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Quad This article was written in 2009 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about online tools, you may find this recent article on Google Analytics apps of great interest. In this day and age, it seems everything online has a price associated with it. Whether you’re subscribing to a pay site for full articles or clicking on ads in a blog, everything online seems to have money associated with it. Luckily there is still a large, and very healthy, movement online for media files listed under the Creative Commons licenses. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, these are files you can use in the creation of web sites and other media, free of charge. SitePoint has gathered up over 30 of the best resources online for audio, video, images and more for finding just the perfect Creative Commons licensed item for use in your next project. Audio Over 7,000 free audio files as of this writing, all well categorized and easy to navigate. Images

Home LA PAC - Production Company Tony Kaye asks this very dramatic question in his last film for Sony through W K Tokyo.Rush out for the answer. Damien Krisl gets bitter sweet in this new film for Roshen.Take a ride in Damien’s very own burst. Tony Kaye kicks it in his last commercial for Under Armour.Watch for yourselves. It took years for this script to turn into a movie.Only Olivier Dahan could raise the bar as high as making Nicole Kidman the perfect Grace Kelly.The film will open the 2014 Cannes film festival. TBWA trusted Johan Tappert to convince us that GMF is the only insurance company that is with you everywhere.We mean, everywhere. New campaign for Renault directed by Olivier Gondry, through Publicis Dialog. TV & Radio columnist, comedian, scriptwriter...Before he was a director, Stephane de Groodt was even a race driver.He now directs commercials through La Pac, and we 're very proud of that. Run, boys, run. Visual. Eva Midgley directs a new campaign for L'Oreal through McCann Paris.Beautiful - as always.

Creative9 - Development & Interactive Design Blue film prod - News Bandit L’Agence – BANDIT-MAGAZINE BANDIT c’est un mix de compétences à votre service et un seul mot d’ordre: « viser, tirer et toucher les esprits – BANG» ! # BANDIT ce sont: - de solides connaissances du milieu de la mode et des tendances : veille, cahier de style, créations,… - un carnet d’adresses étendu: bureaux de presse, réseau de magasins, marques, magazines,… - des capacités de réactivité: mise en place rapide d’une équipe (styliste, coiffeur, maquilleur, mannequins), mobilisation de produits, accessoirisation… - un accompagnement actif et sur mesure: un interlocuteur dédié au projet, une intervention spécialisée à chaque étape du projet. - de véritables compétences en gestion de projet. # BANDIT agit sur vos besoins en: BANDIT intervient sur tous vos projets nécessitant un cocktail de styles, d’idées novatrices et d’un œil neuf et créatif. BANDIT c’est plus que de la direction artistique c’est de la direction réaliste. # Nos références: - Stylisme Vidéo Kyrell, clip « Sors de ma tête» – diffusion sur Trace TV

FEDERICO MANCOSU DESIGN Eye-catching Concept and Digital Paintings Digital painting is used for everything from realistic and lifelike artworks to concept sketches and rough artworks. It brings the power of traditional painting and merges the editing and layering abilities of the digital world and is one of the fastest growing art forms in terms of popularity. Overall, the same principles of art still hold in the digital painting realm, so creating artworks that are truly eyecatching is still quite a challenge. So here I’ve selected some eyecatching and inspirational digital paintings for you to gawk at. xxxl by GreyHues Artwork by Wei Wang Victorian Street Concept by StayinWonderland MtG: Gift of Orzhova by algenpfleger Yes, Tea by Oscar Ramos Ravine by jjpeabody No.1 by damlayegin Gabriel by JonasDeRo Twisted House by Gergely Gizella Mage battle by sandara

120 CSS and JavaScript tutorials to power up your skills | Web design There are so many blogs and sites publishing high quality CSS and JavaScript tutorials these days that it can be hard to keep track - and it's easy to miss an amazing tutorial completely. And sod's law dictates that the one you do miss will be the one that could have saved you days of work on your latest project... Subscription offer So to help out we've rounded up some of the very best CSS and JavaScript tutorials from around the web, covering web design techniques old and new, how to use the latest tools and frameworks, and a series of projects you can sink your teeth into. They're all written by leading experts in the field, and many come with downloadable code you can play around with. Finally, we've grouped the tutorials into a series of categories to make it easier to find what you're looking for. Read all the tutorials on Creative Bloq here NOTE: most of these CSS and JavaScript tutorials are aimed at professional web designers. Fundamentals of CSS How to structure your CSS Classes?

5 games you might have missed in 2011 2011 was an excellent year for gaming. Games like Battlefield 3, Batman: Arkham City, and Dead Space 2 were fantastic. But these are all triple A games with massive development cycles behind them. Smaller, but equally amazing games came out in 2011, but didn't all have their time in the spotlight. Here are five of these games that are worth playing: Bastion Loved by critics and players, Bastion is an action role-playing game. From Dust I think in simplest terms, From Dust is a "God" sandbox/simulator. The Binding of Isaac The Binding of Isaac showed that 2D games still had a place for current players. Limbo Even though Limbo released in 2010 for Xbox 360, a lot of players didn't get the chance to play the game until 2011 when it came out on all platforms. Minecraft I admit that Minecraft was a huge game for 2011.

