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The best workout songs and playlists for your running pace. Running songs for 8:00 miles. 10 Essential Strength Exercises for Runners. We asked our experts to come up with 10 essential strength exercises for runners.

10 Essential Strength Exercises for Runners

Worried about fitting this routine into your training schedule? Don’t worry, these 10 exercises take 30 minutes to complete and can be done twice a week. Try adding them to your easy or cross-training days. Planks Prop yourself up on your elbows with your feet slightly apart. Modifications: Plank variations include: side planks to target obliques, single leg planks, spider planks, mountain climber planks, and supine planks.

Repetitions: 3 to 5 Muscles worked: core, lower back, shoulders Lower-Body Russian Twist Lie on your back with your upper legs perpendicular to the floor and your knees bent 90-degrees. Modification: To make it harder, keep your legs straight. Repetitions: 10 to 12 Muscles worked: core Scorpion Get into pushup position but with your feet on a bench. Modifications: To make it easier, do step one of the exercise, twisting in just one direction. Repetitions: As many as you can in 30 seconds. Running for Absolute Beginners. 7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Running. Hindsight is 20/20.

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Running

As I look back on nearly 13 years of competitive racing, I want to change a lot of my past training. I made a lot of mistakes – small decisions that resulted in an injury, a poor race, or missing half a year of running. Many of my injuries can be attributed to impatience and a feeling of invincibility. I refused to reduce a training run by a few miles and I skipped the strength exercises. My carelessness showed with my constant battle with injuries. No longer. I want you to learn from my mistakes so you can be the best runner possible. Success in Distance Running Takes Time A lot of time. One of my previous problems is that I jumped from 40 miles per week to 70 in three months. Runners Don’t Just Run I used to think I only needed running to be fast. Being athletically well-rounded and coordinated helps you prevent injuries and run more efficiently, which corresponds to long-term consistent training. Do the Little Things Run in Less Shoe How Often Should You See God?

The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan. By Josh ClarkPosted Saturday, 1 January, 2011 Couch to 5K ® | Beginning Running First off, you may be asking, "exactly how many miles is a 5K?

The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan

" A 5K is 3.1 miles. We're here to help you achieve your goal of beginning to run your first 5K. Too many people have been turned off of running simply by trying to start off too fast. You should ease into your 5K training plan gradually. It's easy to get impatient, and you may feel tempted to skip ahead in the program, but hold yourself back. Start Your 5K Training | A Few Minutes Each Week Each session should take about 20 or 30 minutes, three times a week. Be sure to space out these three days throughout the week to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts. Run for time or run for distance. Run Smarter, Faster, and Longer: Men's Health.

Old CW: Strength makes you faster.

Run Smarter, Faster, and Longer: Men's Health

New CW: Explosive power makes you faster. You know by now that cross-training helps your running by strengthening the rest of your body while giving your running muscles and joints a break. Next step: Add plyometrics, or jumping drills, to your cross-training. You'll improve your efficiency and power. Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, in Finland, found that runners who replaced a third of their weekly running with plyometrics improved their 5-K race times by roughly 3 percent, while a control group saw no improvement. Split Squat Leap Stand with your left foot half a step ahead of your right foot, your hands at your sides.

Single-Leg Box Jump Balance on your left foot facing a sturdy platform (such as an exercise step) that's 10 to 18 inches high. The Runners Guide. Running Efficiently. Men have been running since we shared disputed turf with saber-toothed cats.

Running Efficiently

So how come so many of us do it wrong? Plenty of reasons: desk jobs, cars, couches, complacency. The urgency is lacking, the muscles are unused. Few of us have ever felt the need for a lesson. Prepare to learn—and burn. With all the glory available to world-class runners now, it's no surprise that innovative coaches, sports scientists, and runners themselves search for new techniques to grab an edge. Take Meb Keflezighi, for instance, the American who won the silver medal in the marathon at the Athens Olympics. OLD CW: You were born with your stride; make the most of it.NEW CW: Change your stride for the better. The latest science shows that anyone can change his stride for the better, with a little patience and discipline.