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Creative Advertising Archive & Community

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Download & Streaming : Moving Image Archive : Internet Archive Anime (/ˈænəˌmeɪ/) (Japanese: アニメ) is a style of hand-drawn and computer animation originating in, and commonly associated with, Japan. The word anime is the Japanese term for animation, which means all forms of animated media. Outside Japan, anime refers specifically to animation from Japan or as a Japanese-disseminated animation style often characterized by colorful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastical themes.

Contact Us Please follow the netiquette when posting on FFmpeg mailing lists, especially avoid top-posting and thread hijacking (that is, replying to a thread and changing the subject line to something completely unrelated that was not being discussed within the original thread) and please read the Code of conduct. Configuring your mail client to break lines after 70 or so characters is a plus. If you attach files, avoid compressing small files, uncompressed is preferred. Also please try to avoid posting mails with overly long signatures or nonsense corporate disclaimers that claim the content of your mails is confidential. Attached patches should not have application/octet-stream as mime-type, but text/plain or even better text/x-diff or text/x-patch.

The case for quarantining extremist ideas George Lincoln Rockwell, the head of the American Nazi party, had a simple media strategy in the 1960s. He wrote in his autobiography: “Only by forcing the Jews to spread our message with their facilities could we have any hope of success in counteracting their left-wing, racemixing propaganda!” Campus by campus, from Harvard to Brown to Columbia, he would use the violence of his ideas and brawn of his followers to become headline news. To compel media coverage, Rockwell needed: “(1) A smashing, dramatic approach which could not be ignored, without exposing the most blatant press censorship, and (2) a super-tough, hard-core of young fighting men to enable such a dramatic presentation to the public.”

40 Seriously Funny Print Ads Print adverts need to get a message across with a single image and without the recourse of interactivity that we find today on the Internet. As interactive media expands, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter every day. For any company trying to get their product or service out in print format, the task is ever more challenging and difficult. Humorous ads remain one of the few effective ways to engage an audience in a very saturated advertising market. This is an area where the audience is far more receptive and still willing to pay attention. In this post, we’ve gathered 40 hilarious and really creative ads for your enjoyment…

Serge Marshennikov I recently discovered incredible Russian traditional artist Serge Marshennikov and fell in love with his beautiful romantic realism style. He captures the soft delicate femininity of his subjects in classic poses, amongst beautiful draped fabric and dappled light with flawless technique and a style reminiscent of Pre-Raphaelite paintings. Serge's work celebrates beauty in a sensitive quietly sensual way - breathtaking! BeautifulBizzzzarre Magazine Directory - Magazines Online Backpacker The magazine of wilderness travel. Backwoods Home Solid, practical, hands-on information on a wide range of self-reliance topics. Barron's A guide to what's happening on Wall Street and all the International Markets: Who won, who will win, what happened and what's to come. Read by armchair investors and professional traders alike.

details?id=com.curtisgetz Mars Explorer allows you to explore The Red Planet as a whole, or through the eyes of one of three NASA rovers currently on the surface. Learn about each of the three rovers and the data they collect on the surface of Mars. •Search through years worth of pictures the rovers have taken. •Save and share your favorite pictures. How technology disrupted the truth One Monday morning last September, Britain woke to a depraved news story. The prime minister, David Cameron, had committed an “obscene act with a dead pig’s head”, according to the Daily Mail. “A distinguished Oxford contemporary claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a dead pig,” the paper reported. Eye-Catching & Clever Print Ads Feb 08 2011 Advertisements don’t really have a second chance to make a first impression. They should be well thought out and catchy enough to influence the viewer’s opinion. Thinking out of the box is the key here that leads the design agencies to survival.

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