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How to Snack When You’re a Vegan Athlete. As a vegan athlete, now is the time to adjust your perspective on snacks, which have gotten a bad reputation for having a low nutritional value and doing little more than satisfying food cravings.

How to Snack When You’re a Vegan Athlete

But if you’re putting in serious hours at the gym, snacking becomes a required part of your diet, as pre-workout snacks fuel your body while post-workout snacks aid recovery. Snacks are the most immediate sources of fuel and recovery for your workouts, so what you choose and when you eat them makes a big difference. And if you’ve committed to a vegan diet, the snacks you choose can make a huge impact on how you perform at the gym … and how you feel the day after lifting. Here are three guidelines and tips for snacking before and after your workouts. The Right And Wrong Way To Foam Roll Your Body. There are foam rollers that weigh half a pound and foam rollers that vibrate at three different speeds, foam rollers that cost upwards of $300 and even, foam rollers you can stick in the freezer.

The Right And Wrong Way To Foam Roll Your Body

And while there are so many choices, the benefits of foam rolling are more than just self-massaging a tight IT band, explains Lauren Roxburgh, the best-selling author of Taller, Slimmer, Younger—21 Days to a Foam Roller Physique and creator of the Lo Rox Aligned foam roller. “The foam roller works in a similar way in that when you put weight on it, the pressure as you move over the roller is working your tissue, smoothing it out and wringing out toxins and scar tissue that build up in the fascia,” she said, referring to the sheet of tissue that binds your muscles and bones.

“The roller also helps to ‘lubricate’ the joints, and reduces inflammation in the body while increasing flexibility and range of motion,” she added. What to Eat After Running. If you’re guilty of paying close attention to what you eat before and during your run (for energy and to avoid emergency bathroom breaks of course), but scavenge your pantry after a run, reaching for anything that will satisfy your runger, this is the article for you.

What to Eat After Running

Because post-workout nutrition is a key part of recovery from (and preparation for your next) run. Post-run Nutrition Timing 20-30 minutes post-run This window of time immediately post-workout is a great time to replenish muscle glycogen stores, rehydrated, and start to stop inflammation in its tracks. The best way to replenish muscle glycogen is with a 4-to-1 ratio of carbs-to-protein immediately after a workout.1 You can start to get rehydrated by drinking electrolyte-enriched water. 45 to 90 minutes post-workout. Real Runner Nutrition. I rarely order pasta, I don't really enjoy salads, and I'll count French fries as a vegetable.

Real Runner Nutrition

I'm the best and worst nutrition client I've encountered: The best because I know the basic principles of sports nutrition and how to apply them in a practical and accessible way for distance runners; the worst because it's so hard to take my own advice. Here's a glimpse of my personal approach to eating and how I use my knowledge of sports nutrition as part of my athletic training. Research over the past few decades has supported guidelines for sports nutrition that provide good rules of thumb when calculating an athlete's estimated daily needs for calories, carbohydrate, fat and protein. I use these numbers with my clients and my own diet to come up with ranges for each category, understanding that these ranges may change over time due to weight, training cycle, level of fitness and a number of other conditional factors.

Carbohydrate: For base training/early season: 5-7 g/kg body weight. A Runner’s Strength Workout That Can Be Done Anywhere. I travel quite a bit for work, and I’m able to get in my runs.

A Runner’s Strength Workout That Can Be Done Anywhere

But I’d love to figure out a convenient way to get in regular strength training. Do you have any ideas for runners on the road? Thank you! ~Linda. Train Your Brain to Run Your Best. "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.

Train Your Brain to Run Your Best

"—John Milton, Paradise Lost As I approached mile 19 of the Run for the Red Pocono Marathon feeling exhausted, a voice whispered that this race was not meant to be. I was pushing for a 3:30, a time I'd been chasing for five years. The temperature was cool. Four Apps for Running Safety. Common sense goes a long way in keeping you safe on the run, but the occasional close call with a distracted driver or threatening stranger can throw off your sense of security in heading out alone.

Four Apps for Running Safety

While most of us try to stick to these running safety tips, there are times when we take to unfamiliar trails on a solo mission, or can’t get our miles in before dark. Lolo Jones' Core Workout. A generation ago, you'd be hard-pressed to find elite runners paying attention to their abs.

Lolo Jones' Core Workout

Today, it's practically mandatory. "Our coaches drill the importance of core conditioning into our heads," says world champion hurdler Lolo Jones. "We're at it all the time. " That's because scientists and coaches now know that you can't run your best without a strong core, the muscles in your abdominals, lower back, and glutes. Fight Muscle Soreness With Plant-Based Foods - Blog.

It’s time to meet your trainer at the gym—but you’re still sore from yesterday’s workout.

Fight Muscle Soreness With Plant-Based Foods - Blog

Been there? In order to fuel your better, you’ll need to start recovery faster between your workouts, so you can train again sooner and make gains faster. Active recovery techniques. Can Ginger Help You Recover from Hard Training? Pre-Workout Raspberry Lime Smoothie. Walk Breaks for Faster Running. Seasoned runners often view walking as a sign of failure: You walk only when you can no longer run.

Walk Breaks for Faster Running

But the truth is that periodic walking, in training and even in races, can help you run faster and better. "Walking reduces the impact forces on the muscles, joints, and tendons, and reduces breathing rate and heart rate," says running coach Jenny Hadfield, coauthor of Marathoning for Mortals and founder of "So runners are able to cover more distance with better form and alignment, and a reduced risk of fatigue.

" WALK SIGNAL: You're fighting fatigue or leg soreness near the end of long runs or races. This often means you've gone out too fast, says Hadfield. WALK THIS WAY: During your weekend long run, briskly walk for 30 to 60 seconds after every mile, no matter the overall distance, says Hadfield. WALK SIGNAL: You're running fast intervals. Glute Strengthening Workout. For the past decade, coaches, trainers, and physical therapists like me have told runners to "work your core"—the muscles of your torso that support your every move. And so many runners have added crunches and planks that strengthen the abdominals and back to their routines. But these exercises do little for the powerhouse muscles that surround the pelvis. The gluteal (buttocks) muscles are so commonly left out of runners' strength programs, I call them the forgotten core.

When we run, the glutes hold our pelvis level and steady, extend our hip, propel us forward, and keep our legs, pelvis, and torso aligned. Performance Nutrition Plan. Power Yoga for Runners. How Do I Know if I'm Recovered After a Workout? Hi Susan- How do you know if you are recovered after a race or workout? Sometimes I feel like I am fine, but then feel flat on my next run. My legs feel heavy and sometimes my breathing is labored. Is there any way to know ahead of time that I am not fully recovered? Steve Dear Steve- Thanks for your question! Recovery is the down time between workouts and it's the time we transform into fitter athletes.

How to Carbo-load for Long Races. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year….” Surrounded by signs of spring marathon season, this lyric runs through my head. And with marathon season comes another favorite activity: carbo-loading! As a runner, you know that carbohydrates are a key fuel source for exercise, especially during prolonged continuous or high-intensity exercise. Your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in the muscles and liver and storage capacity is limited.

Thankfully, by increasing the amount of carbs in your diet in the days leading up to the race, you can effectively increase the amount of glycogen stored in your muscles. A Strength-Training Warmup Plan. SEVEN MINUTES can be an eternity—for a runner, at least. That's enough time to bang out a mile repeat, ice a cranky knee, or boil water for pasta. And now, it's also enough time to squeeze in a strength-training workout. We created this seven-minute routine for busy runners who like to spend their time logging miles, not lifting dumbbells. It targets muscles that'll give you the biggest payoff in the least amount of time—no gym membership necessary. Iron Poses. Speedwork, Without the Track. Whether you welcome it or dread it, speedwork does a runner's body good. "More than any other type of training, speedwork is the most effective at building your fitness because it really pushes you out of your comfort zone," says Andrew Kastor, an Asics running coach in Mammoth Lakes, California.

Recipe: Hazelnut Granola with Toasted Quinoa. If your go-to options for a morning meal have gotten stale, spice up your breakfast—literally—with this hazelnut granola recipe from the blog Foodie Underground. Packaged granolas can be sickeningly sweet, but in this recipe, the only sweetness comes from honey and naturally sweet coconut and figs. The unexpected flavor of cardamom—a spice traditionally used in Indian cooking—gives the mixture a bit of a savory note. It's great atop Greek yogurt with berries (as pictured), or eaten alone.

Hazelnut Granola with Toasted QuinoaRecipe by Anna Brones of Foodie Underground What you'll need:2 cups oats1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut1 cup raw hazelnuts, coarsely chopped1 cup dried figs, chopped or cut into small pieces with a pair of kitchen scissors1/4 cup uncooked white quinoa2 teaspoons cinnamon1 teaspoon ground cardamom1 teaspoon sea salt3 tablespoons olive oil2 tablespoons honey How to make it:1. Anna Brones is a writer and the founder of Foodie Underground. Understanding Your Fascia. 10-minute Hamstring Stretch Routine. Knee Strength Workout. The Right Way to Carbo-load Before a Race. The Never Get Hurt Workout. 9 Habits Of A Hardcore Wellness Warrior. So you’ve started eating more veggies, swapped your toxic beauty products for organic ones, and cut the processed junk from your diet. What’s next on your journey to vibrant living? Try these tips on for size and take your health habits to the next level. 1.

Brush your skin. Beyond being a great way to wake yourself up in the morning, skin brushing has loads of health benefits: Dry brushing increases lymphatic drainage and boosts circulation. 2. You may have switched from tap to spring water, but have you thought about all the water you’re absorbing in the shower? 3.