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Thirteenth Training Session. Squeezing Statistical Sites. Medialab Prado Español Data Journalism. Thirteenth Training Session. Squeezing Statistical Sites 19.06.2013 17:00h - 20:00h Place: Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor) Current statistical sites allow us to acces a big amount of data to accomplish new journalistic projects of all kinds. In this new session of the Data Journalism Work Group we will invite Open Data and statistics experts to learn how to use this sites in Spain. Other articles Proyecto Censo desarrollado por La Nación de Argentina. Programa Alberto González Yanes (ISTAC): ¿Cómo funciona un instituto de estadística y para qué te puede servir? Esther Minguela (LocaliData): Consejos prácticos para acceder a los datos de un instituto de estadística y aplicaciones que se pueden crear con estos datos.

Carlos Gil Bellosta: La Encuesta de Población Activa y sus limitaciones. Carlos Peña Dorta (Arte Consultores): Stat4You, compartiendo datos estadísticos. Lines of work Activities and groups Terms of use. 146 libros gratuitos en español e inglés sobre social media y comunicación. Online Journalism Blog | A conversation. How to be a data journalist | News. Data journalism is huge. I don't mean 'huge' as in fashionable - although it has become that in recent months - but 'huge' as in 'incomprehensibly enormous'. It represents the convergence of a number of fields which are significant in their own right - from investigative research and statistics to design and programming. The idea of combining those skills to tell important stories is powerful - but also intimidating. Who can do all that?

The reality is that almost no one is doing all of that, but there are enough different parts of the puzzle for people to easily get involved in, and go from there. To me, those parts come down to four things: 1. 'Finding data' can involve anything from having expert knowledge and contacts to being able to use computer assisted reporting skills or, for some, specific technical skills such as MySQL or Python to gather the data for you. 2. 3. 4. Tools such as ManyEyes for visualisation, and Yahoo! How to begin? So where does a budding data journalist start?

Finding Stories in the Structure of Data. PolitiFact scores Matt Waite sees structure in unstructured data, and you should too We’ve been telling stories since we invented language. You can imagine hunter-gatherers sitting around the fire talking about the hunt, or the direction of the herd, about the coming winter or whatever it was we needed to talk about in order to survive. We’ve become pretty good at telling stories over the millennia.

So I’m not here to tell you that stories are going away. That they’re dead. I’m here to argue that our vision of a story is too simple and wholly inadequate for the web. Much of our conception of what a story is on the web comes from print newspapers. But is that the only way we can tell stories? Look for the Nouns Sure, every story we tell online has the same generic format that online news inherited from newspapers—headline, body, etc. We’d see more structure in each story we write. For the record: This isn’t my idea. Traditional news organizations, at least until recently, didn’t do this. Google. Call for Research Papers – Español | Global Investigative Journalism Network. Ética Periodística. Data Journalism. Ninth Learning Session: Learn to Make Interactive Maps.

Data cleaning: Google Refine. Periodista, pregúntate qué puede hacer una buena Ley de Transparencia por ti. Desde el primer día, el propósito de (así como de Access Info Europe y de la Fundación Civio) ha sido tratar de facilitar, infundir curiosidad y propagar la práctica de solicitar información a cualquier ciudadano, no solo a los profesionales de información. Aquí va un ejemplo. No obstante, necesitamos unos medios de comunicación conscientes de la importancia de contar con una buena Ley de Transparencia y de un derecho de acceso a la información plenamente reconocido y garantizado. Y, quizá, menos distraídos por el tira y afloja y las declaraciones partidistas e interesadas que están acompañando a la tramitación del texto.

El derecho de acceso a la información pública, con leyes que de verdad lo protegen, es un filón de noticias para los medios de comunicación en otros países. No hay más enigma: a más clara, específica y ambiciosa la norma, mayor es el deber de la administración de sacar los datos de su alforja, y mayores las salvaguardas para que tenga que cumplirlo. A computational journalism reading list. [Last updated: 18 April 2011 -- added statistical NLP book link] There is something extraordinarily rich in the intersection of computer science and journalism.

It feels like there’s a nascent field in the making, tied to the rise of the internet. The last few years have seen calls for a new class of “programmer journalist” and the birth of a community of hacks and hackers. Meanwhile, several schools are now offering joint degrees. But we’ll need more than competent programmers in newsrooms. What are the key problems of computational journalism? I’d like to propose a working definition of computational journalism as the application of computer science to the problems of public information, knowledge, and belief, by practitioners who see their mission as outside of both commerce and government. “Computational journalism” has no textbooks yet. Data journalism Data journalism is obtaining, reporting on, curating and publishing data in the public interest. Frontiers of Computational Journalism - Columbia Journalism School Fall 2012 - Week 2. September | 2012 | Frontiers of Computational Journalism.

In this week’s class, we discussed clustering algorithms and their application to journalism. As an example, we built a distance metric to measure the similarity of the voting history between two members of the UK House of Lords, and used it with multi-dimensional scaling to visualize the voting blocs. The data comes from The Public Whip, an independent site that scrapes the British parliamentary proceedings (the “hansard“) and extracts the voting record into a database. The files for the House of Lords are here. They’re tab-delimited, which is not the easiest format for R to read, so I opened them in Excel and re-saved as CSV. I also removed the descriptive header information from votematrix-lords.txt (which, crucially, explains how the vote data is formatted.)

The converted data files plus the scripts I used in class are up on GitHub. Then start R, and enter source(“lords-votes.R”) You should see this (click for larger): And voila! Also, the chart is very abstract. ¿Qué es el periodismo de datos? (Curso periodismo de datos 1/10) Desde hoy y durante las próximas semanas, iremos publicando en Irekia una serie de tutoriales y vídeos elaborados durante el curso de periodismo de datos que impartieron Mar Cabra y David Cabo el pasado mes de junio en las tres capitales vascas al que asistieron más de 70 periodistas.

Estos materiales, disponibles para la ciudadanía en general, buscan profundizar en esta vertiente del periodismo y potenciar el uso, tratamiento y análisis de los datos públicos liberados en open data (open data Euskadi en el caso vasco) para que los periodistas o cualquier ciudadano pueda confeccionar sus propias informaciones.

Precisamente, hoy, se celebran unos talleres enfocados hacia el periodismo de datos y open data en los curso de verano de la UPV, organizados por la dirección de Gobierno Abierto y comunicación en internet del Gobierno Vasco, dentro del primer curso de verano realizado sobre Gobierno Abierto. Tutoriales y videos. 100 Herramientas Open Source Para Periodistas. Las 100 aplicaciones de software libre para el comunicador actual. Las 100 aplicaciones de software libre para elcomunicador actual Aquí están 100 herramientas de software libre para comunicadores, periodistas yescritores.

Editores de texto, blocs de notas, conversores de formatos audiovisuales porlotes, diseño gráfico, gestión y publicación de contenidos, compartir archivos, gestión deblogs, análisis y mediciones de páginas web, diccionarios, correctores, aplicaciones parainspirarse,… Lo mejor de todo: son gratuitas. Editores y procesadores de texto Open Source Writers Group :Periodistas y escritores dispuestos a participarvoluntariamente aportando documentación y trabajando como fuentes para proyectosOpen Source.2. OpenOffice Writer :Procesador de texto sencillo, familiar y con todas lascaracterísticas que puede utilizar un procesador propietario.3. wikidPad :Bloc de notas en formato wiki para mantener ideas, notas y referenciasen un mismo documento.4.

AbiWord :Uno de los procesadores de texto open source más aclamados.5. WordIt Amaya Bean PDF Creator Scribus. Data VisualizationTutorials. KDMC produces a wealth of digital media tutorials to support our training sessions and classes. While the focus of some tutorials is on technology and journalism, most are general enough to be of use to anyone. Spreadsheets Updated March 11, 2012 in Data Visualization This tutorial covers the basics of creating and doing calculations with a spreadsheet. Protovis Part 4: External data and animated labels Updated Sept. 7, 2011 in Data Visualization Learn to how to load data into your Protovis charts from an external file and learn new tricks to animate bars and labels simultaneously. QGIS basics for Journalists Updated March 16, 2012 in Maps, Data Visualization QGIS is a free, open source GIS application that works on most major operating systems. Data Visualization: Basics Updated Nov. 3, 2010 in Data Visualization Interactive graphics give your content context and impact.

Build an Interactive Census Map Updated Feb. 24, 2011 in Data Visualization Databases of Statistical Information. Toyoutome: blog de tendencias digitales de PRISA. J-Lab — Igniting news ideas that work. New Guardian, Scoopshot efforts bring elements of automation to photo verification. User-generated content is rife with risk and opportunity. The opportunity for it to deliver remarkable images is made clear on an almost-daily basis, be it in the midst of a crisis like the Boston Marathon bombings, Hurricane Sandy, or simply someone snapping a notable shot at a local event.

The risk is that images are easily faked, scraped and manipulated. News organizations and others seeking to source images and information from the crowd therefore have no choice but to push forward with new methods of verification — and to make existing methods quicker and more accurate. So it’s no surprise that we’re seeing initial moves towards automating aspects of the verification process. The Guardian and Scoopshot both recently unveiled new initiatives to bring an element of automation to verification. Authenticity scoring Scoopshot is a crowdsourced photography service that enables news organizations to source (and assign) photographs from their community and from users around the world.

International Symposium on Online Journalism. Below are slide presentations that were made during the symposium event. Presentations (given in PDF, PPT or PPTX Format Below) are listed in order of panel session. Some presentations are not included based on panelist's request. Friday Morning Keynote: Building a Media Company for the Digital Age: Lessons from the FieldJim Bankoff, chairman and CEO at Vox Media (The Verge, SBNation, Polygon, Eater, etc) >> Download PDF Bots, drones, sensors, wearables, etc.: The new tools for journalists Larry Birnbaum, professor of computer science and journalism at Northwestern University; and chief scientific advisor at Narrative Science >> Download PPT John Keefe, senior editor for Data News & Journalism Technology at WNYC >> Download PDF New Research Pathways in Digital News Content: From Preservation to Curation (Research session) Emerging Journalistic Practices in the Digital Age (Research session)

Periodismo de Base de Datos: Lecturas. O'Reilly Strata Conference: Making Data Work. New Media Literacies — Learning in a Participatory Culture. Data journalism and data visualization | News. Macrodatos, Big Data y los nuevos perfiles profesionales en la empresa. Suscribete a nuestro curso GRATIS Si esta es tu primera visita siguenos en el hilo RSS o FACEBOOK o en TWITTER . Gracias por visitarnos! La disciplina de los macrodatos o big data está dando mucho que hablar desde finales del 2012 y principios de 2013.

Aunque estas disciplinas no están muy extendidas todavía, su uso por parte de grandes corporaciones está empezando a levantar mucha expectación dentro del mundo empresarial. Muchos se preguntan cuál es la utilidad de los macrodatos o el bigdata para las empresas. Las estimaciones para el desarrollo de la industria y aplicaciones relacionadas con macrodatos hablan de 23.800 millones de dólares para 2016 y crecimientos del 41% anual en los próximos años.

Y es que, se está demostrando que el uso de datos está convirtiéndose en una de las mayores fuentes de ventajas competitivas para: Comprender el entorno competitivo que les rodea, Entender mejor a sus clientes Y ofrecer nuevos productos y servicios. Tuitea esta cita Y tu ¿que opinas? Top Ten Tools for Data Journalism ← Data journalism is ever-evolving and so are the tools of the trade. Aside from Microsoft Excel (which I’ve blogged about here and here), these are the tools which are, in my opinion, the most useful for data journalism at the moment. Google Fusion Tables The gateway drug for most data journalists, Google Fusion Tables is a user-friendly mapping tool which allows users to upload their data to the application, select the columns of data they would like to map and simply create the map.

It also allows users to pinpoint various areas on the map which can be interacted with to show, for example, the name of and data for that particular street when exploring the map. Treemap TreeMap provides an easy, yet extremely powerful means of creating beautiful treemaps for analytical and presentation purpose. Importing data from a wide variety of file formats (including Excel), as well as connecting to databases (such as MySQL and SQL Server) it’s user friendly and scales to big data. Like this: Un Modelo de Programa de Entrenamiento en Periodismo de Datos by Sandra Crucianelli. MIT Media Lab. Poynter. | Standing for journalism, strengthening democracy | Journalism training, media news & how to's. Homepage | Data Driven Journalism. Periodismo de Base de Datos: Muestra de Artículos. Periodismo de Base de Datos: Aplicaciones.

Periodismo de Base de Datos: Bases de Datos. Periodismo de Base de Datos: Herramientas. Nivel Básico Búsqueda de datosBúsqueda avanzada de Google Plataformas para Gestión de Set de Datos Junar Sócrata Google spreadsheets Document Cloud(También extrae textos desde imágenes) Extracción y Conversión de datos NitroPDF Zamzar Free-OCR Adobe Profesional 8 Procesamiento de datosExcel Access Google Refine. PDF to Word Converter — 100% Free. Online Document Manager | Cometdocs. Tapas de periódicos de temática general - CoverTimes. Center for Digital Storytelling - Blog - Data Journalism + Personal Storytelling = Brave New World? – by Laura Hadden.

Data Journalism: GIJN’s Global Guide to Resources | Global Investigative Journalism Network. Biblioteca Digital. Insumisión en macondo. J T "tom" Johnson presentations | SlideShare. TABLEIZER! -- Spreadsheets to HTML Tables Tool. Import•io is data, simply. Jornadas de Periodismo y Open Data. ¡Descarga la Guía! Qué es el periodismo de datos? (Jornadas OKFN) Facts are Sacred: the power of data | News. Courses. Refine Tutorial.pdf. My next ebook: the Data Journalism Heist. Help Me Investigate | A network helping people investigate questions in the public interest. Amphibia. Spreadsheetjournalism | Excel, data, and the story lines that lurk within. Guía para periodistas que quieren aprender programación web.

YouTube. Extrayendo datos de PDFs (sin programar) Free online OCR. Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. Open Knowledge Foundation. Center for Civic Media | Innovating civic media tools and practices together with communities. Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism. Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. KdmcBerkeley. Data. Stop attacking ‘web-first’ as if the world is going to stand still. Welcome.