floresta e contaminam população com metais pesados. Entrevista especial com Simone Pereira. Créditos da foto: Pedrosa Neto/Amazônia Real A Informação não é mercadoria, é um bem público.

Mineradoras do Pará degradam floresta e contaminam população com metais pesados. Entrevista especial com Simone Pereira

Venha se somar aos mais de 100.000 leitores cadastrados. “Eu sou paraense, eu moro aqui e vivo aqui desde que nasci. CodigoFlorestal 2aed. Br.pinterest. There’s another story to tell about climate change. And it starts with water. It’s easy for all concerned about air, water and nature to descend into despair as we watch brazen rollbacks of environmental legislation in the US.

There’s another story to tell about climate change. And it starts with water

Just last week, developments included an executive order to rewrite US carbon emissions rules, jeopardising the country’s ability to uphold its Paris climate talk commitment; the end of a moratorium on new coal leases; and the green-lighting of a pesticide claimed to cause harm to children. But as apathy is not an option, let’s try to think beyond the usual strategies. For one, we can recognise that the way we talk about our environmental challenges has interfered with our ability to truly grapple with them: that we limit ourselves by creating too simple a story. Diego Gazola - Você tem um minuto para olhar para o céu... Planting the Rain to Grow Abundance. O futuro da Amazônia - Piseagrama. Numa definição livre, a floresta tropical é um tapete multicolorido, estruturado e vivo, extremamente rico.

O futuro da Amazônia - Piseagrama

Uma colônia extravagante de organismos que saíram do oceano há 400 milhões de anos e vieram para a Terra. Entre as folhas, ainda existem condições semelhantes àquelas da primordial vida marinha. A floresta funciona como um mar suspenso – que contém uma miríade de células vivas – muito elaborado e adaptado. Evoluída nos últimos 50 milhões de anos, a Floresta Amazônica é o maior parque tecnológico que a Terra já conheceu, porque cada um de seus organismos, entre trilhões, é uma maravilha de miniaturização e automação.

Carbon dioxide must be removed from the atmosphere to avoid extreme climate change, say scientists. Humans must start removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as soon as possible to avoid saddling future generations with a choice between extreme climate change or spending hundreds of trillions of dollars to avoid it, according to new research.

Carbon dioxide must be removed from the atmosphere to avoid extreme climate change, say scientists

An international team of researchers – led by Professor Jim Hansen, Nasa’s former climate science chief – said their conclusion that the world had already overshot targets to limit global warming to within acceptable levels was “sufficiently grim” to force them to urge “rapid emission reductions”. But they warned this would not be enough and efforts would need to be made to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by about 12.5 per cent. This, the scientists argued, could be mostly achieved by agricultural measures such as planting trees and improving soil fertility, a relatively low-cost way to remove carbon from the air. “These tasks are formidable and … they are not being pursued globally.” Reuse content. Protecting rainforests with real-time data. "The Story of REDD: A real solution to deforestation?" The EU agricultural policy, soy and deforestation in South America - MEP Maria Noichl.

Nova biografia resgata a visão revolucionária de Alexander von Humboldt - Página22. O naturalista, já no século XVIII, entendeu a natureza como uma força global, interligada e interdependente.

Nova biografia resgata a visão revolucionária de Alexander von Humboldt - Página22

Mas suas lições parecem ter sido esquecidas Alexander von Humboldt nasceu na Prússia, atual Alemanha, em 1769. Foi verdadeiramente um naturalista, mas também um geógrafo e explorador que, aos 32 anos de idade, se aventurou numa fascinante viagem pela América Latina, explorando-a e descrevendo-a pela primeira vez sob um ponto de vista científico. Nesta viagem, Humboldt iniciou também uma viagem conceitual que lhe permitiu, pela primeira vez na História, desenvolver uma nova visão da natureza. Five Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching. American retirement funds contribute to deforestation and climate change. Even as a new administration hostile to efforts to combat global warming is poised to take over the White House, climate activists in the U.S. are continuing to push for action in myriad and sometimes even unexpected ways.

American retirement funds contribute to deforestation and climate change

For instance, you may not realize that saving for your golden years could have an impact on the global climate, but a movement is currently underway to make the retirement funds relied on by millions of Americans free of any connection to deforestation and associated carbon emissions due to investments in palm oil producers.

Litigação Estratégica

The Department of Justice Must Investigate ExxonMobil. You can join the call to action be signing our petition to the DOJ here.

The Department of Justice Must Investigate ExxonMobil

Leaders of many of the country’s largest environmental groups, civil rights organizations, and indigenous peoples movements issued a joint letter today calling on the Department of Justice to investigate ExxonMobil, after revelations that the company knew about climate change as early as the 1970s, but chose to mislead the public about the crisis in order to maximize their profits from fossil fuels.

“Despite Exxon’s wealth and power, people were eager to sign on to this statement,” said Bill McKibben, co-founder of “Anyone who’s lived through 25 years of phony climate debate, or who’s seen the toll climate change is already taking on the most vulnerable communities, has been seething at these revelations. Seething With Anger, Probe Demanded into Exxon's Unparalleled Climate Crime.

A broad coalition of community groups along with prominent leaders from the nation's top civil rights, environmental, and indigeneous people's movements on Friday sent a joint letter to the U.S.

Seething With Anger, Probe Demanded into Exxon's Unparalleled Climate Crime

Department of Justice demanding a federal investigation into allegations that oil giant ExxonMobil knew about the role fossil fuels played in driving climate change since the 1970s but concealed that information—and later sought to discredit those issuing warnings—in order to protect its own financial interests. "Anyone who’s lived through 25 years of phony climate debate, or who’s seen the toll climate change is already taking on the most vulnerable communities, has been seething at these revelations.

" "Given the damage that has already occurred from climate change—particularly in the poorest communities of our nation and our planet—and that will certainly occur going forward, these revelations should be viewed with the utmost apprehension," the letter states. Just over two weeks ago, U.S. Climate Change Is Here - National Geographic Magazine. The 5 psychological barriers to climate action. What we think about when we try not to think about global warming, and what to do about it.

It's all too easy to distance and doubt ourselves away from climate facts. Particularly since they are sometimes presented in abstract, doom-laden, fear-mongering, guilt-inducing, and polarizing ways. Clima em transformação. O objetivo é conter o aumento da temperatura média do planeta a no máximo 2°C até 2100, em relação aos valores pré-Revolução Industrial. De 1850 para cá, o clima já aqueceu, em média, 0,85°C. Os tais 2°C são o aquecimento valor considerado seguro por cientistas para evitar as mudanças mais dramáticas do clima. Países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento apresentaram ao longo deste ano as chamadas INDCs, conjunto de compromissos que os países dizem ser capazes de adotar para colaborar com esse processo.

Em parceria com pesquisadores do Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amazonas (Idesam), compilamos aqui as metas apresentadas pelas nações responsáveis pela maior parte das emissões do planeta. Cientistas preveem extinção da humanidade até 2040 (entrevista completa) Observatório do Clima. Claudio Angelo (OC) O ministro da Secretaria de Assuntos Estratégicos da Presidência da República, Mangabeira Unger, demitiu nesta semana os membros do quadro técnico da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da pasta. Observatório do Clima. Daqui a apenas 25 anos, no tempo de vida da maior parte dos leitores deste texto, o Brasil poderá ter seu cotidiano e sua economia transformados – para pior – pela mudança do clima. Amazon Rainforest Defense Now Part of Activists' Global Strategy to Defeat Fossil Fuel Industry  Construction of an oil pipeline in the Ecuadorian Amazon by Arco-Oriente that carries 80,000 barrels of crude oil from the Villano oil reserve to the TransEcuadorian pipeline.

Pipeline ruptures in Ecuador have discharged over 18 million gallons of oil--more than the 10.8 million gallon Exxon Valdez spill. Photo (c) Bruce Farnsworth. Global warming could be more devastating for the economy than we thought. Posted on 27 October 2015 by dana1981 A new study published in Nature by scientists at Stanford and UC Berkeley has made waves for its finding that thus far we have dramatically underestimated the damage human-caused climate change will do to the global economy.

By looking at data from 160 countries across the 50-year period from 1960 to 2010, the authors found that an average local temperature of 13°C (55°F) is economically optimal, particularly for agricultural productivity. That temperature roughly reflects the current climate in many wealthy countries like the USA, Japan, France, and China. If regional temperatures are cooler, then warming benefits the local economy, but past that peak temperature, warming reduces economic productivity.

Policy: Climate advisers must maintain integrity. Illustration by Phil Disley Disenchantment has set in well ahead of the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris in December. Scientists, policy-makers and the public already accept that progress will not be enough to keep global average temperature rise within the 2 °C limit set at the 2010 UN climate summit.

The negotiations' goal has become what is politically possible, not what is environmentally desirable. Gone is a focus on establishing a global, 'top down' target for stabilizing emissions or a carbon budget that is legally binding. A shift in climate. Hoesung Lee has laid out a vision for his tenure as the fourth chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Climate change: Embed the social sciences in climate policy. Illustration by David Parkins The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is becoming irrelevant to climate policy. Climate policy: Democracy is not an inconvenience. Illustration by David Parkins There are many threats to democracy in the modern era.

Extreme heatwaves could push Gulf climate beyond human endurance, study shows. Plants Communicate Using An Internet of Fungi. Hidden beneath the surface and entangled in the roots of Earth’s astonishing and diverse plant life, there exists a biological superhighway linking together the members of the plant kingdom in what researchers call the “wood wide web”. This organic network operates much like our internet, allowing plants to communicate, bestow nutrition, or even harm one another. The network is comprised of thin threads of fungus known as mycelium that grow outwards underground up to a few meters from its partnering plant, meaning that all of the plant life within a region is likely tapped into the network and connected to one another. The partnership of the roots of plants and the fungi is known as mycorrhiza and is beneficial for both parties involved; plants provide carbohydrates to the fungi and in exchange, the fungi aids in gathering water and providing nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen to its partnering plant.

“Branching threads of fungus mycelium in organic soil” Stanford researchers' calculations reveal high global economic cost of climate change. A study co-authored by Stanford and UC Berkeley researchers indicates that the global economy will take a big hit from climate change, with rich countries affected as well as poor. (Michael Bischof) Stanford Report, October 21, 2015 Stanford-Cal collaboration finds that without climate change mitigation, even wealthy countries will see an economic downturn by 2100. By Laura Seaman. Moral case to tackle climate change overwhelming, says Lord Stern.

Next generation of leaders need to understand climate change, says Lord Stern. Everything you need to know about the Paris climate summit and UN talks. Primero la NASA y ahora la ONU: el colapso de la civilización está cerca. Climate scientist hits out at IPCC projections. Is Capturing Carbon from the Air Practical? New Method Removes Carbon from the Air, Churns Out Valuable Carbon Products. New Technology to Capture, Convert Carbon Dioxide. O que são os Rios Voadores e Qual a sua Importância para os Brasileiros. A natureza está falando. A Natureza Está Falando – Robert Redford é A Árvore.

A Natureza Está Falando – Ian Somerhalder é Recife de Corais. A Natureza Está Falando – Edward Norton é O Solo. A Natureza Está Falando – Lupita Nyong'o é Flor. A Natureza Está Falando – Lupita Nyong'o é Flor. Rodrigo Santoro é O Oceano. A Natureza está Falando - Maria Bethânia é A Mãe Natureza. A Natureza está Falando - Maria Bethânia é A Mãe Natureza. A Natureza está Falando. “The Fuse is Blown”. Glaciologist’s Jaw Dropping Account of a Shattering Moment. Are plants intelligent? New book says yes. Forget climate pledges for Paris – let’s talk deep decarbonisation. Naomi Klein says the climate crisis is now a war: “We need to grow out of the story that some politician is going to come along and save us”

Carne verde - Tudo sobre desmatamento zero - Folha de S.Paulo. LENINE - Quede Água. Carbono - Lenine (Faixa 6 Quede Água) Proteção ambiental é responsabilidade de todos os entes federativos, diz STJ. Aláfia - "Quintal" (videoclipe oficial) Brazil rainforest deforestation leads to seed shrinkage. Ornitologia e Conservação: Ciência Aplicada, Técnicas de Pesquisa e Levantamento - Sandro Von Matter, Fernando Costa Straube, Victor de Queiroz Piacentini, Iury Almeida Accordi, José Flávio Cândido, Jr. Por que as florestas dependem tanto dos pássaros? Folha - Líquido e incerto - Crise da água - Tudo sobre. Engineers Ask Nature For Design Advice. Engineers Ask Nature For Design Advice. The Science, Art and Meaning of Forest Wisdom - Suzanne Simard, Ph.D. The networked beauty of forests - Suzanne Simard. Lord Stern hits out at claims about cost of climate cuts.

Antonio Nobre: "É urgente que a colaboração surja nas ciências e tecnologias" Os mil nomes de Gaia: a necessidade de repensar a relação do homem com o planeta. When firefighters speak out on climate change, we ought to listen up. Expert says farms hold the key to absorbing carbon and fighting climate change - ABC Rural. The Disaster We’ve Wrought on the World’s Oceans May Be Irrevocable. The Woman Who Could Stop Climate Change. Torrential rains, prolonged drought - climate change causing more extreme weather. State of Emergency Declared as Wildfires Create 'Unprecedented Cataclysm' in Washington. July 2015 sets a horrifying new high: The hottest month ever recorded. Cientista projeta o fim da Amazônia para o ano de 2260.

Islamic leaders issue bold call for rapid phase out of fossil fuels. Page 2 of The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here. Your brief to the Paris UN climate talks: how we got here and what to watch for. Index. The ‘Family of 5’ Primary Forests: A Snapshot of What Remains. Gmail. How Climate Scientists Feel About Climate Change Deniers - Jason Box Tweet Controversy.

What it’s like when your job is to predict the end of humanity. What's Really Warming the World? Climate deniers blame natural factors; NASA data proves otherwise. We need to stop punishing scientists for talking to the public. What's Really Warming the World? Climate deniers blame natural factors; NASA data proves otherwise. New NASA data show how the world is running out of water. Observatório do Clima. Nossa Água São Paulo. Climate depression is for real. Just ask a scientist. Sem Floresta Não Tem Água - Episódio 1 - Represa Paraibuna. Falta d'água e Rios Voadores. Verdade no Brasil: O Futuro Climático da Amazônia, agora disponivel em tres idiomas.