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Active Isolated Flexibility with Phil Wharton. Video: Flexibility For Runners. Ultimate Guide to Stretching Flexibility. Mastering Running As You Age. 2/5 Peter Mooney VIA FLICKR AND LICENSED UNDER CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION (CC BY) 2.0 LICENSE While the increase in recovery time and the decline in top performances are impossible to ignore, this age can be one of the most rewarding of a runner's life. Each age group represents a chance to be the young runner again, providing anticipation as the turn-year approaches and offering the thrill of setting new marks and competing for awards as you enter the new group. Some people who had busy family lives when they were younger may suddenly find new time for training. Consider Colleen Rocereto of Tigard, Oregon. At 49, with the last of her three sons in college (and a 40:56 10K already in her arsenal), she has started joining groups—one on the track and another for weekend runs—in preparation for seeing what she can do in the 50–54 age group.

The opportunity to do such workouts with partners, rather than just running out the door, has opened a new window on her training. Why Running Helps Clear Your Mind -- Science of Us. It is something of a cliché among runners, how the activity never fails to clear your head. Does some creative block have you feeling stuck? Go for a run. Are you deliberating between one of two potentially life-altering decisions? Go for a run. Are you feeling mildly mad, sad, or even just vaguely meh? The author Joyce Carol Oates once wrote in a column for the New York Times that “in running the mind flees with the body … in rhythm with our feet and the swinging of our arms.” A good run can sometimes make you feel like a brand-new person. The other fascinating thing here is where these new cells pop up: in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with learning and memory. Other post-run changes have been recorded in the brain’s frontal lobe, with increased activity seen in this region after people adopt a long-term habit of physical activity.

To find out, she did a version of a classic experiment among researchers who study emotion: She and Richard J. How to Maintain Fitness While You're Injured - Jenny Hadfield. Q: “As a longtime runner (30 years and counting!) I’ve had my fair share of injuries (knee, IT band, foot, hamstring)—both caused by running and by accidents. I’m sane enough to stay away from running while recovering, it drives me crazy to sit in one place. What are the best exercises a woman can do when she’s recovering? ~ Dawn You’re a wise runner and it shows from your question and your years of experience. The key is to modify your exercise routine based on the four types of aches, pains or injury.

Once you feel the onset of an ache, use this chart to evaluate what type or level you’re at and modify your exercise routine based on what your body is telling you. As you develop your dynamic recovery plan keep in mind that if anything hurts, avoid the activity and try something else. If you are feeling the symptoms of a Type 3 or 4 injury, you’ve passed the tipping point and it is best to seek medical advice as a diagnosis is the fastest way to recovery. Type I: Type II: Type III: Type IV: The Running Corps - Build Your Running Body. The Running Corps - Build Your Running Body. Tips on Iliotibial Band Stretching. Stretching the iliotibial band (ITB) is very useful for people who are encountering knee and hip pain (medically known as Iliotibial Band Syndrome); this disorder can be caused by many reasons, such as overusing, bad running habits, mechanical imbalances or poor flexibility of the tissue or of other surrounding muscles, and it is usually described as pain felt on the outside part of the knee or lower thigh or near the hip, when making moves like getting up from a seated position or climbing/going down stairs, sometimes even when walking.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that this band is not a muscle, the majority of people tend to underestimate the importance of stretching it. So, in this post, we are planning to have a more detailed look at this issue. Ilotibial tract, side and front view The iliotibial band is a dense band of fibrous tissue which starts from the pelvis, runs along the outer thigh and links to the tibia, beneath the knee joint. Iliotibial Stretching Exercises Benefits. Tips on Iliotibial Band Stretching.

Using the Single Leg Squat to Test Leg Health. The single leg squat has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years. It’s an easy exercise to build leg strength that can be done at home with little or no equipment and without a spotter. Exercise that uses one limb at a time, also known as unilateral exercise, may also help build the stabilizing muscles to increase strength and health, especially in the spine. According to the researchers, the form issue that rears its ugly head frequently during the single leg squat is called medial knee displacement.

All that means is your knee moves inward. If you’ve never noticed this before on any kind of squat or deadlift, take a look next time you do a heavy set, especially toward the end. The time to pay the most attention to medial knee displacement is at the very bottom of a squat, just as you reverse direction to begin the ascent. If you do the single legged squat test and notice your knee drifting inward at the bottom, the researchers have some suggestions. References: 1. Everything You Need to Know to Do a Perfect Pistol. When you see a pistol done well, it looks so easy. Then you try one. To help you perform a perfect pistol, we've put together all the videos on the topic from our expert coaches. Watch these video, do these drills, and let us know how much better your one-legged squat becomes! While you might be pursuing the pistol for CrossFit or for the Beast Tamer/Iron Maiden challenge, they are also valuable for proprioception in general. This means anyone who runs, works, or moves around on an uneven surface will benefit from training pistols.

And according to recent research, the pistol is not only good for building strength and balance, it's also good for diagnosing your current imbalances and weaknesses. Pre-Pistol Workout Warm-Up and Mobility Flow Yoga expert Sima Tamaddon works with athletes of all types, and in her opinion the pistol squat is beneficial in particular for "trail runners and clumsy people. " Tips and Drills for a Better One-Legged Squat Two From Dave Ayres. Hips Don't Lie: Unique Hip Exercises for Power and Mobility. Core Exercises : Core Exercises: Bridge. How to Perform the Bridge Exercise: 11 Steps. Edit Article Two Parts:Doing the Bridge ExerciseDoing the Bridge Pose in YogaQuestions and Answers The bridge exercise is a back bend, a core strengthener, and a balance pose all in one. The regular bridge exercise requires you to move your hips up toward the ceiling, while the yoga bridge pose requires you to extend your rib cage closer to your front body.

Whichever form of the bridge you choose, though, you'll be getting a great workout for your hips, glutes, core, and hamstrings. If you want to know how to do the bridge exercise, see Step 1 to get started. Ad Steps Part 1 Doing the Bridge Exercise Part 2 Doing the Bridge Pose in Yoga <img alt="Image titled Perform the Bridge Exercise Step 7" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip distance apart. Tips Article Info. Perfect Your Single-leg Squat | Chad Waterbury | Transforming Through Performance. Single-limb exercises, especially for the lower body, are essential for everyone, regardless if they’re a pro athlete or weekend warrior.

The benefits of single-leg exercises are numerous, but a few key points to mention are that they recruit additional hip muscles that often get minimal stimulation with double-leg exercises, and they make the core play a larger role in each movement. The single-leg squat has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years. But there’s a problem: most people do it with terrible form, as evident by extreme spinal flexion. It’s not your fault, as the saying goes. I could honestly write an entire book on perfecting this exercise.

Now, before I get to the good stuff I must differentiate between a single-leg squat and a pistol. Perfecting the pistol requires another set of guidelines. Step #1: Start with a few minutes of rope jumping or similar exercises to increase your body temperature. Step #2: Stretch your hip flexors: the rectus femoris and psoas. Breaking Down the Single Leg Squat. Single-leg squats can be a valuable addition to virtually any lifter's program, whether the goal is strength or physique oriented. That is, if the lifter can perform single-leg squats. Most simply can't. Let me clarify that statement; most can't in the beginning. Unfortunately, the majority of lifters never make it past the beginning stage. They try it once or twice – if they even try it at all – fail miserably, and immediately write it off as a bogus circus exercise.

I was one of those people. I was introduced to single-leg squats when I started interning for Mike Boyle, at whose gym I now work. I considered myself to be a pretty strong guy (at the time, I had over a triple bodyweight deadlift and near double bodyweight front squat) and the first time I experimented with single-leg squats, I couldn't even do one rep with just my bodyweight. Keep in mind, I wasn't devoting entire workouts to just single-leg squats. Balance Balance takes on a dual meaning here. Less Spinal Loading Now What?

Angie Stewart Fitness FIERCE 41. 5 Reasons To Do Bridges Every Day. As you can imagine, a strong, toned rear has major benefits! Aside from making any bikini or pair of jeans look fabulous, strong glutes play a vital role in sports performance, injury prevention and day to day body function. One of my favorite ways to strengthen those muscles is the always reliable bridge. Here are five reasons to add bridges to your workout every day: 1. The posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings) tend to get neglected. 2. Strong glutes are a key factor when it comes to producing power. 3. A high, toned, rounded rear looks great in any situation, and the stronger your glutes, the better their shape will be. 4. The bridge exercise activates all the core muscles, including the transverse abdominous (flattens your core), rectus abdominous (six pack!) 5. Bridge builds strength in the glutes and erector spinae, which help you maintain proper posture when you're sitting or standing for an extended period of time.

Convinced? Single Leg Bridge Weighted Bridge Inverted Bridge. Fixing Anterior Pelvic Tilt: Posture tricks to make your butt and gut smaller. Anterior pelvic tilt is a posture problem that affects almost anyone who sits a lot. Practically, your butt sticks out and your gut protrudes. Because this is a musculoskeletal issue, no amount of fat loss will get rid of that gut. To save the day, we've written this handy guide to stretches, exercises and strategies that correct anterior pelvic tilt.

And even if you don't have a serious case, learning these moves can help hip alignment, knee issues and improve fitness overall. Keep reading! Anterior pelvic tilt is a fancy term that means your hip is tilted forward. Quick note with regards anterior pelvic tilt: Rotate hip forward = bad Rotate hip backward = good Scroll to "How I fix" to skip the anatomy lesson! Weakened/Inactive Muscles Glutes: These are your main hip muscles which basically make up your butt.Hamstrings: The muscles on the back of your thigh.Abdominals and obliques: Part of your core, they aid in stabilizing the torso and hip Overactive/Tight Muscles Quad Stretch Glute Bridges.

10-minute firm butt workout. Lose the droopy booty and get a perfectly toned posterior with this 10-minute firm butt workout. These exercises from physiotherapist Nick Sinfield strengthen your buttocks, thighs and back. Before you begin, get limber with a 6-minute warm-up routine. Afterwards, cool down with a 5-minute stretch. Squats Target: back and legs Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet facing forwards and hands stretched out in front. Tips: Keep your back straight and look forwards. Side-lying leg raise Target: buttocks and lower back Lie on your right side with your right knee bent at 90 degrees and your left leg straight and in line with your back. Raise your leg, keeping it in line with your back. Bridges Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels close to your bottom. Don't let your knees point outwards. One-leg kickbacks Place yourself on your hands and knees, with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Keep your neck long and shoulders back.

Lunges. Running with Fight to Shed Light on Mental Illness - Endomondo. Though you may not always hear about the prevalence of mental illness, the stats concerning it simply can’t be ignored. One-in-four adults will experience a mental health problem within any given year. One-in-ten young people will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Nine-in-ten people with mental health problems experience stigma and discrimination. About a year ago, one of our users, a former police officer, mother-of-3, design student, illustrator and multi-discipline athlete, Yvie, became one of those statistics.

On April 23rd 2015, she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. This didn’t come as a surprise, but it did rock her foundations and caused her to question her very existence. “Who am I, then, if I am not a product of my condition?” Five months after her diagnosis, her life started to come together again thanks to the decision to turn to running. What is the Fierce Mind {Running} challenge? Yvie is definitely not one to shy away from an uphill race. How to run correctly. Running should be as easy as putting one foot in front of the other, right? Anyone can run, but having proper technique can make a huge difference.

Good running technique will help make your runs feel less tiring, reduce your risk of injury and ultimately be more enjoyable. Mitchell Phillips, director of running experts StrideUK, shares his basic tips to help you run relaxed and efficiently. Keep your head straight Look straight ahead of you, about 30 to 40 metres out in front, and avoid looking down at your feet. Looking down will create tension in your neck and shoulders. Don't hunch your shoulders Your shoulders should be back and down. Keep your hands relaxed Your hands should be relaxed, but don’t let them flop. Keep your arms at 90 degrees Your arms should be bent at a 90-degree angle. Lean forward while running Don’t bend forward or backward from the waist as this places pressure on the hips. Keep your hips stable Your hips should remain stable and forward-facing.

NHS VIDEOS | The running clinic - Health videos. RUNNING CLINIC Running is a great way of staying fit. As a regular runner, I wantto make sure I'm running correctly to stay injury free and, who knows,perhaps improve my performance. So, I've come down to seeMitch and Matt who are going to break down myrunning technique and give me some tips. - Steve.- Hi, Mitch. - Welcome to StrideUK.- Thank you. - Do you know what's in store for you? - No. Tell me about it. Basically, we do video gait analysis.

Steve%20Shukor%20PDF%20strideuk%20report. My running technique analysis. Are You Committing These Form Flaws? 3 Keys To Running With Better Form. 3 Keys To Running With Better Form. 10K Trail Race Training Plan. Morning Yoga Workout - 12 Minute Warmup Stretch - Burns Fat. Do These 5 Exercises Every Morning - 5 Minute Mobility & Stretch Routine. 5 Simple Solutions for Anterior Knee Pain. Knee Pain With Lunges and Squats. What All Squatters Knee'd To Know! Is There an Ideal Running Form? Is There an Ideal Running Form? 2 New Approaches to Reducing Knee Pain While Running. Hamstring Strain. Calf Pain When Running.

Running when sore: when it’s OK and when it’s not | WalkJogRun. Exercise for Sexy Abs Without Back Pain | Perfect Form With Ashley Borden. Full-Body Rolling Out Routine | Perfect Form With Ashley Borden. Triathlon Running Technique - It's Begins with The Hips. Running Form: Correct technique and tips to run faster. 2015 Carlsbad 5000 - Elite Men's Race. Carlsbad 5000 Alters Elite Course for 2016. Yoga for Runners - Warmup & 15-Min Flexibility Training. Jeff Galloway's Blog. 10K Trail Race Training Plan. I Want to... Run a Half-Marathon | Half Marathons, Training and Marathons. Galloway's run/walk/run 10K program. Love me some Jeff Galloway! | I work out!! wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH | Pinterest | Jeff Galloway, 10k Training Plan and Tr… 10k Trail Running Training Plan. One Month to Race Day. Podcast Archives - Jenny Hadfield. About Coach Jenny Hadfield.

How to Train for Your First Trail Race - Jenny Hadfield. Canova 101. Canova 101. Wilson Kipsang's Training Schedule. Commonwealth Games 2014 Marathon Running Form Analysis | The Balanced Runner™ On Running Form, Variability in Elites, and What it Means to You (and Me) Mo Farah Slow Motion. Super Slow-Motion: Elite Marathoners Running Form. The greatest run of all time.....Kenenisa vs Haile vs Mo Farah - What a come back by kenenisa bekele. Running technique: why form matters. Moses Mosop (Kenya) Running technique. The Conscious Runner | Getting Faster Never Felt So Good. Take the 30 Day Squat Challenge - Training Plans - The Running Bug. Why Running Doesn't (Always) Burn Fat. How To Do A Squat Correctly - Videos - The Running Bug. Running for exercise 'slows the aging process' The Science of Aging and Running.

The Science of Aging and Running. Jogging 'puts years on you' Does Running Actually Make You Look Older? - Truth In Aging. Fairytales and Fitness: Races. Morton's neuroma. DC Rainmaker. Smash your PB: Use your running watch to go faster and longer. Start Walking, Get Running, Lose Weight. 5K Training Program. 5K Training Program. Don't Believe The Heel Strike Hype. I Think I’m a Pseudo-Heel Striker!: Study Suggests That As Many as 25-33% of Heel Strikers Exhibit a More Midfoot Loading Pattern.

Run Form Analysis: Elite Female Marathon Runners. Feeling fit, walking tall: why walking is good for you. Garmin Forerunner 620 In-Depth Review. Running on Empty | Outside Online. How to use a foam roller: a runner's guide. The 25 Golden Rules of Running. The Science of Aging and Running. Google. What You Need to Know About Fitness After 60. Welcome to the one hundred push ups training program. Google. Issue Four of Like The Wind Magazine. Running: Get Facts on the Benefits and Risks. How to Aggressively Treat IT Band Syndrome. ITB Rehab Routine – Video Demonstration.