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Mon Guerlain - Angelina Jolie in 'Notes of a Woman' - Long Version - Guerlain - terrence malick, chateau miraval. Nike: What will they say about you? Apple - 1984. Inside Instruments. This print campaign for the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra uses macro photographs taken inside the cramped spaces of instruments making the inner workings of a violin, cello, flute, and pipe organ appear vast and spacious, almost as if you could walk around inside them.

Inside Instruments

So wonderfully done. Art directed by photographer Bjoern Ewers, you can see more over on Behance. Update: The photography is by Mierswa Kluska and the original concept came from Mona Sibai and Björn Ewers. ART DIRECTION: INSTRUMENTS FROM INSIDE on the Behance Network. L'Odyssée de Cartier. Fred & Farid. 40 Absolutely Brilliant Billboard Ads!

How many billboards did you take a look during your walk or driving in your life?

40 Absolutely Brilliant Billboard Ads!

I’m sorry that I can’t remember many of them, but I sincerely believe that it’s not my problem, as the billboard itself should be great enough to attract me! (Image Source: Ads Of The World) What makes a great billboard then? Or ask yourself a question, what can cause the drivers to endanger their lives to take a look at your billboards while they’re driving? Great billboard can answer this question well. Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job. This magnificent and illusionary posters are just a part of campaign for those who need a new job.

Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job

It’s also mystery explained for those who believed coffe machines, ATMs and photobooths are operated by trolls who power them from the inside. More pictures inside this post! Vieilles publicités pour la Coccinelle de Volkswagen. Free Vintage Posters, Vintage Travel Posters, Wall Art, Printables. 92+ publicités créatives et designs de mai 2011. Comme chaque mois, une nouvelle collection de publicités design et créatives.

92+ publicités créatives et designs de mai 2011

Ce mois-ci c’est près de 92 publicités créatives que je vous dévoile .Encore de très belles réalisations donc certaines avec des créations de typo particulièrement chouettes.. Si vous souhaitez revoir les anciennes selections, cliquez ci-dessous. merci adsoftheworld comme chaque mois. Juin 2010 – Juillet 2010 – Aout 2010 – septembre 2010 – Octobre 2010 – Novembre 2010 – Décembre 2010 –Janvier/février 2011 – mars 2011 - Avril 2011. Creative Advertising Archive & Community. Ads of the World Research - more than 10 million ads from 50+ countries. DIRECTV: Darth. Gordon Finest Beers. Chaîne de CHANEL. Japanese TV commercial in 1967. Jean-Paul Goude. Jean-Paul Goude aux Arts Décoratifs. Top 40 pochettes d'albums qui se ressemblent, plagiats, hommages ou copies. Topito utilise des cookies sur son site.

Top 40 pochettes d'albums qui se ressemblent, plagiats, hommages ou copies

En poursuivant votre navigation sur Topito, vous en acceptez l'utilisation. OK Vos options cookies ici Accueil › Musique › Top 40 des pochettes d’albums qui se ressemblent (méchamment) Certains y verront un hommage, une parodie ou une large inspiration, d'autres de la simple copie ou carrément du plagiat. Tango - Tango (1973) // Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better (2005) Björk - Björk (1993) // Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time (1999) Madonna - Erotica (1992) // Natasha Bedingfield - N.B. (2007) Christina Aguilera - Stripped (2002) // Mariah Carey - The Emancipation of Mimi (2005) Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers (1971) // Mötley Crüe - Too Fast for Love (1981) The Smiths - This Charming Man (1983) // Cyndi Lauper - True Colors (1986) The Jacksons - Victory (1984) // Goldfrapp - Rocket (2010) Elvis Presley - Elvis Presley (1956) // The Clash - London Calling (1979) No Doubt - Rock Steady (2001) // Paramore - Riot!
